Character Education
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Goodbye Manon: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR080The animals overhear a few words from a conversation Manon has and they are convinced that she...
Goose on the Loose: Audrey’s Shelter Series
Image-In Atlantic IIA175Wild geese stop at the Shelter to feed and rest on their migration south. Audrey and Tommy notice...
Gossip, Drama and Social Media Series
Stature Films 123002Navigating high school and adolescence is a fun and exciting time but can also be turbulent and...
Gourmet Cat: Louis Says, Season 4
Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0042Louis says that Mrs. Charles needs a mÎtawâkan (toy) for her pôsîs (cat). Join Randy on his...
Grade-A Goldfish!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 2
Sardine Productions SAR060When Beanie fails a test at school, Admiral Bubbles convinces him to let him plant a small...
Grand rebond : Hop, Saison 1
Epic Story Media ESM227FRQuand Hulotte perd un jouet qu’elle a emprunté à la bibliothèque de jouets de Benny, elle doit...
Grandma's Guardian: Playdate Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE133Grandma falls asleep during story time and Jacob leaves Mac in charge of making sure nothing wakes...
Grape Lightning, Gone: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM234When Filipa loans Grape Lightning to Ronny so he can finish building a hotel, she doesn’t count...
Great Bear Rock: Raven Tales, Season 2
Arcana Studio Inc. ASI017The children are playing in the forest, making up games and competing with one another. Winadzi...
Grèce: On fête ensemble
Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-13Pablo tire ses origines grecques de son père. Aujourd’hui, il souhaite faire découvrir cette...
Green Menace: Galapagos X, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB303A green carpet of slime is creeping across the planet, and the future is slippery! The team goes...
Green Squad Series
Apartment 11 APT587Green Squad sees five passionate and environmentally-savvy young hosts challenge other motivated...
Grogne et le Pont: Le Chevalier héroïque
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB123FRLe trio héroïque arrive enfin au pont de Grogne. Le Chevalier héroïque dépeint l'histoire...
Gros comme une montagne: 16 Hudson Séries
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB101FREddie vante ses exploits de camping. Réussira-t-il à offrir à ses amis le camping dont ils...
Grouille ou rouille : Canot Cocasse Saison 1
Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800204Grouille ou rouille (épisode 4): Canot Cocasse Saison 1: Thème : L’importance de l’activité...
Grouiller de Grenouilles: Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...
Epic Story Media ESM126FRLes aventuriers et leurs voisins doivent faire face à une invasion de grenouilles qui sautent et...
Growth Spurt (Making Ingredients): Annedroids Season Four
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE216It’s Shania’s birthday and she has an audition for a new TV show with Britney Gomez. Anne is on...
Grunt and the Bridge: The Bravest Knight Series
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB123The trio of heroes reaches Grunt's bridge and must defeat Sturk, the troll who stole it from him...
Gugu and the Race: Cocoland Series
Monster Entertainment MON087The kids are having a race! Everyone goes as fast as they can, but Gugu is left behind. Gugu...
Gussy's Big Idea: The Mooh Brothers
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE213Gussy reads a book called "Get The Job Done Fast" and decides she can help the farm run more...
Haïti: On fête ensemble
Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-09Nelly est une jeune fille d’origine haïtienne qui fera partie d’un spectacle culturel que...
Hamilton; Hammer Park: Giver Series Three, Ep. 10
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE337The community of Hamilton gets out their hammers to ...
Hands Across the Water: The Ocean Room Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE501The Ocean Room kids show just how big their hearts are by collecting school supplies and toys for...
Hands on a Desk Chair: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE069AWhen Ms. O leaves to conduct a super-secret mission, the agents compete to figure out who is in...
Hanging With Grammy Foot: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers...
Epic Story Media ESM196Little Bigfoot loves his Grammy Foot, but he gets worried when she forgets things. With a little...
Hani's Journey: W5
CTV CTV687Refugees living in Canada like Hani are often inspired and stimulated, but also face many hardships...
Hani: W5
CTV CTV702W5's "HANI" continues its coverage of Hani Al Mouria, a young Syrian refugee who settled in Canada...
Hannabelle: Green Squad Series
Apartment 11 APT595Hannabelle is a ten-year-old girl who is passionate about animals! When she grows up she wants to...
Happily Ever Odd: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE071BOdd Squad and Villains work together to stop a giant robot the villains created to flatten Odd...
Happy Birthday, Gugu! Cocoland Series
Monster Entertainment MON079It is Gugu’s birthday and Nana, thinking of herself as Gugu's best friend, decides to make him a...
Happy Halfiversary: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE053AThe agents celebrate an important milestone in their partnership, actually, three important...
Hare Out of Place: Galapagos X, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB304The future is down to one last Arctic hare, and the kids go back in time to find out why. Crock, as...
Haunt Squad: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE072AOdd Squad is haunted by a ghost that has a thing for floating objects. Olympia and Otis try to...
Haunted Hiccups: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM210When Hoot gets a case of the hiccups the Hoppers decide to scare them out of her, and what better...
Haunted House: The Jungle Room Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE482Oooh scary! The kids make their very own haunted houses and then scare all their families. The...
Haunted Junkyard (Fight-or-Flight): Annedroids Season Three
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE198Shania and Charlie are watching the junkyard at night while Anne and her Dad go to a late night...
Have S'more Fun: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM268Codie wants to make s'mores for a camp out. When Codie gets carried away making too many treats...
Haven't Got a Clue: Playdate Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE124Jacob and Enzo are playing detective and their first mystery is to find Sammy’s missing glasses...
Hay Fever: The Mooh Brothers
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE216Wilton rigs a seesaw with Dolly's help and plans to catapult the hay into the loft, but repeated...
Head in the Clouds: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR013When Mia leads Touki to believe you can read the future in the clouds, she doesn't expect him to...
Healing Hands: W5
CTV CTV678W5's Victor Malarek is on location with a Canadian team on a medical mission in Kyiv that is...
Help: Kids Matter; Inside the Minds of Tweens and Teens Series
Revealing Media Group RMG005Help explores the effects of depression on a boy as his life spirals downwards. Bullied and...
Helping Hand (Chemical Reactions): Annedroids Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE142In this episode, Anne mixes hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and food colouring, then adds yeast - the...
Helping Helpers: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season...
Epic Story Media ESM187The Rangers promise to help solve three different problems; clean up litter, deliver packages and...
Helping Out: Anaana’s Tent Series
Taqqut Productions TPI013Rita Claire talks about the different ways we help family and friends. Celina Kalluk stops by to...
Helping Out: Anaana’s Tent Series (Inuktitut Version)
Taqqut Productions TPI013INᐃᑦᑐᐊᖕᒐ ᐅᖃᓪᓚᐅᓯᖃᕐᓂᐊᖅᑐᖅ ᐊᔾᔨᒌᖕᒋᑦᑐᓂᑦ...
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE108Henlightenment is a 14-minute computer-animated non-narrated film about a hen who has had enough...
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: Art With Mati and Dada Series
HG Distribution HG0012Mati and Dada help the eccentric French painter, Toulouse-Lautrec, select a costume for an exciting...
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: L'art avec Mati et Dada
HG Distribution HG0012FRMati et Dada aident l'excentrique Toulouse Lautrec à choisir un costume pour une nuit passionnante...
Henri Matisse: Art With Mati and Dada Series
HG Distribution HG0022Mati and Dada meet French artist Henri Matisse who liked to play with colours, space, and shapes...
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