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Weston Woods

544 title(s) found.

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Joey part en voyage

Weston Woods WW317_SL_FR

par Jack Kent Joey, un kangourou aventureux, décide de quitter la poche douillette de sa maman...

Joey Runs Away

Weston Woods WW317

by Jack Kent Joey is a kangaroo who looks for another home when he doesn't feel like cleaning...

John Henry

Weston Woods WW377

by Julius Lester Based on the famous African American folk ballad “John Henry”, this story...

John, Paul, George and Ben

Weston Woods WW807

by Lane Smith (Hyperion) This humorous and factual history of five lads who grew up to become...

Johnny Appleseed

Weston Woods WW399

by Reeve Lindburgh, illustrated by Kathy Jakobsen John Chapman was his real name, but almost...

Jon Scieszka Library, The

Weston Woods WW2943

Includes: • The True Story of the Three Little Pigs • Robot Zot!   • Getting to Know...

Joseph Had a Little Overcoat

Weston Woods WW578

by Simms Taback Joseph, the tailor, is very resourceful. When his overcoat becomes old and...

Katie Loves the Kittens

Weston Woods WW877

by John Himmelman  (Henry Holt)      Katie, a little dog, is so excited when Sara Ann brings...

Keeping House

Weston Woods WW365

by Margaret Mahy Lizzie Firkin, who would rather write songs and sing them than clean her...

Kiss for Little Bear, A

Weston Woods WW141

by Else Holmelund Minarik, ill. Maurice Sendak Little Bear's drawing for Grandmother inspires...

Kitten's First Full Moon

Weston Woods WW894

Based on the book by Kevin Henkes (HarperCollins) What a night! The moon is full. Kitten is...

Knuffle Bunny

Weston Woods WW685

by Mo Willems (Hyperion) Trixie, Daddy and Knuffle Bunny take a trip to the neighborhood...

Knuffle Bunny Free

Weston Woods WW889

by Mo Willems (Balzer+Bray) - This is the third and final book in the Knuffle Bunny trilogy...

Knuffle Bunny Too - A Case of Mistaken Identity

Weston Woods WW833

by Mo Willems (Hyperion) Trixie can't wait to bring Knuffle Bunny to school and show him off...

Knuffle Bunny Trilogy, The

Weston Woods WW2932

Includes: Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale Knuffle Bunny Too:  A Case of Mistaken...

L'histoire de Ping

Weston Woods WW008__FR

par Marjorie Flack Un pauvre petit canard chinois subit plusieurs mésaventures pour éviter...

La Cape du berger

Weston Woods WW167_FR

par Tomie de Paola Charlie est berger. Un mouton lui fournira la laine pour remplacer sa cape...

La Grosse bête de Monsieur Racine

Weston Woods WW160_SL_FR

par Tomi Ungerer M. Racine tend un piège au maraudeur qui veut voler ses poires. Il l'attrappe...

La Promenade de Biroudette

Weston Woods WW125_SL_FR

par Pat Hutchins Madame la poule fait une promenade sur la ferme. Un renard mal intentionné et...

La Veritable histoire des trois petits cochons

Weston Woods WW267_FR

rencontre par Erik Blegvad Trois petits cochons construisent leurs maisons. Maisons de paille, de...

Laurie Keller LIbrary, The Vol. I

Weston Woods WW2936

Includes: The Scrambled States of America The Scrambled States of America Talent...

Laurie Keller Library,The, Vol. II

Weston Woods WW2947

Includes: • Arnie the Doughnut • Do Unto Otters: A Book about Manners • Open Wide...

Le Chapeau volant

Weston Woods WW261_FR

par Tomi Ungerer Les aventures fantastiques d'un chapeau haut de forme et de son heureux...

Le Mariage de cochonnet

Weston Woods WW325_FR

par Helme Heine L'est la fête. Pour l'occasion, tous les cochons invités font leur toilette et...

Le Noël de Max

Weston Woods WW322_FR

par Rosemary Wells Max attend le père Noël et n'arrive pas à dormir. Pour calmer son attente...

Le Plus bel oeuf du monde

Weston Woods WW297_FR

par Helme Heine Trois charmantes poules prétendent chacune être la plus belle. Le roi, pour...

Le Sac à disparaître

Weston Woods WW230_SL_FR

par Rosemary Wells C'est Noël. Damien, ses frères et ses sœurs déballent leurs présents...

Le Têtard mystérieux

Weston Woods WW251_SL_FR

par Stephen Kellogg Le cadeau d'annivesaire de l'oncle McAllister est beaucoup plus qu'un simple...

Le Vilain petit canard

Weston Woods WW187_FR

par Hans Christian Andersen Il était une fois un petit canard laid, et qui est devenu un...

Lemonade in Winter

Weston Woods WW2604

Based on the book by Emily Jenkins, illustrated by G. Brian Karas (Random House) -   A lemonade...

Leo the Late Bloomer

Weston Woods WW287

by Robert Kraus “What's the matter with Leo?” his father asks, when Leo can't read, write...

Leo: A Ghost Story

Weston Woods WW2939

Based on the book by Mac Barnett. Illustrated by Christian Robinson (Chronicle Books) -  You...

Leonardo, the Terrible Monster

Weston Woods WW801

by Mo Willems (Hyperion) Leonardo is terrible at being a monster. He can't seem to frighten...

Les Trois brigands

Weston Woods WW172_SL_FR

par Tomi Ungerer Trois brigands redoutés de tous attaquent et volent les voyageurs. Un jour...

Let Liberty Rise!: How America's School Children Helped Save the...

Weston Woods WW4009

Written by Chana Stieferi and illustrated by Chuck Groenink. On America’s 100th birthday, the...

Let's Give Kitty a Bath

Weston Woods WW1314

by Steven Lindblom and True Kelley Two bored children looking for something to do decide that...

Letter to Amy, A

Weston Woods WW114

by Ezra Jack Keats The wind spoils Peter's attempt to mail a special birthday invitation to Amy...

Librarian from the Black Lagoon,The

Weston Woods WW698

by Mike Thaler, illustrated by Jared Lee (Scholastic) When the class plans to visit the...

Lincoln and Douglass - An American Friendship

Weston Woods WW860


Little Bear's Visit

Weston Woods WW083

by Else Holmelund Minarik A visit to Grandmother and Grandfarther's house means a perfect day of...

Little House, The

Weston Woods WW142

by Virginia Lee Burton A little country house finds out what it's like to live in the city.

Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge, The

Weston Woods WW015

by Hildegarde H. Swift   Illustrator: Lynd Ward The importance of small things in a world...


Weston Woods WW2585

Based on the book by Keith Baker (Beach Lane) -    Get ready to roll through the ABCs with a...

Lon Po Po - A Red Riding Hood Story from China

Weston Woods WW690

by Ed Young Combining ancient Chinese panel art techniques with a contemporary palette of...

Los Gatos Black on Halloween

Weston Woods WW858

by Marisa Montes, ill. by Yuyi Morales (Henry Holt) The monsters crowd the Haunted Hall. Los...

Lost and Found

Weston Woods WW867

Collection includes FROG GOES TO DINNER; Written and illustrated by Mercer Mayer --- A frog...

Lucky Ducklings

Weston Woods WW2621

Based on the book by Eva Moore, illustrated by Nancy Carpenter (Orchard) -   A true story about...

Madam President

Weston Woods WW855

by Lane Smith (Hyperion) A little girl imagines what her day would be like if she were Madam...

Madeline's Rescue

Weston Woods WW030

by Ludwig Bemelmans Madeline and her Parisian schoolmates meet up with a baliant dog named...

Magical Stories (DVD)

Weston Woods WW658


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