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421 title(s) found.

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One Nation, Two Countries: Divided Korea Series

Alegria, ARTE France A259-S04-01

This episode of Divided Korea recounts how Japanese colonisation and the Korean War engendered two...

One Team: W5


TSN's Rick Westhead joins Toronto Raptors president Masai Ujiri in Rwanda as his Giants of Africa...

Ontario's Garden: Making Things Count; Pandemic Postcards Series

Windecker Road Films WRF011

During the COVID-19 pandemic things that required face-to-face contact became difficult to do...

Operation Yellow Bird

Illégitime Défense A269-006

In 1989, Chinese students demonstrated in Tiananmen Square in Beijing to claim more rights and...

Opération Yellow Bird

Illégitime Défense F269-006

En 1989, des étudiants chinois manifestent sur la Place Tiananmen de Pékin pour revendiquer plus...

Out Of This World - Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield: Canada AM


In this out-of-this-world interview, Canada AM host Beverly Thomson interviews Canadian astronaut...

Pacific Islands, Climate Justice and Reparations - Maxine...

Paper Tiger PT0030

Maxine Burkett is a professor of law at the University of Hawaii and passionate advocate for...

Panama's War with Canada: W5


W5 visited Panama as mass protests raged against a Canadian-owned mine that has now been ordered...

Parents Who Kill: W5


Molly Thomas investigates the warning signs that a parent may harm or even kill their child that...

Passport to Crime: W5


There is a new type of tourist coming to Canada, one that is not interested in seeing the sights...

People Better Watch Out: Making Things Count; Pandemic Postcards...

Windecker Road Films WRF010

Whether it’s sewing masks, singing songs or trying to figure out how your small business can stay...

Persian Gulf Security Issues: Great Decisions 2021

Scorpion Television SCTV63

The Persian Gulf remains tense as the rivalry between the regional powers of Saudi Arabia and Iran...

Personal Abuse: W5


A hospital is not a home. If given the option, who wouldn’t prefer to care for their loved one in...

Petites bonnes Asiatiques, invisibles esclaves modernes

Tournez S'il Vous Plait F173-039

En Asie et au Moyen-Orient, dans l'intimité de familles impunies, plus de quinze millions de...

Phantom Menace: W5


W5's Victor Malarek speaks with Steve de Jaray, a Vancouver businessman who was accused of arms...

Picking Up the Pieces: The Making of the Witness Blanket (55...

Canadian Museum for Human Rights / Musée canadien pour les droits de la personne CMHR01

The Witness Blanket stands as a national monument to recognize the atrocities of the Indian...

Polly Higgins: Making Ecocide an International Crime - The Green...

Paper Tiger PT0008

This episode of The Green Interview features lawyer Polly Higgins, who in 2010 proposed to the...

Pot Paradise: W5


Kevin Newman and the W5 team invesigate Colorado's first year of legal marijuana sales. Research...

Pot Pioneer: W5


W5's Kevin Newman sits down with comedian Tommy Chong on the legalization of cannabis in Canada and...

POV: Dark Money

PBS Video 041905

Dark Money, a political thriller, examines one of the greatest present threats to American...

Printemps Éternel

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD169FR

Grâce à une combinaison d’images contemporaines et d’animations inspirées des illustrations...

Prison Series 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1336

** Contains course language** For the first time in more than five years, cameras have been...

Prison Series 2

Blue Ant Media BAM1340

**Contains course language** Foston Hall is a Closed Female prison, which was originally the...

Prisoner in Paradise: W5


Avery Haines shares the story of Crystal and Vanden earle, two Canadians struggling to bring their...

Produire La Menace

Diffusion Multi-Monde Inc. DMMI01FR

Produire la menace examine un épisode profondément troublant de l'histoire du Canada lorsqu'un...

Project Bumper: W5


A hidden camera investigation has revealed auto body employees apparently damaging vehicles on...

Pull the Plug: Life or Death - Who Gets to Decide? W5


Many of us plan ahead for our last days, making wills to give loved ones directions on our final...

Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools

Video Project, Inc. TVP091

Inspired by the groundbreaking book of the same name by Monique W. Morris, Ed.D, Pushout: The...

Putin: The New Tsar

Blue Ant Media BAM1381

Admired by former President Donald Trump and feared by his rivals, Putin: The New Tsar is an...

Putting Argentina's Right to a Healthy Environment to the Test -...

Paper Tiger PT0076

This episode of The Green Interview features Daniel Sallaberry, the lawyer behind the "Mendoza...

Qatar's World Cup: W5


The World Cup in Qatar has sparked soccer – and nonsoccer– conversations around the world...

Quand l'utopie faisait école 1918-1939

CinéFête F259-024

Au lendemain de la Première Guerre Mondiale, dans une Europe traumatisée, des pédagogues d’un...

Questionable Care: W5


W5's Sandie Rinaldo reveals how horrific stories of neglect at long-term care homes have led to...

Railroaded: W5


Glen Assoun was convicted and sent to prison for a crime he has maintained for over two decades he...

Rapid Ascent - Ismael Kone: W5


Midfielder Ismael Kone made an immediate impression in his debut with the Montreal Impact and...

Red Sea Rivalries: Great Decisions 2020 Series

Scorpion Television SCTV17

The Red Sea has remained vital for global trade since the time of ancient Egypt. Once home to the...

Réinventer l'amour

CinéFête F259-S09-02

Au tournant des années 1960 et 1970, la révolution sexuelle prend une tournure plus sociétale et...

Restrained: W5


W5's Molly Thomas investigates why children with special needs are being placed...

Rising Tide - Climate Change and the World’s Oceans: Great...

Scorpion Television SCTV15

Climate change has become one of the defining issues of our time. As much of the world bands...

River Blue

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE063

This award-winning documentary spans the globe to uncover the dirty secret behind the manufacturing...

Road to Mercy

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE003

Road to Mercy documents Canada's journey into the furthest ethical frontier - a place where doctors...

Rock Paper Fish

Wild Confluence Media WCM002

Journey deep into the rainforest of southeast Alaska, where life is inseparable from the age-old...

Roger Cox: Using the Law to Save Us - The Green Interview Series

Paper Tiger PT0005

Features Roger Cox, a Dutch lawyer and author, who led the Dutch Climate Case, the groundbreaking...

Roles of International Organizations in a Global Pandemic: Great...

Scorpion Television SCTV68

The Covid-19 pandemic has thrust the World Health Organization (WHO) into the limelight, for better...

Rx for Survival: A Global Health Challenge (3 Disc Set)


At the dawn of the 21st century, the health of the world is at a critical crossroads. Malaria...

Sand Wars

PBS Video 041796

Sand Wars is a surprising investigation into one of the most consumed natural resources on the...

Searching for Sam: W5


Rick Westhead tells the story of Sam Goodwin, a American college athlete and hockey fan who was on...

Season Finale: RezX TV, Season 4

Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ048

Season Finale (Season 4 - Episode 8): Season 4 Season Finale with Host Chris Ross and Guest Co-Host...

Secret Warriors: W5


W5 goes behind-the-scenes for an exclusive look at CSOR (Canadian Special Operations...

Seeking Immunity: W5


W5 looks at the development of vaccinations that scientists hope will stem the spread of COVID-19...

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