Canadian World Studies
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Printemps Éternel
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD169FRGrâce à une combinaison d’images contemporaines et d’animations inspirées des illustrations...
Prisoner 14000 - The Suzana Thayer Story: W5
CTV CTV943A Canadian grandmother was duped twice in a romance scam and then turned into an unsuspecting drug...
Prisoner in Paradise: W5
CTV CTV829Avery Haines shares the story of Crystal and Vanden earle, two Canadians struggling to bring their...
Protecting the 'Song Lines' - Australia: Native Planet Series -...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0776Simon travels to the Kimberly in Northwest Australia to see why the Goolarabooloo people are...
Psychedelics: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1442Psychedelics have impacted history for as long as there have been people wanting to get their minds...
Puglaas - Jody Wilson-Raybould Rethinks Her Future: W5
CTV CTV883W5’s Sandie Rinaldo gives us a glimpse into the private life of Jody Wilson-Raybould, a...
Puglia vue du ciel: Les vues du ciel
Antipode, France Télévisions F173-S03-11À l'extrémité méridionale de l'Italie, dans les Pouilles, là où les villages étaient...
Puglia vue du ciel: Les vues du ciel
Antipode, France Télévisions F173-S03-11À l'extrémité méridionale de l'Italie, dans les Pouilles, là où les villages étaient...
Punch 9 for Harold Washington
Video Project, Inc. TVP119Barack Obama moved to Chicago in 1985, in part, because of a man he'd never met: Harold Washington...
Putin's Pals: W5
CTV CTV901Russian oligarchs gained immense wealth when the Soviet Union fell, and state-run industries were...
Putin: The New Tsar
Blue Ant Media BAM1381Admired by former President Donald Trump and feared by his rivals, Putin: The New Tsar is an...
Putting Argentina's Right to a Healthy Environment to the Test -...
Paper Tiger PT0076This episode of The Green Interview features Daniel Sallaberry, the lawyer behind the "Mendoza...
Qatar's World Cup: W5
CTV CTV920The World Cup in Qatar has sparked soccer – and nonsoccer– conversations around the world...
Quand la Sibérie sera chinoise
Flair Production F242-016Chinoise au XVIème siècle, la Sibérie extrême-orientale devient russe après la défaite de...
Quatre saisons chez Dior
Tournez S'il Vous Plait F173-0432017 était une année historique pour la maison Dior. Ce patrimoine français de la haute-couture...
Québec vu du ciel: Les vues du ciel
France Télévisions, Grand Angle Productions F173-S03-09Le Saint-Laurent occupe une place à part dans le coeur des Québécois. Voie historique de...
Québec vu du ciel: Les vues du ciel
France Télévisions, Grand Angle Productions F173-S03-09Le Saint-Laurent occupe une place à part dans le coeur des Québécois. Voie historique de...
Queen Mary; Duchess, Princess, Queen: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1300Queen Mary of Tek is a Royal with a fascinating story - this documentary charts her history from...
Queens for Life: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1438In the last 200 years 2 women have sat on the British throne for two thirds of the time - Queen...
Quinoa: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series
Switch SWED01Grains have been staple sources of nutrition and livelihood for most cultures and countries for...
Race to Berlin: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1445In the last year of World War II, two gigantic armies charge across northern Europe to take Berlin...
Raincoast's Fight: Coastal Revival Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP034In the Great Bear Rainforest huge coastal mountains plunge into the ocean covered with ancient...
Range Rider
Wild Confluence Media WCM007As wolves repopulate Washington State, conflict is heating up with rural ranching communities...
Rapid Ascent - Ismael Kone: W5
CTV CTV924Midfielder Ismael Kone made an immediate impression in his debut with the Montreal Impact and...
Rare Earths - The Dirty War
Productions SHK A218-003Rare earths are minerals critical for today’s state of the art technologies. Today, China holds...
Rare: Creatures of the Photo Ark
PBS Video 041874Renowned National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore is a natural-born storyteller. His Photo Ark...
Ravitailler les îles du bout du monde
CinéFête F301-S03-05Au Canada, sur la Basse-Côte-Nord du Québec, le Bella-Desgagnés dessert des villages perdus dans...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0754RE-KEN-SIL-E-A-SHEN is a poignant feature-length documentary from two-spirit Métis filmmaker Jamie...
Ready to Roti: Not Your Butter Chicken Series
Real People Real Stories Inc. RPRS02This episode of “Not Your Butter Chicken” centers on the resilience of South Asian women...
Reagan Gorbachev, Duel at the Top
Illégitime Défense A269-008When they first met in 1985, tensions were running high, and the world acclaimed Reagan and...
Reagan Gorbatchev, duel au sommet
Illégitime Défense F269-008Lorsqu'ils se rencontrèrent pour la première fois, en 1985, à une époque de tensions extrêmes...
Reanimated: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 2
Farpoint Films FAR023Cinematographer Dave Gaudet explores the world of graphic novels in Winnipeg, and travels to The...
Rebâtir les communautés par l'art: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S12-08L’art est au cœur de l’identité des communautés et agit souvent comme source de...
Rebuilding With Our Hands: Architects of Change
PVP Films A150-S03-10History is full of examples of armed conflicts unleashed by religious, territorial, or ideological...
Reclaiming Argentina's Riachuelo River: Marina Aizen - The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0087This episode of the Green Interview features Marina Aizen, one of Argentina's most distinguished...
Reclaiming History - Hawaii: Native Planet Series - The Fight...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0774Simon travels to Hawaii to examine the growing native sovereignty movement and how it helped halt...
Recognizing the rights of mother nature: Natalia Greene - The...
Paper Tiger PT0096This episode of The Green Interview features Ecuador's Natalia Greene, a key figure in the...
Recreational Fishing: Saving the Hauraki Gulf Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0803New Zealand has a consistently high rate of boat ownership per capita and with the Hauraki Gulf on...
Red Pine Farm (Pleasant Pork and Dairy) - Fernwood, PEI: Depth...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C032FRed Pine Farm is a 5th generation farm on PEI. They farm 160 acres & milk 20 cows, and sell about...
Red Sea Rivalries: Great Decisions 2020 Series
Scorpion Television SCTV17The Red Sea has remained vital for global trade since the time of ancient Egypt. Once home to the...
Red Sea: John Torode's Middle East Series
Blue Ant Media BAM988This time John is off to explore one of Egypt’s national parks – Wadi El Gamel on the south of...
REDx Talks Series - Art is the Medicine
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0011REDx Talks is an Indigenous speaker series featuring the most influencial elders, creatives...
REDx Talks Series - Truth, Reconciliation and the Future
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0019REDx Talks is an Indigenous speaker series featuring the most influencial elders, creatives...
REDx Talks Series - What I Know Now
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0000REDx Talks is an Indigenous speaker series featuring the most influencial elders, creatives...
Reflections on the Great War Series
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV048Reflections on the Great War is a series of short vignettes focused on aspects of World War One...
Refugees: A Market Under Influence
Phares & Balises A196-017For the vast majority of us, refugee camps respond to the needs of an emergency situation and yet...
Réfugiés: un marché sous influence
Phares & Balises F196-022Pour la grande majorité d’entre nous, les camps de réfugiés répondent à une situation...
Regina - Stacey Fayant: Skindigenous Series, Season 3
Nish Media 310063Born and raised in Regina Saskatchewan, Stacey Fayant is a Métis and Cree tattoo artist who has...
Regional Disorder - The Middle East: Great Decisions 2019 Series
Scorpion Television SCTV02The Middle East is in turmoil. Almost a decade after the Arab uprisings; civil wars, failed states...
Réinventer le vivre ensemble: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S11-06Notre époque est caractérisée par l’individualisme et le gaspillage des ressources. Après des...
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