Canadian World Studies
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The Yorkshire Moors: Britain's Scenic Railways, Season 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1513A Steam train ride through the Yorkshire moors reveals how the Brontë sisters became railway...
Thermostat climatique
Les Films en Vrac & Ushuaïa TV F242-019Sous la pression du réchauffement climatique, la géo- ingénierie, la modification à grande...
This Is (Not) Who We Are
Video Project, Inc. TVP123This Is [Not] Who We Are explores the gap between Boulder, Colorado's progressive self-image and...
Threads: Art of Craft Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1434Man has been weaving threads since the beginning of time and this episode celebrates this intricate...
Tibet: Beyond Fear
Passion River Films PR2173With an opening by Richard Gere, this award winning television documentary has been translated into...
Tidal Forest of Africa: Waterworld Africa Series
Blue Ant Media BAM522A day in the life of a southern African mangrove forest. We follow the forest and its residents...
Tisser un avenir durable: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S12-02L’industrie du textile est au cœur de la révolution industrielle des derniers siècles. C’est...
Titans of the 20th Century
PBS Video 041947This is the story of the most influential figures of the 20th century, those who caused and those...
To Innovate Is to Imitate: Architects of Change
PVP Films A150-S02-03In just one century, technological and scientific progress has made unprecedented improvements in...
Todd Labrador: Mi'kmaq Canoe Builder Connected for Thousands of...
Paper Tiger PT0083Todd Labrador is a respected and celebrated traditional Mi'kmaq canoe builder, in fact he's the...
Toiroa – First People: The Untold Tales of Tuteremoana Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0661Toiroa – First People” Circa 850 AD. This mostly non-narrated story portrays a young girl and...
Tomb of the Jade Suit: Mysteries of China Series
Blue Ant Media BAM948Archaeologist Agnes Hsu leads us through an enthralling investigation, examining artifacts from...
Tommy Douglas In His Own Words
Zoot Pictures ZP0007Tommy Douglas in his Own Words is a biographical one-hour documentary, presented in an unusual...
Top 10 Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GETTCPThis is a one-hour countdown adventure that takes viewers to some of the most spectacular regions...
Top 10 Places to See Canadian Wildlife
Good Earth Productions GETTCWCanada's untamed wilderness is home to a vast array of wild and wondrous creatures. We'll count...
Toronto - Toby Sicks: Skindigenous Series, Season 3
Nish Media 310062When Anthony (Toby Sicks) Hooper learned he was Métis at age 21, he did a lot of research into his...
Towards the Sustainable Management of Forests: Architects of...
PVP Films A150-S03-08The situation of the world’s forests is more worrisome than ever before. It is estimated that...
Tracking Glaciers: Parks Canada’s Climate Crew Series
Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV005Science and Inuit knowledge are helping us better understand glacial melt vs accumulation in the...
Tracking Glaciers: Parks Canada’s Climate Crew Series (With...
Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV005INScience and Inuit knowledge are helping us better understand glacial melt vs accumulation in the...
Tracking the Tundra: Parks Canada’s Climate Crew Series (With...
Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV003INUnderstanding permafrost and the changing tundra is a vital part to knowing what is really...
Tracking Zika
Grand Angle Productions A173-037Zika, a cute little name of a forest in Uganda has become synonymous with a mosquito-born...
Trains of Life
Productions InformAction inc. A83-014Kees Vanderheyden, now a children's author living in Quebec, tells a class of school children his...
Transition Towns - Finding the Future, Together: Rob Hopkins -...
Paper Tiger PT0049This episode of The Green Interview features Rob Hopkins, the founder of the Transition movement...
Transmettre l'espoir: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S08-02Le décrochage scolaire, le chômage, la pauvreté et la violence chez les jeunes sont des...
Trash Talk: Shift Series
Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF001What happens to our garbage after we throw it away? Over 300 millions tonnes of solid waste is...
Travelers to the East: Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Series
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR103EAfter Jesus’ crucifixion, three Apostles — Bartholomew, Matthias and Thomas — supposedly...
Treating Earth like Dirt: David Montgomery - The Green Interview...
Paper Tiger PT0037Interview with David Montgomery, a geomorphologist - a scientist who studies the forces that shape...
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV087A short experimental ethnographic film that traces the movement of natural resources through the...
Tropic of Chaos
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV047A large lake that empties, refugee camps that fill up. What is happening in the Lake Chad basin is...
Truth, Reconciliation and Healing Playlist
MCI735An in-depth study of the effects of colonialism in Canada from a historical and contemporary...
Tsunami: Just Another Wave
Kondololé Films Inc. KON054The devastating 2004 tsunami was a disaster for the people and economy of Sri Lanka, a country...
Tuarua – Oriori: The Untold Tales of Tuteremoana Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0662Tuarua – Oriori” Circa I500 AD. The story of two brothers on a spiritual journey. When a young...
Tuatoru – Whiro: The Untold Tales of Tuteremoana Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0663Tuatoru – Whiro” Circa 1769 AD. This story reveals the importance of love, loss and the...
Tunis, Seattle, Kyoto, Geneva, Canberra, Brussels and Lisbon...
Switch SWED89This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...
Tunisia: Skindigenous Series, Season 2
Nish Media 310026Manel Mahdouani is a tattoo artist living in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. As a descendent of the...
Turning the Tide - Populism in Europe: Great Decisions 2019...
Scorpion Television SCTV04The European Union was founded as a bold experiment in free trade with an internal market and...
Tuscany: The Wine Guys: Grape Escapes, Ep. 5
HG Distribution HG0140In Tuscany, the three vino amigos head to different wineries to try and find the perfect Brunello...
Ukraine: The Road to War
Video Project, Inc. TVP113Although the war in Ukraine continues to dominate all the headlines, many have forgotten that a war...
Ultimate Blitzkrieg: WWII - The Battle of Crete
Pilot Productions 555000This 3 part documentary series tells the story of the famous WWII battle and the four year German...
Ultimate Response Series
Good Earth Productions GEUR00SSay you're in Banff National Park and you decide to go hiking in the mountains. Suddenly you find...
Ultimate Response, Ep. 1
Good Earth Productions GEUR01There is an out of control forest fire raging in Banff National Park of Canada and it is up to the...
Ultimate Response, Ep. 2
Good Earth Productions GEUR02Rounding up 500 enormous bison in a few weeks is no easy task. Just ask the wardens in Elk Island...
Ultimate Response, Ep. 3
Good Earth Productions GEUR03Each year 1,200 polar bears pass through Churchill on thir way to Hudson's Bay. Encounters with...
Un monde à 3 Zéros
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV060FRLe Professeur Yunus, banquier des pauvres, entrepreneur social et lauréat du prix Nobel de la...
Un oeil sur vous, citoyens sous surveillance
ARTE France F259-021Existe-t-il encore un espace dans nos vies qui échappe à la surveillance ? Le citoyen du XXIème...
Unbreathable - Cities on the Verge of Asphyxiation
ARTE France, Scientifilms A259-008Air pollution affects 9 out of 10 city dwellers and kills 7 million people a year. With an epidemic...
Unbreathable - Cities on the Verge of Asphyxiation
ARTE France, Scientifilms A259-008Air pollution affects 9 out of 10 city dwellers and kills 7 million people a year. With an epidemic...
Unchained - Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: Great...
Scorpion Television SCTV18Almost every nation has enacted laws criminalizing human trafficking, and international...
Unconquered: W5
CTV CTV726The one-hour documentary UNCONQUERED provides an on-the-ground look at Canada's veterans of the...
Uncovering Hitler's Failed Putsch of 1923: The Diary of Paula...
Autentic GMBH AUT041Germany in the fall of 1923. The country is broke, inflation is soaring to dizzying...