Family Studies/Home Economics
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Mary May Simon: Canada’s First Indigenous Governor General
CTV CTV897CTV’s Annie Bergeron Oliver interviews Canada's Governor General Mary May Simon at the 73rd...
Maskwacis, Samson Cree Nation, AB - Heather Kiskihkoman...
Nish Media 310061The Samson Cree Nation is one of four communities known collectively as Maskwacis in Central...
Massage, tradition millénaire... mode planétaire
Via Découvertes Production F173-031Pratique ancestrale, phénomène et mode planétaire, le massage constitue une bulle de bien-être...
Massage: Age Old Tradition, Worldwide Phenomenon
Via Découvertes Production A173-028Age-old tradition or worldwide fashion, massages are a bubble of well-being where one can seclude...
Math in the Kitchen: Do You Measure Up? (Metric Version)
Learning ZoneXpress 430096Is baking basic chemistry? Are ingredients basic biology? And is cooking basic math? If you can't...
MAZINAABII'IGEWIN (WAABANDA'IWEWIN): Future History: Harnessing...
Redcloud Studios RS0006OJSarain dash Kris onanda gikendaanawaa onow gaa-mazinabii’igewaad zhigo ge aadizookewin. Mii iwedi...
McCreary Land and Livestock Ltd - Bladworth, SK: Depth of Field...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C029McCreary Land and Livestock Ltd is a grain and livestock operation that uses renewable energy and...
Learning Seed 200060The food pyramid has replaced the four food groups as the basic tool for planning a balanced diet...
Meal Planning: Meals in Minutes Series
Learning ZoneXpress 430089Ever wonder what's for dinner? Simplify your life by planning meals ahead of time. Follow comedian...
Meals in Minutes Series
Learning ZoneXpress 430205Simplify your life by planning meals ahead of time with comedian Stevie Ray. He demonstrated easy...
Mealworm Popover and Tapenade: Bug Bites Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1164Follow Haley Chamberlain Nelson as she walks viewers through the natural history of mealworms, and...
Measure Up in the Kitchen
Learning Seed 200120You asked us for an up-to-date video showing how to measure dry and liquid ingredients for cooking...
Meat the Future: The Next Agricultural Revolution
LizMars Productions Inc. LMPI00Imagine a world where real meat is produced sustainably without the need to breed, raise and...
Medical Outposts: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0712Canada is home to some of the most technologically advanced medical services in the world, but not...
Medicine (mrim̓ stn): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx...
Buck Productions 300095With their minds and bodies adapting to the land, the group welcomes a medicine teaching about the...
Medicine and Survival: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 1
10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100601Sam and Chuck travel to the Painted Warriors Ranch in Alberta to learn traditional Métis bush...
Medicine Unleashed: W5
CTV CTV771W5's Sandie Rinaldo explores the treatment of cancer in dogs and research into these treatments is...
Medicine: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep...
Buck Productions 300058Michela struggles on the choppy lake, while Brendan and Caleb continue to take on water, as they...
Medicines: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk Territory...
Buck Productions 300107After days of losing weight and her body growing weak, Britt is forced to make a painful and...
Megan's Seminar: Drug Class Series, Season 3
Cooper Rock CPR036Through the help of a treatment centre Megan has decided to quite drinking and doing drugs. As part...
Megan: Drug Class Series, Season 3
Cooper Rock CPR030Megan comes to Rand to discuss her drug and alcohol problem. As Megan is new to the Drug Class...
Melting Lands: A Cultural Climate Change
Hemmings House Pictures HHP000"MELTING LANDS" is a documentary that explores the effects of Global Warming in a small community...
Merchants of the Wild Series - ON Oji-Cree, Season 1
Buck Productions 300050Merchants of the Wild is a vivid reconnection to the land as six Indigenous women and men relive...
Merchants of the Wild Series; BC - Syilx Territory, Season 3
Buck Productions 300086Merchants of the Wild follows a group of Indigenous adventurers as they journey along ancient paths...
Merchants of the Wild Series; NS - Kespukwitk Territory, Season 4
Buck Productions 300100Merchants of the Wild, Season 4 is a vivid documentary series mixing culture, survival...
Metals: Art of Craft Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1432In this episode we meet the masters of metal – men and women who pit their human hands on one of...
Métis Culture and Traditions Collection
LeMay Media LM0026Collection includes five segments: Métis Jigging - Métis jigging originated in the Red River...
Métis Harvest: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 13
10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100613Sam and Chuck travel to St. Laurent, Man., one of the largest Métis communities in the world...
Mexico: Skindigenous Series, Season 1
Nish Media 310012The ancient city of Palenque was once a hub of Mayan civilization. For centuries after its decline...
Michael; Co-Dependency: Drug Class Series, Season 3
Cooper Rock CPR039Michael and his mother Keely discuss their drug and alcohol problems and their co-dependency...
Michel Saulnier et Sylvain Brouthillette: À tout hasard
CinéFête F272-S02-06Michel Saulnier - SculpteurSylvain Bouthillette - Artiste en arts visuelsMichel Saulnier...
Michelle’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP302In 1982 Michelle met the love of her life in Grant. Through marriage and having kids, they always...
Microwave Mysteries - Beep, Zap, Defrost!: In the Kitchen Series
Learning Seed 200242Most people know what a microwave is, but do we really know what goes on in there? Trace the...
Microwave Ovens: Just the Facts Series
Learning ZoneXpress 430056Ever wonder how a microwave oven actually cooks food? The mystery is solved as Chef Jon uses a...
Middle Childhood
Learning Seed 200214During middle childhood - the period between ages 6 and 12 - children reach many critical...
Middle Childhood Series
Magna Systems 520155Series Includes: Middle Childhood: Physical Growth & Development 22 minutes Copyright © 2008...
Midwives: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0701Pre-contact, midwifery was a traditional practice among First Nations across the country. Driven...
MIIJIM (WAABANDA'IWEWIN): Future History: Harnessing Knowledge...
Redcloud Studios RS0007OJKris dash Sarain ogojipidaanaawaa anishinaabe miijim. Omawidisaawaan dibaakonige ikwe Adrianne...
Milan, The Fashion City: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1212As the most progressive city in Italy, it’s not surprising that Milan attracts world-renowned...
Military: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0708Aboriginal women serving in Canada’s armed forces are often introduced to military service...
Milk Cow, Make Cheese (Ep. 4): The Farm with Ian Knauer
RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE004Love pizza? Learn how to make it from scratch! In this episode, Ian teaches you how to milk a cow...
MILK: Born Into This World
Filmblanc Inc. ICE027According to UNICEF and WHO, 7 MILLION children die every year due to malnutrition, of those, 1...
Millet: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series
Switch SWED05A key ingredient of bird seed in the West, this ancient gluten-free grass is a staple food in many...
Mimi on a Mission Series
Blue Ant Media BAM996YouTuber Mimi Misfit takes seven teenagers from across Britain on a fact-finding mission to...
Minerals: Elements of Human Nutrition Series
Learning Seed 200224Minerals are more than squares on the periodic table; they're crucial to our health. Learn the...
MINO BIMAADIZIWIN (WAABANDA'IWEWIN): Future History: Harnessing...
Redcloud Studios RS0010OJKris dash Sarain odazhindaanawaa mino bimaadiziwin. Onagishkawaawaan nenaadawi’iwe inini John...
MINOCHIGEWIN (WAABANDA’IWEWIN): Future History Series, Season...
Redcloud Studios RS0026OJMINOCHIGEWIN: (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 12): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris...
Mira, une histoire de cœur
CinéFête F293-001Ce film nous présente un homme bon, rieur, coloré, amoureux des chiens, qui un jour a eu...
Mitch’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP307Mitch made the decision to form his COVID ""bubble” with his mom and dad, but not long after...
MMIW, Amanda Rheaume, Candy Fox, Fishing Lake First Nation: RezX...
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ024Episode 9 focuses around the theme of “Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women”; featuring a RezX...
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