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Social Studies

4267 title(s) found.

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Stories of Our Past: A Magnificent Journey Series

Good Earth Productions GECMJ3

Marvel at the architecture of Canada's historic sites and learn about historic events at places...

Stories of the North Series

102141779 Saskatchewan Inc. 102100

Stories of the North tells simple Indigenous stories in a fun and positive manner. The series is...

Stories to Compare and Contrast

Weston Woods WW844


Stormborn Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1260

On the wild Northern edge of the Atlantic Ocean lies a land of rock, ice and water.  This is a...

Storms: Safety Planet Series

Educational Voice 992154

This staying safe video lesson is all about Storms. Storms can be very dangerous. Various parts of...

Stormy Weather: Wolf Joe Series


When a storm approaches, the trio are sent to alert the people of Turtle Bay. Nina feels anxious...

Story About Ping, The

Weston Woods WW008

by Marjorie Flack - A duck suffers the loneliness of abandonment before he is befriended by a...

Story Interrupted: Playdate Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE119

Jacob is reading an adventure story about a young Indiana Jones-esque character to Mac and gets...

Straight to the Tap: Playdate Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE134

When Molly shows off Priscilla’s new tap shoes, Jacob wants a pair for Mac. The kids leave to...

Strange and Familiar Architecture on Fogo Island

Katherine Knight and David Craig SM0004

On Fogo Island, a tiny island in the Atlantic off the coast of Newfoundland, sustaining a unique...

Stranger Danger: Safety Planet Series

Educational Voice 992159

This staying safe video lesson is all about Stranger Danger. It's important for youngsters to know...

Strathroy-Caradoc; Train Park: Giver Series Three, Ep. 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE328

When a flood causes Strathroy-Caradoc to relocate its...

Strawberry Elves: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR098

Manon, Bingo the dog and Melba the cat are collecting strawberries. It's the right time of year...

Strega Nona (Mandarin/English)

Weston Woods WW198MANBI

Based on the book by Tomi dePaola -   Strega Nona’s meddling assistant Big Anthony is...

Striking Balance Series 1: Exploring Canada's Biosphere Reserves

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV017

Biosphere reserves are regions of global ecological significance that make an ongoing commitment to...

Struggle (x̌ʷx̌ʷwilx): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx...

Buck Productions 300092

Tempers reach a boiling point when the newest member questions if they can continue the journey...

Struggles Over the Melting Arctic: Great Decisions 2021

Scorpion Television SCTV65

U.S. President Donald Trump left many scratching their heads when it was rumored that he was...

Stuck on You: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON595

The trio is surprised to find themselves in funny little prickly things after a hike on the ranch...

Student Activism - Making Your Voice Heard: Social Studies Kids...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0193

Learn all about student activism and how young people can make a difference in society and the...

Stuff: Planet Echo, Season 1

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0111

Do we have too much stuff? In the past you only owned as much as you could carry. Chuck and Andy...

Sudbury - Training Ground for NASA: Living History Series

Warren Schlote WSCH12

Sudbury, Ontario is reportedly the only Canadian city to be mentioned on the moon. That's because...

Sudbury and the Mysteries of the Universe: Canadiana Series...

The Canadiana Project Inc. UPP013

 Beneath the surface Sudbury has the richest nickel deposit on the planet; when a comet hit planet...

Suivre la toundra: L'équipe Climat de Parcs Canada

Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV003FR

Il est essentiel de comprendre le pergélisol et l'évolution de la toundra pour savoir ce qui se...

Suivre les glaciers: L'équipe climat de Parcs Canada

Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV005FR

La science et le savoir inuit nous aident à mieux comprendre la fonte et l'accumulation des...

Sumatra and Sweden: One Planet, One Chance Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1428

In Sumatra we follow Joakim when he tries to find out what impact the palm oil industry has on both...

Summer at the Cabin: Stories of the North Series

102141779 Saskatchewan Inc. 102104

Mooshum tells his granddaughter why it’s important to learn their language. He has many wonderful...

Summer Berries - Raspberry: Back to Roots Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0742

Matricia Bauer, a proud member of the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation in northern Alberta, gathers...

Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT524

Sunny’s Quest features first-person stories told by Black children from across the country. Each...

Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT615

Sunny’s Quest features first-person stories told by Black children from across the country. ...

Sunset Celebration: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...

Epic Story Media ESM134

Beck, Brooke and the Adventure Rangers are in tizzy getting ready for the big celebration. But when...

Super Helpful: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM130

Chip, the Fixer-Upper is eager to fix every broken thing in town but his superfast repairs only...

Super Hop est là! : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM229FR

Grâce à une série de coïncidences, Hop est persuadé d’avoir des super-pouvoirs. Mais lorsque...

Super Mac and Captain Priscilla: Playdate Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE114

Jacob and Molly have the stuffies dressed as superheroes to protect a little plastic town. When...

Super Poulpette : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM136FR

Poulpi suit l'exemple de sa superhéroïne, Super-Poulpette, quand vient le temps de régler des...

Super Strong: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON611

When the trio see Grandpa and Galileo using pulleys and levers to do some really heavy work, it...

Superior Country: Canada Over the Edge, Season 3

Blue Ant Media BAM174

We begin an aerial journey east, along the shores of Lake Superior - exploring the city of Thunder...

Surrender the Land - Treaty 1: Treaty Road Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0748

As Erin Goodpipe and Saxon de Cocq begin their journey of discovery on Treaty 1 territory in...

Survivors Rowe

Loud Roar Productions LRP003

For almost twenty years Ralph Rowe held a unique esteem in the isolated First Nation Reserves of...

Suspended and the Art of Forgiveness

Refuge 31 Films R31007

The story follows Winnipeg artist Cliff Derksen as he sculpts, paints and teaches art. For Cliff...

Sustainable Building/Saving the Rainforest/Climate Change...

Aarrow Productions AP0007

Sustainable Building/Saving the Rainforest/Climate Change: Architect Alfred Waugh, from the...

Sustainable Fisheries/Energy Industry: Down2Earth (Ep 106)

Aarrow Productions AP0008

Sustainable Fisheries/Energy Industry: The Huu-ay-aht First Nation, along with the Bamfield Marine...

Sweden - Sailboat Race: Are We There yet? World Adventure...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE395

Molly and Sam dance, ride and roller-coast their way through a carnival at the Baltic festival...

Sweden - Seals: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE394

Molly and Sam step back in time when they visit an open-air museum in Sweden. They dress in...

Sweden - Vasa Museum: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE393

When Molly and Sam visit Stockholm, they take a floating taxi to a museum for a sunken ship – the...

Swimming (Thrust and Drag): Sports Lab Series

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE109

Guest pro Emma Sproule teams up with young Tyrus and host Nykeem as they plunge into the science of...

Sydney Opera House: Wonders of the World Series

Educational Voice 992188

This animated geography video lesson explores The Sydney Opera House. The Sydney Opera House is one...

Sydney, Guangzhou, Singapore, London, Tokyo, Jerusalem and...

Switch SWED81

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

Sylvester and the Magic Pebble

Weston Woods WW352

by William Steig The Duncan family is beside itself when son Sylvester turns himself into a...

Sylvester and the Magic Pebble (Mandarin/English)

Weston Woods WW352MANBI

Based on the book by William Steig -   The Duncan family is beside itself when son Sylvester...

Syria, Children at War

Phares & Balises A196-011

Now in its 4th year, over 200 000 Syrians have lost their lives in a civil war that has rebel...

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