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3394 title(s) found.

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Cop Dog: W5


W5's Molly Thomas meets Major, a police dog with an incredible talant that has helped him crack...

Cop Out: W5


They are disturbing images: police officers kicking, hog-tying, maiming suspects and, sometimes...

Copper: Hope for Wildlife - Season 1

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR020E

A little fox with major health problems needs multiple surgeries to survive, and four raptors are...

Corée: l'impossible réunification

Alegria, ARTE France F259-S04

Depuis 60 ans, la Corée est divisée en 2 États, 2 sociétés diamétralement opposées. Comment...

Corée: l'impossible réunification

Alegria, ARTE France F259-S04

Depuis 60 ans, la Corée est divisée en 2 États, 2 sociétés diamétralement opposées. Comment...

Cornhill Nursery - Cornhill, NB: Depth of Field - Films about...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C014

Cornhill Nursery is family owned and operated for more than 40 years and is one of the largest...

Cornhill Nursery - Cornhill, NB: Depth of Field - Films about...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C014F

Cornhill Nursery is family owned and operated for more than 40 years and is one of the largest...

Coronation Gulf: Canada Over the Edge, Season 4

Blue Ant Media BAM185

Hope Bay: Gold in the Greenstone Belt Prospectors have been seeking precious metals from this...

Cosmetics Coming Clean

Blue Ant Media BAM113

The average woman uses 12 products containing 168 unique ingredients every day.  The health...

Cosplay Culture

Ubique Films Inc. A293-002

Featuring the work of talented cosplayers from around the world, this documentary will bring you...

Côte est: Les États-Unis vus du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S02-01

De la frontière canadienne jusqu’à Manhattan, des criques et des ports du Maine jusqu’à...

Côte nord-ouest: Les États-Unis vus du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S02-02

(De l'Oregon jusqu'à Vancouver via Seattle et la rivière Columbia)Voici l'un des paysages marins...

Côte ouest: Les États-Unis vus du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S02-03

Du Golden Gate de San Francisco jusqu’aux collines huppées d’Hollywood à Los Angeles, des...

Côte sud: Les États-Unis vus du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S02-04

Des étendues marécageuses de Louisiane jusqu’aux îles quasi-tropicales de l’archipel des...

Coughlan's Coffin: Unexplained Canada

Sean Karow KAR002

Can you come home after death? Can the ocean do the soul’s bidding and take a body thousands of...

Couleurs d'Islande: Les vues du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S03-06

À l'automne, l'Islande change de couleurs : après des semaines de lumière presqu'en permanence...

Coup de poker sur le brut

Antipode F173-044

Fin 2013, le cours du baril de pétrole commence sa chute, deux ans plus tard il aura perdu 70% de...

Courage in the Carnage: W5


October 7th, 2023, Hamas militants carry out a devastating act of terror, hunting Israelis in their...

COVID - Year 2: W5


March 8th 2021 marks one year since Canada's first death from COVID-19, a senior in a long-term...



From examining possible treatments of COVID-19 to dispelling the misconceptions online, CTV News is...

COVID-19: Life and Death: W5


W5 Investigative Correspondent Avery Haines details the intense and emotional day-to-day...

Covid: Europe’s Hamiltonian Moment - Summits: In the Secrets...

Beliane A242-S01-2

When the virus struck Europe in March 2020, everyone watched as masks were confiscated on airport...

Cow Factory

ARTE France A259-013

How would you like your cow? Plump? Hornless? Producing lactose-reduced or insulin-enriched milk? A...

Crab Fisherman: Nerves of Steel Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1006

Snow crab fishing is one of the deadliest jobs in the world... Irvin Jones, a Gespesian fisherman...

Crackberry'd: The Truth About Information Overload

Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI102

One thing is certain about human nature…we’re born talkers. Twelve billion text messages are...

Cracked: The Perplexing World of Egg Donation

Blue Ant Media BAM1362

Cracked illuminates how rapid advances in reproductive science have left countries, cultures, and...

Crash Course - Investigations by the Transportation Safety...

Maplerock Entertainment Inc. MAPL02

The smoldering wreckage of an airplane crash divulges its secrets only to the investigator's...

Crazy Rich People: History By the Numbers Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1440

Everyone wants to discover the secret of fabulous wealth. What does it take to join one of the most...

Creatorland, Volume 1

Creatorland Inc. CLI001

Follow the extraordinary lives of culturally-diverse creators, inventors and entrepreneurs and find...

Creatures from Hell: Paranormal Survivor, Season 5, Ep. 2

Blue Ant Media BAM1129

Monica Paulino fears for her life when stalked by the Grim Reaper, a demon torments Brittany...

Creatures of Central Alberta: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 4

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0794

Hayley probes strange sightings in Maskwacis, in central Alberta. She consults Dr. David Aveline...

Creatures of Place

Happen Films HAP001

Creatures of Place is an insight into the wonderful world of Artist as Family: Meg Ulman, Patrick...

Creep Out: W5


A new breed of vigilantes says they're defending children from predators looking to lure them...

Crescent Presence: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0046

Tom sends Shayla to Robert’s Arm, Newfoundland  to check out a lake monster known as Cressie. He...

Cries for Help: W5


In a follow-up to its 2014 investigation, "Suicide Watch", into alarming Canada-wide, in-patient...

Crime Bosses: History By the Numbers Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1439

The annual worth of the world's blackmarket economy is 2.2 trillion dollars. We reveal the inside...

Crimes of Honour

Bishari Films BF0016

Throughout the Islamic world, each year hundreds of women are shot, stabbed, strangled or burned to...

Crimetown: W5


W5's Avery Haines visits North Battleford, Saskatchewan where the crime rate is almost five times...

Criminal Justice and Law Playlist


A collection of five Canadian produced programs for your Criminal Justice and Law classes. Programs...

Critical Incident: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0705

A survivor of work-related PTSD, paramedic Andrea Seymour is the former Critical Incident Stress...

Cruising for Trouble: W5


The $20-billion a year North American cruise industry sells fun, excitement and the chance to visit...

Cuban Missile Crisis: Three Men Go to War

PBS Video 041601

Explore the inside story of the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962, when the world teetered on...

Cultural Appropriation: Future History - Harnessing Knowledge...

Redcloud Studios RS0011

Hosts Sarain and Kris discuss the problematic history and current trends of cultural appropriation...

Culture Camp: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 6

10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100606

Sam and Chuck journey to the boreal forest of northern Saskatchewan to experience traditional...

Culture Cosplay

Ubique Films Inc. F293-005

Imaginez Darth Vador, Lara Croft et Bilbo le Hobbit partageant un café. Ou encore Capitaine...

Culture on Display, Ottawa Senators Indigenous Appreciation...

4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310102

During the 2018-2019 NHL season, The Ottawa Senators Community Foundation created an annual...

Culture: Future History - Harnessing Knowledge, Season 1

Redcloud Studios RS0013

Sarain and Kris delve into the bigger questions of culture and how it shapes who they are as...

Customer (dis)Service: W5


W5 exposes companies with consumer watchdog complaints. An appliance repair company has a Better...

Cyber Guérilla 2.0

RTBF F296-001

Une immersion au cœur du « dark web » et des nouveaux champs de bataille apparus avec Internet...


The Best Part Inc. BPP000

A humorous and heartwarming documentary feature, which chronicles the extraordinary journey of a...

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