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Language Arts

1213 title(s) found.

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Three Little Pigs (James Marshall version)

Weston Woods WW343

by James Marshall A classic story with a contemporary bend of three little pigs who are...

Three Little Pigs (Erik Blegvad version)

Weston Woods WW267

retold by Erik Blegvad The traditional story of the three little pigs and the big bad wolf has...

Three Robbers, The

Weston Woods WW172

by Tomi Ungerer A little girl names Tiffany sets three robbers straight, turning their gold to...

Thunder Lake Monster: Wolf Joe Series


The friends are sure the creature following their boat is a lake monster but after their motor...

Tic tac trésor : Canot Cocasse Saison 2

Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800224

Tic tac trésor (épisode 10): Canot Cocasse Saison 2: Thème : Faire plaisir aux autres est...

Tiga Talk! Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0267

Tiga Talk! This engaging series teaches integral skills to kids aged 2-5. Stuffed toys Tiga the...

Tiga Talk! Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0274

Stuffed toys Tiga the Wolf, Gertie the Gopher and Gavin the Goose live with their human friends...

Tiga Talk! Series, Season 3

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0288

Stuffed toys Tiga the Wolf, Gertie the Gopher and Gavin the Goose live with their human friends...

Tiga Talk! Series, Season 4

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0302

Stuffed toys Tiga the Wolf, Gertie the Gopher and Gavin the Goose live with their human friends...

Tiger: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR118E

Big Bear and Squeak are stargazing at night on the mountain. They use their flashlight to play a...

Tikki Tikki Tembo

Weston Woods WW115

by Arlene Mosel This folktake explains why people in the Far East no longer choose long names...

Time of Wonder

Weston Woods WW031

by Robert McCloskey Lovely watercolour paintings capture the sights and sounds of the wonders of...

Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug

Weston Woods WW3092

His friend needs cheering up and only a hug will do. But with his short stature and teeny T. Rex...

Toboggan Run: Wolf Joe Series


While tobogganing, Joe, Nina and Buddy rescue Handyman Hank when his delivery snowmobile breaks...

Tomi Ungerer Library, The

Weston Woods WW497

Three Robbers - Moon Man - The Hat - Beast of Monsieur Racine - Getting to Know Tomi Ungerer

Tomie dePaola Library (DVD)

Weston Woods WW471

Titles include: Strega Nona, Charlie Needs a Cloak, The Clown of God

Tomorrow Most Likely

Weston Woods WW3093

Rather than focusing on going to bed — and what kid wants to think about going to bed? — this...

Too Many Tamales

Weston Woods WW600

By Gary Soto, illustrated by Ed Martinez Everyone is coming for Christmas dinner at Maria's...

Too Many Toys

Weston Woods WW891

by David Shannon (Blue Sky Press) Spencer has too many toys! His father trips over them, his...

Topsy-Turvy: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR037

While playing outside with her friends, Mia finds a large top to play with, but the game quickly...

Trashy Town

Weston Woods WW569

by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha Hats off to Mr. Gilly, the always smiling, ever...

Trip, The

Weston Woods WW245

by Ezra Jack Keats Louie constructs a shoebox diorama and uses his imagination to visit his old...

Turtle Bay Bike Rally: Wolf Joe Series


The friends become competitive as they attempt to win a ribbon for best bike decoration. When...

Turtle Bay Flyers: Wolf Joe Series


A friend’s glider is damaged and the pals are sure Hank can fix it but when the powerful launcher...

Turtle Bay Radio: Wolf Joe Series


When the kids help out at the local radio station they discover a problem with the antenna is being...

Turtle Bay Talent Show: Wolf Joe Series


Joe believes he has magician's skills until he discovers Smudge the puppy helped in every one of...

Turtle Trek: Wolf Joe Series


When the kids find a turtle nest, they know they need to help the hatchlings overcome all...

Turtle: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR154E

Big Bear and Squeak are building sandcastles at the beach. They take a break from the hot sun and...

Twelve Days of Christmas, The

Weston Woods WW121

Written and illustrated by Robert Bloomfield The delicious accumulation of gifts given during...

Twins: The Wacky Word Show Series

Apartment 11 APT200

Zoey and Lukas think it would be fun to be twins, so in this episode they’re seeing double! They...

Two Friends: Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass

Weston Woods WW2929

Based on the Book by Dean Robbins, illustrated by Sean Qualls & Selina Alko (Orchard) -  Two...

Ugly Duckling (Svend Otto version)

Weston Woods WW187

by Hans Christian Andersen An ugly duckling grows up to be a beautiful swan in this entrancing...

Ugly Duckling (Jerry Pinkney version)

Weston Woods WW572

by Jerry Pinkney Only a mother could love this ugliest of ducklings, teased at every turn for...

Ukaliq and Kalla Go Fishing

Taqqut Productions TPI020

Ukaliq and Kalla Go Fishing tells the story of an ice-fishing trip taken by two unlikely...

Un toit pour les mouffettes: Théo le loup séries


Dans un marais rempli de grenouilles, Théo et ses amis déploient de gros efforts pour sauver un...

Une équipe de choc: Théo le loup séries


Théo est persuadé qu’il va gagner la compétition sportive avec Mishoom comme coéquipier, mais...

Une Montagne de Chiots: Théo le loup séries


Bruno est craintif devant un nouveau chiot de taille imposante. À cause de sa crainte, une simple...

Venezuela: On fête ensemble

Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-12

Luis Eduardo, qui est d’origine vénézuélienne, invite son ami Jack à un événement qui...

Vikings: The Wacky Word Show Series

Apartment 11 APT193

Zoey and Lukas can talk like Vikings! Turns out that English has hundreds of words from the Viking...

Village of Round and Square Houses

Weston Woods WW326

by Ann Grifalconi A young girl from the West African village of Tos movingly tells how the men...

Vincent Van Gogh: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0003

Mati and Dada find Dutch painter, Vincent Van Gogh’s lost paint brushes and help him recapture a...

Vincent Van Gogh: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0003FR

Mati et Dada rencontrent Vincent Van Gogh qui leur explique comment il s’y prend pour peindre ses...

Virginia Lee Burton: A Sense of Place

Weston Woods WW1322

This documentary explores the life and art of Virginia Lee Burton with a treasure trove of archival...

Vise Bien, Bruno!: Théo le loup séries


Bruno participe à un concours de tirs de basketball avec son père, le chef Madwe, il doit donc...

Visit with Rosemary Wells, A

Weston Woods WW462

Rosemary Wells invites us into her home and her studio in this fascinating visit with one of the...

Vite, c'est Noël!

Monster Entertainment MON230F

It is well known that Santa’s Elves sleep from Christmas Night until mid-summer when they awake...

Voyage to the Bunny Planet

Weston Woods WW802

by Rosemary Wells (Viking) In this beloved trilogy of stories by Rosemary Wells – First...

Wacky Media Songs Playlist

Apartment 11 APT498

Wacky Media Songs is an educational song-based series that inspires kids to get curious about...

Wacky Word Songs

Apartment 11 APT202

WACKY WORD SONGS! is an educational series of 40 song-based episodes about language related...

Waiting for Wings

Weston Woods WW618

by Lois Ehlert. Butterflies bloom as delicately as flowers in this visually magnificent story of...

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