146 title(s) found.« Previous 1 2 3 Next » Last »
Hemingway: A Film By Ken Burns and Lynn Novick
PBS Video 041963Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's six-hour documentary series, HEMINGWAY, examines the visionary work and...
Home Sweet Home: Tales from the Neverending Story Series, Ep. 6
MUSE Entertainment MUSE56Bastian's dad decides to put their house up for sale, because there are to many memories to his...
I'm Dirty
Weston Woods WW827by Kate and Jim McMullan (Joanna Cotler) Meet a backhoe loader reporting for duty and find out...
IF the Poet
Amazing Ain't It Entertainment Inc. AAI000IF THE POET is the moving, irreverent and inspiring story of Ian French, aka “IF”, beginning...
J.R.R. Tolkien, Designer of Worlds
ARTE France A196-006For many people, the English writer JRR Tolkien (1892-1973) is above all the author of the Lord of...
Jean Cocteau, I Remain with You
Illégitime Défense A269-005This fresh and unique approach of Jean Cocteau’s life, unveils both the man and the artist. We...
Jill Battson: Heart of a Poet, Season 1
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM29Activist, writer and event organizer, Kingston-based Jill Battson hosts a poetry slam and plots...
Jill Hartman: Heart of a Poet, Season 1
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM25Jill Hartman’s lyrical poetry combines epic elephants and delicate moths with a performance...
Jon Paul Fiorentino: Heart of a Poet, Season 2
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM40Writer and Editor Jon Paul Fiorentino blends popular culture with critical theory, and experiments...
Karen Blixen, le songe d'une nuit africaine
Phares & Balises F196-030Pionnière de son époque, Karen Blixen est aujourd’hui considérée comme un très grand...
Karen Blixen: An African Night's Dream
Phares & Balises A196-021From Kenya to Denmark, the true story of Out of Africa.A pioneer in her time, Karen Blixen is...
Karen Solie: Heart of a Poet, Season 1
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM30Originally from Saskatchewan and now living in Toronto, Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize winner Karen...
Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm: Heart of a Poet, Season 1
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM28Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm, poet, spoken-word artist and founder of the all-indigenous publishing...
Kirk Miles: Heart of a Poet, Season 2
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM43Clown, writer and arts administrator Kirk Miles, gives us an inside peek into the eclectic and...
Kiticikicewinan - My Language: The Wapikoni Indigenous...
Wapikoni Mobile WM0011ENAt their camp in the Abitibi woods, Émilie and Norman share a meal and their knowledge of the...
L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables
PBS Video 041889It's 1907 on Canada's beautiful Prince Edward Island, where brother and sister Matthew and Marilla...
L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables: The Good Stars
PBS Video 041892Anne Shirley is thirteen years old and finds that life in Avonlea is never simple. Anne's bosom...
Les Misérables et Victor Hugo
Camera Lucida Productions F196-036Les Misérables a sans doute le pitch le plus connu de l’histoire de la littérature. Mieux, il a...
Literature Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0063Literary terms are devices used to make writing better. These help the writer tell a story or make...
Literature: Black Community Mixtapes Series
OYA Media Group OYA010Explore Black Canadian literature and how it intersects with immigration from the Caribbean and...
Long Walk Home: The Incredible Journey of Sheila Burnford
Franco Finn Films Inc. FF0000For decades, The Incredible Journey has been a family classic with numerous generations embracing...
Lost Heroes
Farpoint Films FAR063This documentary explores Canada's forgotten comic book superheroes and their legendary creators...
Margaret Atwood: Telling Tales from the Future (The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0100Margaret Atwood is an internationally celebrated Canadian writer who has risen to rock-star status...
Marty Gervais: Heart of a Poet, Season 1
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM27People’s poet, publisher of Black Moss Press, columnist for the ‘Windsor Star,' creative...
Maya Angelou
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0024Developed by an English curriculum writer, this program introduces students to the amazing life and...
Medieval Fair: The Wacky Word Show Series
Apartment 11 APT199Why are some kinds of speaking "fancier" than others? And what's with all the poetry in old books...
Miron - A Man Returned from Outside the World
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M018A veritable aesthetic fresco combining portraiture, political documentary and experimental...
Mordecai Richler: le cosaque de la rue Saint-Urbain
Motsjo Films F214-002Scénarisé par le nouveau biographe de Mordecai Richler, Charlie Foran, en collaboration avec la...
Mordecai Richler: The Last of the Wild Jews
Motsjo Films A214-001Scripted by Richler’s biographer, writer Charlie Foran, in collaboration with the film's...
Motion: Heart of a Poet, Season 2
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM38Spoken word poet, educator and activist, Motion, Queen of the Real, aka Wendy Brathwaite, gives us...
Mr. Noah and the Second Flood
Shebafilms Studios RTV061Mr. Noah, a descendant of the original ark builder, lives with his wife and family on a peaceful...
Notable Firsts in Black American History: History Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0335Learn all about notable firsts in Black American history. Who was the "Mother of Black...
Our Dream: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0629Songwriter Christa Couture is an award-winning performing and recording artist, non-fiction writer...
Our Mother's Voice: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0618Multidisciplinary media artist, performer, and award-winning Métis/Cree musician Cheryl...
Ray Hsu: Heart of a Poet, Season 2
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM47Award-winning young poet Ray Hsu is a former self-professed “slacker kid” who rides the line...
Rebel | Angel
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV056Rebel Angel is a film about identity, love, dysfunctional families, despair, the redemptive power...
Roald Dahl: Great Authors Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0037In this program, meet Roald Dahl. What were the significant events of Roald Dahl’s life? What...
Robert Priest: Heart of a Poet, Season 2
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM37Poet, journalist and singer/songwriter Robert Priest puts the verse in diversity and takes us on a...
Rudyard Fearon: Heart of a Poet, Season 1
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM26Rudyard Fearon breaks the silence with minimalist poems rooted in the Caribbean and a poetry...
Sandra Alland: Heart of a Poet, Season 1
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM32Sandra Alland digs into her treasure box and shares the stories behind her captivating and humorous...
Seth Adrian-Harris: Heart of a Poet, Season 1
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM34Performance poet Seth-Adrian Harris introduces his distinct blend of dub and spoken word in...
Shakespeare Uncovered Series 3
PBS Video 041923This ambitious series brings six new hosts to the Bard's greatest plays, as they seamlessly weave...
Shane Koyczan: Heart of a Poet, Season 2
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM36Award-winning, spoken word sensation Shane Koyczan delivers his dynamic performance to a jam-packed...
Sherwin Tija: Heart of a Poet, Season 1
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM33Montreal-based Sherwin Tjia's biting satire fuels his irreverent comic strip ‘ Pedigree Girls...
Shortcuts to Romeo and Juliet
Shortcutstv Ltd STV040This short film allows teachers to introduce students to the key themes of Romeo and Juliet in a...
Stairway to Heaven: Tales from the Neverending Story Series, Ep...
MUSE Entertainment MUSE61The school dance is approaching and Bastian wants to take Marley but things don't go as planned...
Storyteller - Astrid Lindgren
Eduflix Group AB KMG011We will learn about the author Astrid Lindgren, who created the stories of Pippi Longstocking, The...
Strangel: The Angel of the Odd - Edgar Allan Poe
Monster Entertainment MON234*Warning: Sensitive Content - This film deals with the subject of suicide. STRANGEL tells the...
Studying Black Poets and the Essential Elements of Poetry...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0133Learn all about the five essential elements of poetry, while studying Black poets like Amanda...
Swamp Angel
Weston Woods WW567by Anne Isaacs According to this original tall tale, Angelica Longstrider, better known as...