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833 title(s) found.

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Alone in Chinatown

George Gallant GG0008

Albert Leong is the last resident in Lethbridge’s Chinatown, a city of 100,000 in southwestern...

American Experience: Oklahoma City

PBS Video 041870

Oklahoma City explores the intertwined narratives of the worst domestic terrorist attack in the...

American Experience: Ruby Ridge

PBS Video 041869

Shortly before dawn on August 21, 1992, six heavily armed U.S. marshals made their way up to the...

American Experience: The Vote

PBS Video 041951

One hundred years after the passage of the 19th Amendment, The Vote tells the dramatic story of the...

American Experience: Woodstock: Three Days That Defined A...

PBS Video 041927

In August 1969, nearly half a million people gathered at a farm in upstate New York to hear music...

American Totem: Reckoning With Gun Cultures

Video Project, Inc. TVP085

After public mass shootings, the national gun debate consists of predictable talking points that...

American Tragedy

Video Project, Inc. TVP081

A mother grapples to understand how her son became a school shooter and what it would take to...

An Astronaut, Plus A Legend - James Hansen: The Green Interview...

Paper Tiger PT0025

James Hansen is a NASA scientist who issued the first widely publicized warnings about climate...

An Innocent Victim: W5


W5 investigates the story of a Ukrainian boy who became an accidental casualty of war in 2015...

And On the Seventh Day, She Played Soccer

On The Creek Films Inc. OTCF02

On any given weekend in Vancouver, more than 4000 women compete in the non-professional Metro...

And She Could Be Next

PBS Video 041953

And She Could Be Next tells the story of a defiant movement of women of color transforming...

Andrea Thompson: Heart of a Poet, Season 1

Makin Movies Inc. MJMM23

After finding her writer’s voice in Vancouver, Andrea Thompson takes her poetry to the streets of...


Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF005

This short documentary explores a week in the life of Angela - a roller derby athlete and...

Angry Girls

Bishari Films BF0009

This is a story of teenage girls living in Toronto’s inner core, raised in shelters and housing...

Animal Capture: Nerves of Steel Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1005

In the north country, three Quebecers are on a special mission. They are here to capture wild...

Animate Earth: Science, Intuition & Gaia

Video Project, Inc. TVP006

Featuring leading scientists, ecologists and authors, Animate Earth makes the case for a new...


Redcloud Studios RS0013OJ

ANISHINAABE INAADIZIWIN - (WAABANDA'IWEWIN 13): Future History: Harnessing Knowledge (Season 1) -...


Redcloud Studios RS0008OJ

Kris dash Sarain omisawendaanaawaa wii-gikendamowaad anishinaabemowin. Omawidisaawaan gaa-nitaa...

ANJISEMAAGAD (WAABANDA’IWEWIN): Future History Series, Season...

Redcloud Studios RS0027OJ

ANJISEMAAGAD (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 13): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris izhaa...

ANJITOODAA (WAABANDA’IWEWIN): Future History Series, Season 2...

Redcloud Studios RS0024OJ

ANJITOODAA: (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 10): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris...

ANJITOOWIN (WAABANDA’IWEWIN): Future History Series, Season 2...

Redcloud Studios RS0017OJ

ANJITOOWIN - (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 3): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris...

Annie Pootoogook

Katherine Knight and David Craig SM0000

Focused on Annie and her work, the film parallels Annie’s own creative process of making and...

ANSIDOODAA (WAABANDA’IWEWIN): Future History Series, Season 2...

Redcloud Studios RS0019OJ

ANSIDOODAA: (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 5): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris...

Anti-Racism Awareness Playlist


The video programs and resource guides in this streaming playlist allow viewers to investigate...

Apocalypse 2060: The History of the Future Series (Ep 2)

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR159E

Since its introduction in the 19th century, the idea and concept of the “Rapture” has changed...

Appreciate Feedback: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0056

Welcome feedback without defensiveness and continually improve. Dion hears some tough feedback...

Arielle Mae Curtis: Redx Talks Series

Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0010

Arielle Mae Curtis is a writer and performing artist from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She discusses...

Arrivals: Prison Series 2

Blue Ant Media BAM1341

**Contains course language** The multi-award-winning documentary series returns for a new series...

Art and Status in Society

Mimi Shulman 010093

Mimi Shulman is a visual artist in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, who is hearing impaired. She has...

Arts and Culture: RezX TV, Season 3

Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ028

This episode features the following stories; “Sakewewak Artist’s Collective Annual StoryTellers...

Arts and Entertainment: RezX TV, Season 3

Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ032

Arts & Entertainment (Season 3 - Episode 9): This episode focuses on "Arts and...

As Slow As Possible

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE049

On his 18th birthday, writer/teacher Ryan Knighton was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa and told...

Ashbal, Children of ISIS

ARTE France, Memento A259-017

The members of the Islamic State call them “lion cubs.” They are between 4 and 16 years old...

Ashbal, Children of ISIS

ARTE France, Memento A259-017

The members of the Islamic State call them “lion cubs.” They are between 4 and 16 years old...

Ashley Callingbull Burnham: Redx Talks Series

Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0001

Ashley Callingbull Burnham is the first Canadian and first Indigenous woman to win the Mrs...

Asian Americans

PBS Video 041950

Asian Americans delivers a bold, new perspective on the Asian American experience that will...

Attachments of Life

Brandy Y Productions BYP072

"Attachments of Life" is a new documentary by filmmaker Brandy Yanchyk about how our belongings...

Awaken: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2

Redcloud Studios RS0015

Kris and Sarain begin this season’s journey exploring their individual paths. Kris delves into...


Redcloud Studios RS0021OJ

AZHEGIIWETOODAA: (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 7): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris...

AZHENIGEWIN (WAABANDA’IWEWIN): Future History Series, Season...

Redcloud Studios RS0016OJ

AZHENIGEWIN - (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 2): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris babaa...


Redcloud Studios RS0023OJ

BAAKAN INENDAAMOK: (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 9): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris...


Redcloud Studios RS0018OJ

BAAKAN INENDAN: (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 4): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris...

Balarama: W5


Balarama Holness, a law student and community organizer who once played professional Canadian...

Banned Beauty Queen

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD167

The story of Canada’s Miss World, Anastasia Lin burst onto front pages when her father, who lives...

Bar Mitzvah/Confirmation: Rites of Passage Series

Left Field Entertainment LFE003

Two boys of the same age go through one of the most important Rites of Passage, the Transition to...

Barb Cranmer: All Our Relations, Season 2

Aarrow Productions AP0036

Barb Cranmer: Kwakwakwa’wakw filmmaker and entrepreneur Barb Cranmer found inspiration from her...

Bashir's Vision

Loud Roar Productions LRP002

Bashir Ramathan throws real head snappers in a dusty boxing gym. At the crack of dawn, he's working...

Basic Care - Volume 1: Taking Care of Baby: Tips and Techniques...

Learning ZoneXpress 430033

Learning the basics of baby care is important for teens, new parents, and child care providers...

Be Confident and Assertive: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0052

Speak with confidence, overcome personal blocks and be assertive. Confidence is a necessary...

Beatrix Potter: Artist, Storyteller and Countrywoman

Weston Woods WW445

This documentary film is about the life of the remarkable author and illustrator of THE TALE OF...

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