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#Unsettled Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0636

Urban Indigenous power couple Darryl and Rayna Keetch uproot their family, abandon their affluent...

1491: The Untold Story of the Americas Before Columbus

1491 Productions Inc. 149100

"The Western Hemisphere before 1492... was a thriving, stunningly diverse place, a tumult of...

2015 Saskatchewan First Nations Summer Games: RezX TV, Season 1

Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ012

This episode of RezX is entirely devoted to the 2015 Saskatchewan First Nations Summer Games that...

A Father's Great Expectations: The Kennedys, Season 1, Ep. 1

MUSE Entertainment MUSE32

It is the eve of the 1960 presidential election, and John F. Kennedy is poised to become the...

A Grandfather’s Defense: The Lie Detective Series

Reel Girls Media REEL23

A grandfather comes to Ken's office with an emotionally disturbing case. Alienated by his family...

A Great Lakes Romance


Made in 1918, this film is a drama that follows a cruise ship around the Great Lakes.

A Small Part of Me

Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF004

Tobin, a transgender teen prepares for his acting debut where he’ll be playing a male leading...

A Sunday Kind of Love

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE050

Adam Loule is a struggling writer on the verge of giving it all up.  His books have failed, he’s...


Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0647

ABDUCTED is a suspense-thriller feature film that tells the story of an inner-city young Indigenous...

Adeena Karasick: Heart of a Poet, Season 2

Makin Movies Inc. MJMM46

Performance artist, professor and Jewish cultural theorist, Adeena Karasick explores the ephemeral...

American Experience: Chasing the Moon

PBS Video 041932

Chasing the Moon reimagines the race to the moon for a new generation, upending much of the...

American Masters: Bing Crosby Rediscovered

PBS Video 041752

Bing Crosby was, without a doubt, the most popular and influential multi-media star of the first...

American Masters: Inventing David Geffen

PBS Video 041651

David Geffen's far - reaching influence - as agent, manager, record industry mogul, Hollywood and...

An Audience of Chairs

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE122

A beautiful, gifted but mentally ill woman loses her two young children when, caught up in a manic...

An Introduction to First Nations Culture and Traditions

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI084

Before early European settlers arrived in what is Canada today, there were already many Indigenous...

Anarchy: The Pillars Of The Earth Series, Ep. 1

MUSE Entertainment MUSE42

The succession of England's crown is in doubt and causes King Henry's daughter and nephew to...

Ange’s Neighbour: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 2, Ep. 5

The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP214

Sandra, Ange’s next-door neighbour has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. When Ange...

Appreciate Feedback: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0056

Welcome feedback without defensiveness and continually improve. Dion hears some tough feedback...

Ariane Mnouchkine

Phares & Balises A196-013

Not many theatre directors can boast of having been at the helm of their troupe for over 50 years...

Ariane Mnouchkine au pays du théâtre

Phares & Balises F196-016

Quel(le) chef de troupe pourrait s’enorgueillir de continuer de mener sa bande depuis 48 ans ? De...

Armistice: Bomb Girls, Season 1, Ep. 5

MUSE Entertainment MUSE15

With Armistice Day nearing, battles near and far get cast into stark relief. Lorna struggles to...

Badge of Courage: Tales from the Neverending Story Series, Ep. 9

MUSE Entertainment MUSE59

Connor, a bully in Bastian's class challenges Bastian to a fight and bastian decides to accept the...

Bar Thieves Beware: The Lie Detective Series

Reel Girls Media REEL25

Ken helps Brewhouse owner Roger combat theft in his bar by conducting periodic polygraph screenings...

Bataille d'Hastings

PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-09

Battle, Royaume-Uni. La bataille d’Hastings, d’une importance majeure dans l’histoire de...

Bataille de Cedar Creek

PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-07

Virginie, États-Unis. Les reconstitutions de batailles liées à la guerre civile américaine sont...

Bataille de la poche de Falaise

PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-08

Le lendemain du débarquement du 6 juin 1944, les Alliés entament la bataille de Normandie pour...

Bataille de Little Bighorn

PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-05

Montana, États-Unis. Dans un décor naturel digne de westerns hollywoodiens se tient chaque année...

Bataille de Verdun

PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-04

Verdun, France. Longue et sanglante, la bataille de Verdun, survenue pendant la Première Guerre...

Bataille de Wavre

PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-06

Wavre, Belgique. Pendant que Napoléon subit une défaite cuisante à Waterloo le 18 juin 1815, une...

Battlefield: The Pillars Of The Earth Series, Ep. 4

MUSE Entertainment MUSE45

William wants his father's title as earl, but finds a mysterious knight is a rival for the title...

Be Confident and Assertive: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0052

Speak with confidence, overcome personal blocks and be assertive. Confidence is a necessary...

Ben Hur Series

MUSE Entertainment MUSE00

A young Jewish prince, Ben Hur seeks revenge after an old friend wrongly imprisons him and his...

Ben Hur: Part 1

MUSE Entertainment MUSE01

Lavish biblical adventure of betrayal and revenge. Two former friends are pitted against each other...

Ben Hur: Part 2

MUSE Entertainment MUSE02

Arrius presents Judah to the duplicitous emperor Tiberias who pits him against a Thracian wrestler...

Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE112

Kato, the owner of Cafe Phalam in front of Kyoto's Nijo Station, goes back to his apartment above...

Blazing Ball of Death Escape: Escape or Die! Series, Ep. 9

Farpoint Films FAR058

Quebec's world famous ice hotel is the backdrop for Dean's blazing ball of flames escape. The...

Body Builders Never Cheat?: The Lie Detective Series

Reel Girls Media REEL21

Banned substances are a big problem in the world of body building. Ken is hired by Matthew Park of...

Bomb Girls, Season One

MUSE Entertainment MUSE10

With men fighting overseas during World War II, many women held factory jobs to fill the labour...

Bringing Up Bombshell: Bomb Girls, Season 1, Ep. 4

MUSE Entertainment MUSE14

A propaganda film shoot has the girls discovering they're victims of the war's hype. Bomb Girls is...

Broken Angel

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE129

ANGEL (30), a once vibrant beautiful Cree woman, is now weary and spiritless after enduring viscous...

Broken Promises and Deadly Barriers: The Kennedys, Season 1, Ep...

MUSE Entertainment MUSE35

The Russians build a wall separating East and West Berlin, with disastrous consequences for East...

Build Employability Skills: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0057

Find ways to learn new skills, manage your emotions and speak impressively. Cutting Edge wants...

Building Effective & Motivated Teams: Cutting Edge Communication...

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0009

Includes the following Ten programs: Recruiting the Best - Marcus must stop using a lucky dip...

Buried Alive Escape: Escape or Die! Series, Ep. 7

Farpoint Films FAR056

Dean will be wrapped in chains inside a steel coffin locked tightly and buried alive. Dean will be...

Burning, Bound and Upside Down Escape: Escape or Die! Series...

Farpoint Films FAR051

Dean is bound in a straight jacket, hanging upside down 45 meters over the deadly cobblestone...

Cadmus Delorme Wrestles Wavell Starr; The Reckless Famous...

Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ010

This episode is a special one, as co-host Cadmus Delorme went inside the ring with wrestler Wavell...

Caitlin Cronenberg with Sarah Gadon: Reelside Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1017

Photographer, Caitlin Cronenberg & Actor, Sarah Gadon have been commissioned by an Italian fashion...

Charles Burnett and the L.A. Rebellion

Tamara Films A196-026

Charles Burnett is an eminent figure of the Black independent movement during the sixties. His dual...

Charles Burnett and the L.A. Rebellion

Tamara Films F196-042

Figure éminente du « Black independent movement » pendant les années soixante, Charles Burnett...

Christopher Plummer: A Man for All Stages

GAPC Productions GAP018

In a career that spans more than half a century, Christopher Plummer has played a thousand parts...

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