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This Is (Not) Who We Are
Video Project, Inc. TVP123This Is [Not] Who We Are explores the gap between Boulder, Colorado's progressive self-image and...
This Small
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE004Length of gestation: 25 weeks. This is the threshold of viability for premature children. When a...
Threads: Art of Craft Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1434Man has been weaving threads since the beginning of time and this episode celebrates this intricate...
Three Drops
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV038Everyone will lose someone they love at some point, death being our one, universal certainty. But...
Three Inspiring Stories (Kuala Lampur): David Rocco’s Dolce...
Blue Ant Media BAM1199Everyone has their story. Creating a vision for your life is not easy, and is often scary. In Kuala...
Video Project, Inc. TVP105An intimate autobiographical documentary from Brazilian filmmaker Coraci Ruiz following the...
Thunderstruck: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0041Thunderbird is a legendary creature possessing great power and strength. It creates thunder by...
Thy Will Be Done: W5
CTV CTV818W5's Sandie Rinaldo goes undercover to expose conversion therapy in Canada. The program examines...
Tibet: Beyond Fear
Passion River Films PR2173With an opening by Richard Gere, this award winning television documentary has been translated into...
Ticked Off: The Mystery of Lyme Disease
Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI095Lyme disease, a mysterious tick-borne illness, is the fastest spreading vector-borne disease. Over...
Tidal Forest of Africa: Waterworld Africa Series
Blue Ant Media BAM522A day in the life of a southern African mangrove forest. We follow the forest and its residents...
Til Death Do Us Part: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT002What does it do to a relationship when the caregiver is your partner? Nancy (63 years old) and her...
Tim Van Patten (The Sopranos, The Pacific, Boardwalk Empire)...
Empreinte Digitale A296-S01-04Before working on one of HBO's best series, The Sopranos, Tim Van Patten was an actor in the series...
Time to Give Back (Fort Vermilllion, AB): A Good Game Series
4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310100John Chabot and a group of his friends from the NHL travel across northern Alberta bringing...
Titans of the 20th Century
PBS Video 041947This is the story of the most influential figures of the 20th century, those who caused and those...
TITLE To Our Land: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0121Lisa travels to her home community to speak with the Tsilhqot’in Chiefs, central to the historic...
Tla-o-qui-aht Salmon Hatchery/Salmon and Bannock...
Aarrow Productions AP0026Tla-o-qui-aht Salmon Hatchery/Salmon and Bannock Restaurant/Nuu-chah-nulth Plant Walk: Host Steve...
Tla-o-qui-aht, BC: Power to the People, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0765Geothermal energy is generated using heat stored below the earth’s surface. Caretakers of Long...
To Hell and Back: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0693Hobbema, Alberta is home of the Muskwachees First Nation, one of the most notorious reserves in...
To Make a Farm
Orangeville Road Pictures ORP000Named one of the ten most popular Canadian films at the Vancouver International Film Festival, To...
To the Ends of the Earth (55 Minute Version)
White Gold Productions WGP000Narrated by Emma Thompson, this documentary examines the rise of extreme energy extraction in...
To the Ends of the Earth (80 Minute Version)
White Gold Productions WGP000BNarrated by Emma Thompson, this documentary examines the rise of extreme energy extraction in...
To the Ends of the Earth (French Version)
White Gold Productions WGP000FRNarrated by Emma Thompson, this documentary examines the rise of extreme energy extraction in...
Toad People: What Does it Take to Save a Species? (52 Minute...
Wilderness Committee 010040Every year in early summer when the weather starts to warm up, a rural road in the community of...
Toad People: What Does it Take to Save a Species? (76 Minute...
Wilderness Committee 010041Every year in early summer when the weather starts to warm up, a rural road in the community of...
Toe The Line
Snail Mail Media Inc. SMMI00Toe The Line, written and directed by non-binary Canto storyteller Carolyn J. Wu, is a...
Together Again: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk...
Buck Productions 300113Life-changing and unforgettable, the journey is reflected upon by the group months later. In a...
Together We Stand Firm: The Eeyouch of Istchee Series, Ep. 1
Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) PPE035In the early 1970s, ten young Cree leaders were asked by community elders to lead the fight during...
Toiroa – First People: The Untold Tales of Tuteremoana Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0661Toiroa – First People” Circa 850 AD. This mostly non-narrated story portrays a young girl and...
Tomas Conversations: The Exceptional Life Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE036Tomas and Sara work together to develop conversational skills so that Tomas can get along better...
Tomb of the Jade Suit: Mysteries of China Series
Blue Ant Media BAM948Archaeologist Agnes Hsu leads us through an enthralling investigation, examining artifacts from...
Tommy Douglas In His Own Words
Zoot Pictures ZP0007Tommy Douglas in his Own Words is a biographical one-hour documentary, presented in an unusual...
Tomorrow's Power (52 Minute Version)
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE021TOMORROW'S POWER is a feature length documentary that showcases three communities around the world...
Tomorrow's Power (76 Minute Version)
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE019TOMORROW'S POWER is a feature length documentary that showcases three communities around the world...
Torch: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq), Season...
Buck Productions 300083The three canoes deftly take to the water and cross a windy lake towards a signal fire. Past and...
Tormented by Shadows: Paranormal Survivor, Season 5, Ep. 4
Blue Ant Media BAM1131A young couple fear their 5 month old baby is the target of an evil spirit, Deanna Dunkle is...
Toronto - Toby Sicks: Skindigenous Series, Season 3
Nish Media 310062When Anthony (Toby Sicks) Hooper learned he was Métis at age 21, he did a lot of research into his...
Toronto - Jay Soule: Skindigenous Series, Season 1
Nish Media 310013Jay Soule is a multidisciplinary artist known as “Chippewar” in the Indigenous community. His...
Toronto Carnival: Black Community Mixtapes Series
OYA Media Group OYA008KhaRå Martin, Toronto actress and filmmaker, enlightens views about the hidden messages in the...
Total Recall: W5
CTV CTV965Avis Favaro interviews Emily Nash, a Canadian teen who has a highly superior autobiographical...
Touch: Human +: The Future of Our Senses Series
Ideacom International A266-S02-01The sense of touch is an invisible force of human nature. Not only does it perceive tiny elements...
Toucher la vie
Productions François Laliberté F273-001Ce film nous plonge dans la réalité d’une vie guidée par l’ouïe et le toucher. Il nous...
Towers: Legends vs Modern Icons Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1271The Eiffel Tower in the heart of Paris is a true milestone in architectural history. When it was...
Toxic Crisis: W5
CTV CTV855It’s the toxic drug supply; an epidemic within the pandemic. Never before in the history of...
Toxic Time Bomb
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV003“Toxic Time Bomb” is about the impact of industrial pollution on a community and about...
Clique Pictures CLIQ00Explores the connection to the communities impacted by the products Canadians consume! TRACEABLE...
Track Record: W5
CTV CTV363It's been many years, track miles and one harrowing experience that have brought Gord Rhodes to...
Tracking Zika
Grand Angle Productions A173-037Zika, a cute little name of a forest in Uganda has become synonymous with a mosquito-born...
Trail Blazers: Breaking Trail Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP012Good mountain bike trails are usually the result of a lot of effort. Volunteer trail builders Emily...
Trail Friends: Breaking Trail Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP014It is a morning of laughs, skills and spills when three friends and hard working women clear their...
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