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Character Education

2438 title(s) found.

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It Takes Goo to Make a Feud Go Right: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE077A

Olympia and Otis are tasked with calling a truce between feuding guests. They must find something...

It's All About Me

Blue Ant Media BAM112

Generations X, Y and Z have grown increasingly self-absorbed from over four decades of nurturing...

It's Magic: Playdate Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE128

Jacob and Molly try to put the magic into a magic act by making Mac and Priscilla disappear.  But...

It's Raining Fish!: The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog Series

MUSE Entertainment MUSE82

Fish were witnessed raining down from the sky one day and everyone is alarmed by the strange event...

It's Time For A Bath/Choose the Shoes: Louis Says Season 3

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0021

Go on a journey with Randy as he  helps Mrs. Charles find a  Pitheses Sepekinastewin (bird...

It's Time For A Bath/Choose the Shoes: Louis Says Season 3 (Cree...

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC021

Go on a journey with Randy as he helps Mrs. Charles find a Pitheses Sepekinastewin (bird...

Italy - Gladiators: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE401

Julian and Rosie learn all about ancient gladiators when they visit the city of Rome. They visit...

Italy - Gondola: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE404

Julian and Rosie tour the city of Venice on a gondola! They learn how to be gondoliers and enjoy a...

Italy - Leaning Tower: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE402

On their way to visit the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, Julian and Rosie stop off at an Italian...

Italy - Sculptures: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE400

Julian and Rosie discover all of Rome's beautiful history when a local sculptor helps them take...

Italy - Soccer: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE403

Julian and Rosie journey to Milan to learn all about soccer. After joining a local kids practice...

It’s a Steal/Which Way Is Up?: 1001 Nights, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB025

It’s a Steal (Episode 19) - A suspicious looking man is accused of stealing from his neighbors...

Ivan From Outer Space: 16 Hudson Series

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB081

**This episode contains Audio Description** Sam and Luc are convinced Ivan is an alien - a...

J'aime Lucy: 16 Hudson Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB085FR

Sam désobéit aux règles de la maison et accuse Lucy à sa place. La pauvre se retrouvera dans...

J'attends, tu attends : Canot Cocasse Saison 1

Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800211

J'attends, tu attends (épisode 11): Canot Cocasse Saison 1: Thème : La patience: savoir...

Jack (Saison 1)

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01

Jack est un petit extraterrestre pour qui tout sur la Terre est source de curiosité et de...

Jack And The Snake - Do Cold-Blooded Creatures Really Have Cold...

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-08-31

When Jack visits the Amazon, unbeknownst to him, a boa constrictor slithers into his ship…. and...

Jack sur la Lune: Jack, Saison 2

PVP Jack II Inc. F267-S01-01-03

La croyant faite de fromage, Bougalou s'enfuit sur la Lune, où il s'égare. Jack doit le retrouver...

Jack, Saison 2

PVP Jack II Inc. F267-S01

Jack est un petit extraterrestre pour qui tout sur la Terre est source de curiosité et de...

Jack, Season 1

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01

Jack is a fun‐loving alien explorer whose coolest discovery yet is the amazing "Planet Earth...

Jackosaure: Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-01-04

Pourquoi les dinosaures ont-ils disparu? Jack construit un immense dinosaure mécanique, haut de 30...

Jackosaurus - Why Are Dinos Extinct? Jack, Season 1

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-01-04

When a mechanical dino that Jack has built as a surprise for Nico runs amok in the neighbourhood...

Jackson Pollock: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0004

Mati and Dada action paint with Jackson Pollock and end up deep inside a swirling painting! This...

Jackson Pollock: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0004FR

Mati et Dada font de la peinture d'action avec Jackson Pollock et finissent au plus profond d'une...

Jacky’s Comet - What Are Comets?: Jack, Season 1

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-10-37

Jack’s plan to enjoy a fun ‘snow day’ with the kids backfires when a large comet is reported...

Jack’s Fault Line - What Causes Earthquakes? Jack, Season 1

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-12-47

While treasure hunting, the kids and Jack uncover an old mine shaft that leads down to a tunnel...

Jacob's Valentine: Playdate Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE103

When Jacob leaves the attic for a minute to get some more supplies for a secret craft he’s...

Jago: A Life Underwater

Blue Ant Media BAM476

This drama-documentary tells the life story of Rohani, an 80-year-old hunter who dives like a fish...

Jam: Misho and Robin Series

Monster Entertainment MON537

Robin and Misho are having breakfast. Oh no, there’s no more jam! No problem, they will make...

James' Legacy: W5


Can an eight-year-old boy change the face of childhood cancer? Can the struggles of one child...

Jamming Jam: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON033

When Ping and Pong run out of jam, they help Mr. Prickles make more. By using everyday sounds in...

Jan Vermeer: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0025

When Dada is magically doubled by a mirror, Mati, Dada and Dada 2 are whisked off to the...

Jan Vermeer: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0025FR

Mati et Dada rencontrent Jan Vermeer, le célèbre peintre qui aime utiliser les miroirs dans ses...

Japan - Ninja: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE461

In the woods of Japan, Rehan and Aamil show up for ninja training school.  They dress up in ninja...

Japan - Robots: Are We There Yet? World Adventure. Season 3

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE459

Rehan and Aamil head to Tokyo’s Electric Town to learn how to make their own robot.  They test...

Japan - Snow Monkeys: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE460

In Nagano’s mountains, Aamil and Rehan discover an interesting furry creature- a snow monkey! The...

Japan - Sumo Wrestling: Are We There Yet? World Adventure...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE458

Rehan and Aamil visit a sumo club in Japan where they learn all the basics of wrestling. They get...

Japon: On fête ensemble

Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-04

Sasha est née au Japon, mais demeure maintenant au Canada. Elle a invité son amie Bianca à la...

Jetstream Adventure!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 2

Sardine Productions SAR067

Elwood and Beanie are staying up all night watching a marathon of old “Jetstream” science...

Jetstream! Mon Poison Rouge! (Saison 2)

Sardine Productions SAR067FR

Elwood et Beanie veillent tard devant la télé durant une présentation intégrale de tous les...

Jingle Dress Mess: Wolf Joe Series


Nina decides she'd rather play than work on preparing her jingle dress until she realizes she’s...

Jinx: Odd Squad Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE026B

When all of Odd Squad comes down with a case of the jinx, it’s up to Oscar and Dr. O to save the...

Jinxed!: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM219

When Hoot goes away for the day, she leaves Jinx in the care of Hop and Penny. But when they don't...

Joachim's Wild Riders: GEOlino Series

Arte GEIE A259-S03-01

10 year old Luam spent most of his life on the streets and is now moving to Senhor Joaquim's farm...

Jobim - Cookstown, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT620

Jobim is an 11-year-old boy who lives in a beautiful forest setting with his family in Cookstown...

Jobs For Life: 12 Neighbors Series

Hemmings House Pictures HHP022

This episode of the 12 Neighbors series shows a beautiful example of how two unlikely churches came...

Jolly Potato: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM248

Jolly Potato is a fun and festive winter holiday that frogs and other Hoppers celebrate. Lonny...

Jolly Rod'ers: Hullabalooba Series

Monster Entertainment MON102

The crew is fishing. After seeing a whale on the horizon they decide to go for bigger fish. But the...

Jordan - Chariot Race: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE452

Aamil and Rehan explore the ancient Roman city of Jerash, where they are invited to get dressed in...

Jordan - Desert: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE454

Aamil and Rehan climb into a micro-light mini plane and soar over the rolling red sand dunes and...

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