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2218 title(s) found.

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The Story of the Inukshuk (Inuit): Amy’s Mythic Mornings

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0106

Amy, Casey and Theodore find themselves on an arctic adventure trying to help a young bear cub...

The Strawberry Bush: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR021

It is a very hot summer's day and Mia and her friends notice that the strawberries in the garden...

The Sun Is Kind of A Big Deal

Weston Woods WW4012

Wtitten and illustrated by Nick Seluk. Oh hey, guess what? The Sun never stops working to keep...

The Superstar: Earth to Luna, Season 2

Monster Entertainment MON577

It’s a particularly hot sunny day, the sun is shining bright in the sky, which gets Jupiter...

The Sweater: Aunty B's House Series

Headspinner Productions HESP04

Zach and Shelley both like the same sweater. But when each of them wants to wear the sweater first...

The Tablet of Wisdom: Anansi and Friends Series

Morembi Entertainment Inc. MORE03

Taji the Turtle finds a treasure that may have the wisdom of the whole world inside. He wants to...

The Tale of Taymour and Tiny/The Boy and the Panther: 1001...

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB034

The Tale Of Taymour And Tiny (Episode 27) - Taymour accidentally knocks an egg out of a bird’s...

The Teaching Rocks: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...

Epic Story Media ESM178

Luna is so focused on helping Emilia hike to a petroglyph that she forgets to learn from her...

The Thing That Blew: DinoPaws Series

Guru Studio GRS023

The Thing That Fell Down: DinoPaws Series

Guru Studio GRS019

Bob wishes he could see one of the beautiful twinkles in the night sky up close and is thrilled...

The Thing That Fell Up: DinoPaws Series

Guru Studio GRS018

Gwen decides to add a beautimost colourful flutterfly to her one-of-everything collection but when...

The Thing That Made Tony Feel Safe: DinoPaws Series

Guru Studio GRS022

Tony decides to take his huge safety boulder with him wherever he goes but it keeps getting the...

The Thing That Wanted to Be Alone: DinoPaws Series

Guru Studio GRS017

Bob, Gwen and Tony meet a Dinopaw called Mabel who tells them how great it is to be alone. Our...

The Thing That Wanted To Sleep: DinoPaws Series

Guru Studio GRS025

Our trio discover their slide is not a slide but a really big Dinopaw who was asleep, now he wants...

The Thing That Was Cosy: DinoPaws Series

Guru Studio GRS021

Tony falls asleep in a soft, cosy spot but his cosy jumps up and runs away with him – how will...

The Thing That Was For Keeping: DinoPaws Series

Guru Studio GRS020

The Dinopaws decide to get some stuff of their own to keep forever and ever but what will they do...

The Thing That Was Round: DinoPaws Series

Guru Studio GRS015

Gwen loses her special smiley round on a pebble beach full of rounds! Can Bob and Tony find it...

The Thing That Wobbled: DinoPaws Series

Guru Studio GRS024

Gwen leads Bob and Tony through a valley of wobbly rocks so they don’t knock any over but will...

The Thing We'd Never Seen Before: DinoPaws Series

Guru Studio GRS016

The Dinopaws meet the longest Dinopaw in the world who tells them they’ll see something like...

The Tiring Nap: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR109

Manon has been working hard and is very tired. Deciding to take a nap in her hammock, Melba the cat...

The Tooth Fairy: Aunty B's House Series

Headspinner Productions HESP02

Shelley loses a tooth! Everyone is excited, except Shelley. She’s worried that the tooth fairy...

The Toy Fair: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR020

Mia thinks of a creative way for her friends and herself to exchange toys. She organizes a barter...

The Treasure Map: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR001

Mia and her friend Marty are out playing together and discover a hidden treasure map that was meant...

The Turning Point: Guitar Picks, Season 2

Blue Ant Media BAM399

In this episode of Guitar Picks, if it weren't for a 1954 Les Paul, you may have never even heard...

The Wacky Word Show Series

Apartment 11 APT188

A wonderful NEW Canadian-produced 13-part series that addresses multiple areas of the curriculum...

The Waggle Dance: Earth to Luna, Season 1

Monster Entertainment MON477

After arriving home from ballet, Luna decides to have a little snack in the backyard. When she...

The Waiting Game: Aunty B's House Series

Headspinner Productions HESP09

Zachary’s Grandpa sent him something in the mail. But he can’t stand the wait! Aunty B suggests...

The Wapikoni Indigenous Filmmakers Collection

Wapikoni Mobile WM0000EN

McIntyre Media is extremely proud to announce our partnership with Wapikoni Mobile, a mobile...

The White Archer

Houston Productions Inc. 000011EN

An Inuit youth trains to become a great archer in hopes of avenging the killing of his family - but...

The Wild Garden: Ageless Gardens Series, Season 1

291 Film Company 291108

A restaurateur forages for wild mushrooms to use in his world-renowned eatery. Sisters-in-law...

The Wild World of Robert Bateman: Robert Bateman - The Green...

Paper Tiger PT0088

This episode of The Green Interview features Robert Bateman, one of the world's leading painters...

The Wishing Well/Mother Earth: Louis Says Season 3 (Cree Version)

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC028

Today Louis and Randy are helping Mrs. Charles. She has too many coins and needs a Maskimots...

The Witch and the Dragon: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR079

Tonight Manon and her friends are celebrating a traditional holiday: Halloween! Manon dresses up as...

The Woman in White

PBS Video 041938

Combining romance, intrigue, and danger, Wilkie Collins' beloved mystery novel has taken...

The Yarn Stormer: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...

Epic Story Media ESM176

After winning a huge supply of yarn, Inkie knits hats, blankets, mittens and even a canoe cosy for...

The Young Girl and the Geese (Ojibway): Amy’s Mythic Mornings

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0103

Amy finds herself in the role of the young girl who thinks she is better than everyone else. Amy...

The Youth Are The Future: The Bears' Lair Series, Season 1, Ep. 6

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0656

This last episode before the semifinals is all about Indigenous youth.  Two businesses started by...

Theater: Misho and Robin Series

Monster Entertainment MON551

Misho and Robin are busy looking for something - they are trying to find money to buy tickets for...

Theatre Beyond Walls with Paul Thompson

Thunderchild Productions 300022

“Theatre Beyond Walls with Paul Thompson” documents the fascinating story of a man, Paul...

Therapeutic Gardens: Ageless Gardens Series, Season 1

291 Film Company 291107

Hospice patients use gardening as therapy, for the aging body. An engineer practices bonsai...

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly

Weston Woods WW579

by Simms Taback Fresher and more hilarious than ever is everyone's favourite poem about the...

There Will Be Mud: The Ocean Room Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE512

Up in the sky - it's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's the Ocean Room kids! They're cleaning up the...

There's No “I” In Hockey: Wapos Bay, Season 1

HG Distribution HG0106

The Wapos Bay community in northern Saskatchewan is celebrating their annual winter festival...

They Dance at Night: Wapos Bay, Season 1

HG Distribution HG0108

The sky is a source of fascination for young Raven and T-Bear as they study the clouds and learn...

This is How We Druid: The Ocean Room Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE498

Field trip! The kids in the Ocean Room are doing their part for the environment by learning how to...

This Land is Your Land

Weston Woods WW388

by Woodie Guthrie Everyone's favourite folk song, written by Woodie Guthrie and sung by son...

Threads: Art of Craft Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1434

Man has been weaving threads since the beginning of time and this episode celebrates this intricate...

Three Drops


Everyone will lose someone they love at some point, death being our one, universal certainty. But...

Thrills, Spills and Fire Drills: The Jungle Room Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE472

Time for a fire drill and the kids find out about fire safety and even how a fire engine...

Thunderbird and Orca (Coast Salish): Amy’s Mythic Mornings

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0102

A greedy orca whale is eating all the fish in the village. Amy and her friends Theodore and Casey...

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