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Military Secrets: Soldiers Speak Out On Sexual Misconduct: W5
CTV CTV885W5 investigates sexual misconduct in the military, and interviews Canadian soldiers who claim they...
Military: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0708Aboriginal women serving in Canada’s armed forces are often introduced to military service...
Milk Cow, Make Cheese (Ep. 4): The Farm with Ian Knauer
RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE004Love pizza? Learn how to make it from scratch! In this episode, Ian teaches you how to milk a cow...
MILK: Born Into This World
Filmblanc Inc. ICE027According to UNICEF and WHO, 7 MILLION children die every year due to malnutrition, of those, 1...
Millet: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series
Switch SWED05A key ingredient of bird seed in the West, this ancient gluten-free grass is a staple food in many...
MINO BIMAADIZIWIN (WAABANDA'IWEWIN): Future History: Harnessing...
Redcloud Studios RS0010OJKris dash Sarain odazhindaanawaa mino bimaadiziwin. Onagishkawaawaan nenaadawi’iwe inini John...
MINOCHIGEWIN (WAABANDA’IWEWIN): Future History Series, Season...
Redcloud Studios RS0026OJMINOCHIGEWIN: (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 12): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris...
Mira, une histoire de cœur
CinéFête F293-001Ce film nous présente un homme bon, rieur, coloré, amoureux des chiens, qui un jour a eu...
Miracle Baby
Supre Incorporated SINC00The ultra competitive world of professional sports is daunting for any athletic hopeful, let alone...
Miron - A Man Returned from Outside the World
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M018A veritable aesthetic fresco combining portraiture, political documentary and experimental...
Mistissini Healing
Stephanie Vizi SV0000Examines the trauma experienced by the intergenerational survivors of Canada's residential school...
Mitch’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP307Mitch made the decision to form his COVID ""bubble” with his mom and dad, but not long after...
Mom and Me
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE002A Story About Men and the Women Who Raised Them. In this compelling portrait of the love between...
Mom's Home
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM04Nominated for two Gemini Awards – the Donald Brittain Award and Best Documentary Editing Award...
Moments in Motion
Mouvement Perpétuel A193-003Seven short profiles of Canadian choreographers, each powerful voices from the new generation...
Money for Nothing (W5)
CTV CTV401In Ontario, the current Police Services Act prevents police chiefs from suspending any officers...
Montreal New Wave
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M021Montreal New Wave documents and questions that unknown part of our recent cultural history...
Moon, Solar Flares, Mars, Quasar, Hubble and Neil Armstrong...
Switch SWED132Explore and unravel the mysteries of what lies beyond our planet Earth. Strap yourself in as this...
Mordecai Richler: le cosaque de la rue Saint-Urbain
Motsjo Films F214-002Scénarisé par le nouveau biographe de Mordecai Richler, Charlie Foran, en collaboration avec la...
More Than a Man's Best Friend: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 4
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0796Hayley investigates Dog Soldier and Brave Dog societies at Doc's request, starting with the...
Morocco: The Speed Shop
Blue Ant Media BAM1469Titch and the team tackle an 1,100km Moroccan desert expedition with a veterans charity using...
Morts à crédit
ARTE France F259-022Chaque jour en France, trois personnes se donnent la mort parce qu’elles sont tombées dans la...
Moscow, Jakarta, Santiago, Abu Dhabi, Vienna, Taipei and Miami...
Switch SWED84This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...
Moslem Empires - Ottomans, Mughals and Moors: Empire Builders...
Pilot Productions 555028In the seventh century, a great new religion was born and rose up in the deserts of what is now...
Mosquitoes on the Rise
Grand Angle Productions A173-033The film, Mosquitoes on the Rise, takes us to Brazil, Africa, Southeast Asia and Southern Europe...
Motion: Heart of a Poet, Season 2
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM38Spoken word poet, educator and activist, Motion, Queen of the Real, aka Wendy Brathwaite, gives us...
Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region, BC: Striking Balance Series 2
Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV036Following unprecedented droughts, the people of BC’s Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region begin...
Mountain Lion Hunters: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 3
10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100603Sam and Chuck travel to southwestern Colorado to learn about the Southern Ute Tribe. Trekking...
Mr. Big: W5
CTV CTV183It was an elaborate sting known as "The Big Boss," or "Mr. Big" in which undercover officers posed...
Mr. Jane and Finch
OYA Media Group OYA000Winston LaRose, a beloved 80-year-old activist/amateur documentarian who has documented the Black...
Mr. Noah and the Second Flood
Shebafilms Studios RTV061Mr. Noah, a descendant of the original ark builder, lives with his wife and family on a peaceful...
Mr. Prime Minister: W5
CTV CTV667An exclusive interview with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just days after he led the Liberal Party...
MS Wars: Hope, Science and the Internet
Zoot Pictures ZP0001For over a century and a half the medical community have developed protocols and systems for...
Muddy the Waters: All Too Clear - Beneath the Surface of the...
Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV046Episode 2 of All Too Clear follows the growing movement of people trying to figure out how to...
Muddy Waters: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0119Lisa travels to Winnipeg, the Urban Aboriginal Capital of Canada; a city on the rise or a city...
Multiple Award Winning Musicians Zamani Folade and Lisa Richard...
BG Content Inc. BG0008Join host Zoe D’Amato as she meets two award winning musicians with unique stories. Singer...
Mumbai, Copenhagen, Atlanta, Dublin, Houston, Luxor and New...
Switch SWED88This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...
Muneeza in the Middle
GAPC Productions GAP016Muneeza Sheikh wears her faith on her sleeve - if she's wearing sleeves, that is. And that's a...
Murder of Crows: Hope for Wildlife - Season 2
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR033EThe rehab staff is thrilled to release six young ravens - but horrified when they are immediately...
Murdered By A Mob: The Killing of Bijan Ebrahimi
Blue Ant Media BAM1272This documentary examines the murder of Iranian refugee Bijan Ebrahimi, beaten to death and his...
Museum Maestros (48 Minute Version)
CineFocus CIN016Gail and Barry Lord were obsessed with museums. As internationally acclaimed museum experts, they...
Museum Maestros (70 Minute Version)
CineFocus CIN017Gail and Barry Lord were obsessed with museums. As internationally acclaimed museum experts, they...
Museums, Monuments & Living History: Future History - Harnessing...
Redcloud Studios RS0009Our hosts, Kris and Sarain dig deeper into the world of Archaeology, preservation of artefacts and...
Musical Ghosts
Farpoint Films FAR004In September, 1914, the New Orleans Creole Orchestra played Winnipeg’s Pantages Playhouse Theatre...
Muzikanti od koreňa
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV085Suite à notre sollicitation, reçus par le service culturel de l’ambassade de Tchécoslovaquie...
My Brain Made Me Do It
Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI002When a brutal crime is committed who is ultimately to blame - the perpetrator or their...
My Enemy, My Brother (18 min)
Fathom Film Group Ltd. FFGL00My Enemy, My Brother is a real life story about two former enemies, Zahed and Najah, who fought in...
My Enemy, My Brother (88 min)
Fathom Film Group Ltd. FFGL01My Enemy, My Brother is the real life story about two enemies from the Iran-Iraq War who return to...
My Everest
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE123This documentary follows Max Stainton, a physically disabled man on a mission to defy expectations...
My Indian Name
Nish Media 310073My “Indian” Name is a documentary that takes a look at how having their traditional names...
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