3701 title(s) found.« First « Previous 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next » Last »
Casting Call: The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog Series
MUSE Entertainment MUSE70Cynthia is being blamed for making noises during the school play rehearsals - but she insists she...
Cat & Canary
Weston Woods WW311by Michael Foreman Cat's unlikely friend Canary shows him the greatest time when his master is...
Cat 'n' Kite: The Mooh Brothers
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE202The Moohs build kites, Gussy offering advice, Barton's kite is plain and functional, Wilton's...
Catch the Thief: Misho and Robin Series
Monster Entertainment MON554Misho and Robin are going to plant some vegetables in the garden. They have planted carrots...
Caterpillar and the Polliwog
Weston Woods WW312by Jack Kent Two new friends discover that Spring is the time to turn into “something...
Caterpillar: Misho and Robin Series
Monster Entertainment MON548Robin is chasing a caterpillar and Misho decides to join him. After a few misses, Robin and Misho...
Cats and Dogs
Weston Woods WW866Collection includes LET’S GIVE KITTY A BATH and CANNONBALL. DVD features easy-to-use menu...
Cats and Dogs: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1453It's a relationship that's mutually beneficial and has lasted for tens of thousands of years. So...
Cave Art and the Paleolithic Period: History Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0051In this high-definition program, learn all about the earliest form of art, cave art. When was the...
Ce qui monte… : Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-06-24Qu'est-ce que la gravité ? Jack crée un appareil anti-gravité pour permettre aux enfants...
Celebrate Spring Playlist
MCI772Celebrate the magic of Spring in your classroom! This is a great playlist for getting your students...
Celebrate Winter Playlist
MCI711PLThis is a great playlist for getting your primary and elementary students geared up for the winter...
Celebrations, Ceremonies and the Dumpling: Confucius Was a...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD009Chef Christine's Chinese chef mentors launch her on another journey of discovery. She discovers...
Cellular Respiration: Energy for Life
Human Relations Media 600119How does the marathon runner keep going mile after mile? What gives a sprinter the energy for that...
Central America: Voyage of the Continents Series
ARTE France A259-S02-02Between North America and South America, the forces of the Earth have made way for the small area...
Central Experimental Farm, ON: Historylands Season 5
Good Earth Productions GEHL54This is the only farm within a city in Canada but it is no ordinary working farm. The Central...
Certification: Aquateam Series, Ep. 1
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR058EEight teens are offered the adventure of a lifetime, travelling to the world’s most beautiful...
Ces imbattables castors: Jack, Saison 2
PVP Jack II Inc. F267-S01-01-04Jack tente de ralentir le débit d’une rivière aménagée de barrages de castors. Il provoque...
Ces voyageurs qui changent le monde: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S11-04Le tourisme est un secteur économique en pleine croissance. C’est même une industrie capitale...
Cesar Milan - The Dog Whisperer: Canada AM
CTV CTV517The television host and dog training expert talks about how train your pet and curb its aggression...
Champions vs. Legends (Winter Sports)
Kensington Communications Inc. KC0103Every year, winter athletes set new world records. But are today’s champions really superior to...
Changements climatiques - la réponse du fleuve: Vu du large 1
CinéFête F88-S01-02Le fleuve respire. Les écosystèmes de son littoral sont essentiels à sa propre survie. Pourquoi...
Changer la ville: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S11-05Quatre-vingt pourcent de la population mondiale habitera dans les villes en 2050... Il est donc...
Changing Towns: Architects of Change
PVP Films A150-S03-05It is estimated that 80% of the world's population will live in cities by 2050. In recent decades...
Characteristics of Plants: All About Plants Series
Educational Voice 992121Erin and the Professor plant a garden and we learn all about plant habitats, the importance of...
Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution: Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0105In this new, high-definition program, learn all about the life and scientific theories of...
Charles Darwin: The Ape Man
Film Ideas FI0032Charles Darwin, born in 1809, upset the foundations of life science with his theory that man...
Charlie Needs a Cloak
Weston Woods WW167by Tomie de Paola -When Charlie's old cloak becomes torn and tattered, he spins a new one, showing...
Chase the Seal: Hope for Wildlife - Season 1
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR017EEveryone adores the newest arrival but Hope fears her love for this seal will end in heartbreak.
Chasing Steve
All In Pictures AIP000For years, a group of aurora chasers across Alberta have been photographing a curious ribbon of...
Chasing Unicorns
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR096EThe narwhal is the unicorn of the sea, a pale-colored porpoise found in Canadian Arctic and...
Chasing Wild Horses
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR056EThis feature length documentary tells the story of photographer Roberto Dutesco and his passion for...
Chasing Wild: Journey Into the Sacred Headwaters
Wild Confluence Media WCM001Three friends set off on a 400km bike packing and packraft expedition through the heart of the...
Chasseur d'odeur : Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-08-30Pourquoi les moufettes sentent-elles mauvais ? Lorsque Bougalou est arrosé par le jet puant d'une...
Chasseurs de puces: Jack, Saison 2
PVP Jack II Inc. F267-S01-01-02Sam est dans tous ses états car une puce venant du pelage de Bougalou s’est logée dans ses...
Chat GPT, Bard and Other Artificial Intelligence - What I Need...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0321Learn all about the amazing advancements in artifical intelligence. What is Chat GPT? What is...
Chato and the Party Animals
Weston Woods WW641by Gary Soto, illustrated by Susan Guevara Chato's friend, Novio Boy, has never had a birthday...
Chato's Kitchen
Weston Woods WW380by Gary Soto, illus. by Susan Guevara Chato is a low-riding cat whose favorite food is mouse...
Cheeta Gruban - Living in the Tundra: Northern/Her Series
Falling Tree Productions FTP014Apprentice Hunter Cheeta Gruban credits her close connection to her family, land and traditional...
Chefs: The Wacky Word Show Series
Apartment 11 APT190There’s ooey gooey, scrumptious, yummy fun in this episode that’s all about the power of...
Chemical Weapons: Strange Creatures Series
Blue Ant Media BAM485In the cut-throat animal kingdom, some animals have powerful chemical weapons to increase their...
Chemistry - Mixtures, Solutions, Evaporation, Distillation...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0084In this program, the basics of chemistry are introduced. What is a mixture? What are the...
Chemistry: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0013Actor Nathaniel Arcand explains that everything is made of atoms, from the ocean to the mountains...
Chester and Wilson: Hope for Wildlife - Season 2
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR031EAs more and more orphans flood the rehab, Hope revisits the case of two long-term patients and has...
Cheveux d’anges: Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-01-02Pourquoi n'est-il pas douloureux de se faire couper les cheveux? En espérant convaincre leurs...
Cheveyo, Ha-li and Kimowan - Tofino, British Columbia: Raven's...
Apartment 11 APT510Cheveyo (11), Halidzox (10) and Kimowan (8) are three siblings who live with their family on an...
Chichen Itza: Wonders of the World Series
Educational Voice 992189This animated geography video lesson is all about Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza was a large...
Chicken Little (2010)
Weston Woods WW880Written and illustrated by Rebecca and Ed Emberley (Roaring Brook) A bold and colorful...
Chien chaud!: Jack, Saison 2
PVP Jack II Inc. F267-S01-03-10Alors que Bougalou avale une grande quantité de nourriture épicée, une épaisse vapeur...
Child Development Theorists: Freud to Erikson to Spock...and...
Learning ZoneXpress 430101Beginning with Sigmund Freud, modern child development theories have changed the way that parents...