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Images of the Ages: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 10

Farpoint Films FAR031

Cinematographer Dave Gaudet travels to Writing On Stone Provincial Park in Alberta before heading...

Imiter, c'est innover: Les Artisans du changement

PVP Films F150-S08-07

Le biomimétisme est une approche scientifique qui ouvre la voie à un nouveau mode de...

Impossible Journey: W5


Orbiting more than 370 kilometres above Earth in the International Space Station is a tough, alien...

Impossible Objects, Seeing Faces, The Floating Guru, Infinite...

Switch SWED94

Impossible Objects, Seeing Faces, The Floating Guru, Infinite Chocolate, and Rethinker, M.C...

In A Jam: The Mooh Brothers

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE206

The Mooh Brothers pick blueberries. Wilton asks Conley to help him make jam, but scares Conley when...

In Clyde’s Eyes: Earth to Luna, Season 1

Monster Entertainment MON487

It’s grooming day for Clyde, which means it’s off to visit Dr. Jane over at Happy Tails Pet...

In My Backyard: Green Heroes Series, Season 1

CineFocus CIN002

These GreenHeroes have a lot in common. They are protecting the places they call home from...

In My lifetime

Video Project, Inc. TVP031

In one lifetime a nuclear-armed world emerged, and with it the potential for global destruction on...

In or Out?: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON596

Luna, Jupiter and Clyde are confused about whether we live in or on the planet Earth. After a trip...

In Plain Sight: Mysteries from Above, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1503

Over a hundred massive concrete arrows scattered across America, a giant chalk figure with an...

In Search of a Skink

Wilderness Committee 010051

Videographers Mike McKinlay and Isabelle Groc accompany Environmentalist, Elizabeth Vincer on a...

In Search of Ancient Ireland

PBS Video 040145

In Search of Ancient Ireland explores events and stories from 2000 B.C., when Stone Age farmers...

In Search of the ‘Mauri’ - New Zealand: Native Planet Series...

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0771

Simon travels to New Zealand’s north to see how science and Indigenous knowledge are combining to...

In the Eyes of the Pharaohs

Tournez S'il Vous Plait A173-038

For archaeologists, the word “Eden” is what best describes Egypt. The Egyptian sands are an...

In The Kitchen Series

Learning Seed 200255

Six new and fully revised programs exploring kitchen math and measuring, cooking techniques, food...

In the Land of Dreamers

Ronan Gunn GUNN00

A documentary about an ex-logger, an indigenous storyteller, and a 30-year journey to protect an...

In the Name of Science: W5


A national council responsible for monitoring animal welfare in research laboratories is...

In the Small, Small Pond

Weston Woods WW577

by Denise Fleming Spring is here in this cheerful introduction to the seasons. Frogs leap...

In Their Own Words


In Their Own Words is the story of 7 Canadians sharing their journey with mental illness. In this...

In Your Eyes: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON614

Luna and Jupiter are picking vegetables in the garden. The green and yellow peas get Jupiter...

INAAKONIGEWIN (WAABANDA'IWEWIN): Future History: Harnessing...

Redcloud Studios RS0003OJ

Sarain dash Kris dibajimowag onowe gaa-inaakonigewaad gichi dibaakone ininiwag dash ge aaniin gegoo...

Inch by Inch

Weston Woods WW699

by Leo Lionni (HarperCollins) --- To keep from being eaten, a resourceful inchworm measures a...

Incredible Shoreline Restoration: Restoration Planet Series...

Robert E Moberg Films REM005

The Restoration Planet team has arrived in Twillingate, Newfoundland & Labrador. They immediately...

Incredible World Investigators Series

Pinegrove Productions PPE000

Picking up where the Our Incredible World group left off, SAM and JASMINE are budding scientists...

Independence Day Specials (Ep. 8): The Farm with Ian Knauer

RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE008

When asked what Ian's family & friends who serve overseas miss the most, the answer is always the...

Independent Lens: A Fish Story

PBS Video 040895

Fish Story is the tale of two women in a battle for the ocean. Angela Sanfilippo and Shareen Davis...

Indigenous Stories with Brandy Yanchyk

Brandy Y Productions BYP069

A collection of 15 indigenous tourism stories from around Canada. Canadian Filmmaker Brandy Yanchyk...

Inedible Food: Kitchen Science Series

Educational Voice 992231

A kitchen is the perfect place for children to see science in action. In this animated program, we...

Infectious Diseases: Safety Planet Series

Educational Voice 992160

This animated video lesson is all about infections. Aaron has a bad cold and feels miserable. We...

Infestation - Sea Lions, Rats, Bats: Animal Empires Series

Blue Ant Media BAM352

Uninvited guests. Using sheer numbers to claim a territory, some animal groups are considered...

Infidelity: History By the Numbers Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1448

From royal mistresses to White House scandals, ancient texts to the internet, the history of...

Insect Ecology: All About Insects Series

Educational Voice 992146

Insect ecology is the study of the relationship between insects and their environment and how they...

Insects - Senses and Communication: All About Insects Series

Educational Voice 992145

Do insects talk? Many insects possess specialized organs of perception, allowing them to...

Insects and Humans: All About Insects Series

Educational Voice 992148

Entomologists have developed biocontrol methods to eliminate some insects we consider pests, a...

Insects Are Important: All About Insects Series

Educational Voice 992149

Some insects are pests, but are vital to our survival. Over 2,000 types of insects are eaten by...

Insects Around the World: All About Insects Series

Educational Voice 992144

Professor Birdie teaches James about insects found all around the world: the giant water bug, the...

Inside Guggenheim

Autentic GMBH AUT008

An intimate tour of the legendary Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain. In 1992, New York’s...

Inside Outer Space Series

Switch SWED130

Come with us as we explore and unravel the mysteries of what lies beyond our planet Earth. This is...

Interactions in the Environment: Understanding Life Systems...

291 Film Company 291116

In this short new film, students will observe existing ecosystems and investigate factors that may...

Interior: Mysteries of Evolution Series

Blue Ant Media BAM358

Some of the most interesting adaptations in the animal world are invisible. They are internal...

Into the Boreal: Sharing Our Habitat Series

Pinegrove Productions PPE026

On assignment to find out about species at risk in the boreal forest, Jack and Tabitha board the...

Into The Eye: W5


W5's Kevin Newman follows two Canadian storm chasers as they drive into Hurricane Harvey after...

Into the Mist


This is a biopic based on the life and work of leading Nepali anthropologist Dor Bahadur Bista...

Into the Woods: Finding Stuff Out, Season 4

Apartment 11 APT059

“Do we need forests?” Zoey zip-lines through the woods to discover how forests are important...

Introducing Sociology Series

Shortcutstv Ltd STV014

These four programs introduce students to major issues and debates encountered at the start of any...

Introduction To Cells

Human Relations Media 600099

Video defines and illustrates a variety of animal and plant cells. A concise history of the many...


Human Relations Media 600334

Following new curriculum standards for middle school courses in Biology and Life Sciences, this...


Human Relations Media 600341

Following new curriculum standards for high school courses in Biology and Life Sciences, this video...

Introduction to the Metric System

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0270

In the United States the Imperial System of measurement is commonly used, but most of the world...

Introduction to the Periodic Table: Science Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0092

Learn all about the history and importance of the Periodic Table.  What is the Periodic Table? ...

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