Canadian Social Studies
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Sharing the Forest: Woodland Caribou Series
Pinegrove Productions PPE014In episode 3 Frankie and Tanner meet Rick Groves, a forester working for AV Terrace Bay. He...
Shattered Ground: Digging Into the Issues of Fracking
Zoot Pictures ZP0000Hydraulic Fracturing or "Fracking" is a new technology that has opened up immense resources of...
Shelter: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep. 3
Buck Productions 300053Venturing on their first paddle in pine pitch patched-up canoes, the Adventurers are eager to learn...
Shield From the Truth/Moved By the Music: Louis Says Season 3
Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0023Go on an adventure with Randy as he finds a Napakihthākan (tray) for Mr. Thompson.
Shield From the Truth/Moved By the Music: Louis Says Season 3...
Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC023Go on an adventure with Randy as he finds a Napakihthākan (tray) for Mr. Thompson. Please click...
Shift - Break Your Own Trail
Shot in the Dark Productions 300041SHIFT is a short documentary about Indigenous youth from Carcross, Yukon who have spent the past 10...
Shift Series
Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF007SHIFT is a documentary series featuring storytellers Sean Horlor and Steve Adams as they take a...
Shine - Calgary, Alberta: Raven's Quest Series, Season 3
Apartment 11 APT517Shine is 7 years old and lives in Calgary, Alberta. They are from the Tsuut’ina First Nation...
Shipwrecked: Rage of the Great Lakes
Maplerock Entertainment Inc. MAPL11The largest graveyard of shipwrecks in the world is an area inside the North American continent...
Shooting the Buffalo: Back to Roots Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0734Perry plays a Sioux game called "Shoot the Buffalo.” Later, he makes spaghetti sauce with fresh...
Shore to Shore
Peter Campbell PCI008Master Coast Salish Carver Ts’uts’umutlhw (Luke Marston) sculpts with yellow cedar, but also...
Shorncliffe - Keeping the Memories Alive: Reflections on the...
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV045Shorncliffe was used as a staging post for troops destined for the Western Front during the First...
Shorter Circuits: The Ocean Room Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE509Boxes, boxes everywhere! With the Ocean Room full of cardboard boxes, the kids get to make box...
Shrinking!: Planet Echo, Season 2
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0207In this episode we learn that habitats are shrinking everywhere and that it's important that we all...
Silent Flight: Conserving the Barn Owl
Wilderness Committee 010043Following biologist Sofi Hindmarch on her quest to understand and conserve the barn owl in the...
Silent Heroes: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 8
Farpoint Films FAR029Cinematographer Dave Gaudet learns about Navajo code talkers and also travels to Petawawa, Ontario...
Silent X: Elder in the Making Series, Ep. 1
Hidden Story Productions Ltd. HS0001Filmmaker Chris Hsuing sets out on a journey of discovery in traditional Blackfoot territory...
Silver Shiner: Leo's FishHeads Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE017It's a beautiful day to hang out in a creek - and that's just what the FishHeads are doing in the...
Simon - Ottawa, Ontario: Raven's Quest Series, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT179Simon is a 9-year-old Inuk boy who lives in Ottawa, Ontario. His passions are painting and...
Sir Isaac Brock: Canada 1812: Forged in Fire
Blue Ant Media BAM001Major General Sir Isaac Brock is considered one of the greatest heroes of the War of 1812, even...
Sir Isaac Brock: Canada 1812: Le Baptême du feu
Blue Ant Media BAMF01Major General Sir Isaac Brock is considered one of the greatest heroes of the War of 1812, even...
Sisters in Spirit: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0725Vancouver-based hip-hop artist JB the First Lady (Jerilynn Webster, Nuxalk/Onondaga) preserves the...
Sitting Bull in the Hills: Thunder Breeding Hills Series
InKubation Inc. DP0004Sitting Bull was a powerful and spiritual leader best known for having defeated the American army...
Six Nations of the Grand River, ON: Power to the People, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0763The Six Nations of the Grand Reserve southwest of Hamilton, Ontario, is home to the largest First...
Six Primrose: Grow, Cook, Share, Engage
Truefaux Films TFF002Six Primrose will spark dialogue about food security, strengths-based engagement and community...
Skarure and Song: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0628Singer and composer Jennifer Kreisberg, Tuskarora from North Carolina, is an Emmy nominated...
Skateboarding: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0019Physics play a big part in skateboarding. Science Questers hop on their boards and talk to a...
Skawennahawi - Ottawa, Ontario: Raven's Quest Series, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT184Skawennahawi is a 9-year-old Mohawk girl from Ottawa, Ontario. She loves to hang out with her...
Skies: The Wild, Wild East
Blue Ant Media BAM336From Cape Breton's Bras d'Or Lake, to the Annapolis Valley, Wild Wild East soars with the bald...
Skindigenous Series, Season 1
Nish Media 310000Skindigenous is a 13-part documentary series exploring Indigenous tattooing traditions around the...
Skindigenous Series, Season 2
Nish Media 310014Skindigenous is a 13-part documentary series exploring Indigenous tattooing traditions around the...
Skindigenous Series, Season 3
Nish Media 310054Skindigenous is a documentary series exploring Indigenous tattooing traditions around the world...
Skipping the Rope/Car Trouble: Louis Says Series
Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0007Episode 7A: Skipping the Rope - Louis asks Randy to bring peminuhkwan (rope) to Mr. Thompson...
Sleeping Giant Provincial Park: A Park For All Seasons Series
Blue Ant Media BAM021Sleeping Giant Provincial Park , located in Thunder Bay, Ontario offers some breathtaking scenery...
Smiths Falls, Ontario and Abbotsford, British Columbia: Seeing...
Brandy Y Productions BYP099Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk travels to Smith Falls, Ontario where she learns how to drive a...
Smoke (spuʔúl): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx Territory...
Buck Productions 300087Two groups of strangers are dropped deep into the mountains of British Columbia. With no modern...
Smoke: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep. 5
Buck Productions 300055Food gone and net empty, the strain is telling on the group as Elder Mary arrives with a gift and...
Smoked: W5
CTV CTV877In 2002, the owners of the pulp mill in Dryden, Ontario started a project to reduce emissions, but...
Smoker (əcpul̓): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx Territory...
Buck Productions 300093Thrilled with a much-needed gift and lesson from local Elders, the group prepares and enjoys a meal...
Smudge on the Run: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0032When Smudge the puppy runs wildly around Turtle Bay instead of letting the kids take him to the vet...
Smudge Search Party: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0038When Smudge the puppy goes missing, Nina, Joe and Buddy interrupt their outdoor gymnastic practice...
Snakes and Leaders: The Jungle Room Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE471“The Jungle Room” is crawling with snakes, even a giant Boa Constrictor! Today’s leader sheds...
Snapping Turtle: Leo's FishHeads Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE024Christian and Sayat visit Algonquin Wildlife Research Station to net and tag Snapping Turtles. One...
Snare: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep. 6
Buck Productions 300056After eating ‘bush sushi’, the Adventurers paddle to a new camp with the hopes of better...
Snowboarding: Warrior Games
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810007Snowboarding (Episode 8): Host Steve Sxwithul'txw takes on one of his biggest challenges when he...
Snowboarding: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)
Kwassen Productions Inc. 8107CSSnowboarding - Ep 8: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw takes on one of his biggest challenges when he visits...
Snowsnake: Warrior Games
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810008Snowsnake (Episode 9): Host Steve Sxwithul'txw learns how Snowsnakes are made (and why women...
Snowsnake: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)
Kwassen Productions Inc. 8108CSSnowsnake - Ep 9: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw learns how Snowsnakes are made (and why women cannot be...
Soirée ciné-plage: Théo le loup séries
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0033FRThéo et ses amis ont très hâte à la projection de film sur la plage ce soir, mais Jo ne se...
Solar Power: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0018The sun is a huge part in the source of life. It keeps us warm, gives living organisms energy and...
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