Health and Medicine
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How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT000You and everyone you’ve ever known will die someday. How will we be cared for while we die and...
Howie's Horrors: W5
CTV CTV652In our lengthy W5 interview, Howie Mandel opens up about an episode in his youth that his...
HPV: What Every Teen Needs To Know
Human Relations Media 600597With more teens sexually active, the risk of contracting human papilloma virus (HPV) has increased...
Human +: le futur de nos sens
Ideacom International F266-S02Développer nos sens au-delà de ce que nous a fait entrevoir la science-fiction, accroître la...
Human +: The Future of Our Senses Series
Ideacom International A266-S02"Human + The Future of Our Senses" brings viewers into the enigmatic world of scientists...
Human Reproduction and Childbirth
Human Relations Media 600461Using animated graphics, this program clearly and vividly illustrates the biological functions of...
Humanité Augmentée
AB Productions F296-006Voyage entre les Etats-Unis et l’Asie au cœur des laboratoires secrets des «nouveaux savants...
I Didn't Think It Would Happen To Me: The Truth About Heroin
Human Relations Media 600179This program provides viewers with straight information about the dangers of heroin use-including...
I Love When We Play
Tremain Media Inc. 300028I Love When We Play teaches parents how best to encourage and support play-based learning. As we...
I Should Have Waited
Human Relations Media 600345Under constant pressure from peers and the media, one of the biggest decisions a teen has to make...
Identifying And Responding To Trauma I (Ages 0 - 5): Childhood...
Magna Systems 520031Trauma in the life of children from birth to five years of age has a profound impact which...
Identifying And Responding To Trauma II (Ages 6-Adolescence)...
Magna Systems 520032Older children suffering from the effects of emotional trauma are frequently misdiagnosed as having...
Impossible Journey: W5
CTV CTV815Orbiting more than 370 kilometres above Earth in the International Space Station is a tough, alien...
In the Heat of the Moment: Making Difficult Decisions about Sex
Human Relations Media 600676Teens and college students are often confronted with difficult and complex choices when it comes to...
In Their Own Words
CTV CTV775In Their Own Words is the story of 7 Canadians sharing their journey with mental illness. In this...
In Their Own Words: Late Adulthood
Magna Systems 520091The social convoy can be described as the group of people who accompanies us on the journey of...
Independent Lens: Soul Food Junkies
PBS Video 041632Food traditions are hard to change, especially when they're passed on from generation to...
Indonesia: Skindigenous Series, Season 1
Nish Media 310003The Mentawai people inhabit a group of islands west of Sumatra, in Indonesia. For centuries, they...
Magna Systems 520105This program traces the sensory and perceptive abilities used in early learning. See how these...
Magna Systems 520106The establishment of trust or mistrust depends upon the child's significant early relationships...
Magna Systems 520107This video portrays the remarkable early development of emotions and suitable adult responses to...
Magna Systems 520104In infancy, development proceeds in an orderly fashion in brain development, physical growth...
Infant Milestones: An Overview
Learning Seed 200310Follow an infant's rapid physical development in the first year of life. See how a baby's brain...
Inhalant Abuse: One Huff Can Kill
Human Relations Media 600663This gripping program shares unforgettable real stories of teens fighting their abuse of inhalants...
Inhalants Exposed
Human Relations Media 600208This program addresses a dangerous and often tragic practice among young people ; sniffing fumes of...
Innovation and Technology: The Bears' Lair Series, Season 1, Ep...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0654Three Indigenous innovators impress the Bears with their new products and technologies that tackle...
Inside Wuhan: W5
CTV CTV825The epidemic COVID-19 virus has caused international apprehension for everyday life, but in Wuhan...
Inspire by Example
Chris Cull CC0000A documentary about the prevalence of prescription drug abuse in Canada, and the effects of...
Integrity & Despair: Late Adulthood
Magna Systems 520093In this moving program, widows and widowers discuss the traumatic experience of losing a spouse...
ARTE France A196-018Neither a girl nor a boy, or a little of both, the intersexes are from an invisible community that...
Magna Systems 520024Researchers have concluded that throughout adulthood, throughout the world, marriage is the single...
Introducing Sociology Series
Shortcutstv Ltd STV014These four programs introduce students to major issues and debates encountered at the start of any...
Magna Systems 520109When the infant or toddler is in child care away from parents, this child needs a caregiver who...
Invisible Man
Supre Incorporated SINC05Retreating from existence, Andrew’s psoriasis scarred his psychology far deeper than his skin...
Is Baby OK? Assessing Development
Learning Seed 200144How can we tell if our child is developing normally in its first two years? Learn some of the basic...
Is That Good For Me?: Wise Owl's Drug Safety Kit
Human Relations Media 600560In this video, viewers learn how choices such as what to eat and when to go to bed can affect our...
It Takes All of Us to Enforce the Law (English Version)
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC001It Takes All of Us to Enforce the Law (English Version): In February, 2007, the First Nations Child...
It Takes All of Us to Enforce the Law (French Version)
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNCF01It Takes All of Us to Enforce the Law (French Version): January 26, 2016, was a historic day. Nine...
It's Your Choice: Avoiding Pregnancy & STDs
Human Relations Media 600156The decision to be sexually active has huge ramifications for all young people, especially in a...
James' Legacy: W5
CTV CTV436Can an eight-year-old boy change the face of childhood cancer? Can the struggles of one child...
Jet-Lagged: W5
CTV CTV727Kevin Newman investigates how when it comes to pilot fatigue, Canadian regulations are way behind...
Jihadi Brides: W5
CTV CTV779W5's Paul Workman visits Canadian women at a refugee camp in Syria who claim they were lured by...
Jobs in Food and Nutrition: Career Compass Series
Learning Seed 200247Many people don't realize where - or who - their food comes from. But farmers, chefs, scientists...
Joseph's Story: W5
CTV CTV051Canada's kids are now leading the world's obesity race, outweighing even the United States. W5...
Journey (iʔ sxʷuysəlx): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx...
Buck Productions 300098Quick-changing weather threaten to break the group’s spirits. On the edge of emotional turmoil, a...
Journey: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep...
Buck Productions 300062Everything comes to a head as heavy snow signals the nearing of the end of the journey. Their final...
Joyride: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 1, Ep. 5
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP205Ange has a car but no longer drives. Sam has his license but no car. Ange and Sam go for a drive...
Judith Jacquie Grace: Three Women Speaking Out About Menopause
Supre Incorporated SINC10Menopause has been largely dismissed and ignored by society. But now that a generation of baby...
Julie’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP301In this episode, we hear Julie’s story. A mother who is forced to confront her worst fears when...
Junaid and Nicole: The Working Originals Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP026Junaid was born breech and suffered from seizures at a young age, leaving him with developmental...
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