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613 title(s) found.

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Jérémie Masse-Maillé - Survie en forêt au Canada: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0170FR

Trois personnes ayant une bonne expérience en plein air font appel au guide Jérémie...

Joe Dicks - Kayak dans les glaciers de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador...

HG Distribution HG0172FR

Le guide d'observation d'icebergs à L'Anse aux Meadows, Joe Dicks, reçoit un Terre-Neuvien...

John Torode’s Middle East Series

Blue Ant Media BAM985

Chef John Torode has gone on an incredible journey to track down the best food from the Middle...

Jonathan Pinsonnault - Paragliding in Mexico: Adventure Guides...

HG Distribution HG0192

During the Canadian winter, Jonathan Pinsonnault teaches paragliding in Colima, located on the west...

Jonathan Pinsonnault - Parapente au Mexique: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0192FR

Pendant l'hiver canadien, Jonathan Pinsonnault enseigne le parapente à Colima, sur la côte ouest...

Jordan - Chariot Race: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE452

Aamil and Rehan explore the ancient Roman city of Jerash, where they are invited to get dressed in...

Jordan - Desert: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE454

Aamil and Rehan climb into a micro-light mini plane and soar over the rolling red sand dunes and...

Jordan - Petra: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE453

Aamil and Rehan visit the Treasury building in Petra- one of the new world wonders! They ride a...

Jud Jones - Nage avec les bélugas au Canada: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0174FR

À Churchill, au Manitoba, Jud Jones accueille deux touristes venues faire du kayak et nager avec...

Justin Fisch - Canoë-kayak en Florida: Guides d’adventures...

HG Distribution HG0189FR

Le guide naturaliste Justin Fisch accueille clients et amis pour une excursion de trois jours en...

Justin Fisch - Canoe-Kayak in Florida: Adventure Guides, Season 4

HG Distribution HG0189

Naturalist guide, Justin Fisch, welcomes clients on a 3-day canoe-kayak expedition in the famous...

Kananaskis Ring-Necked Pheasant; Michael Decker: Untamed Gourmet...

291 Film Company 291003

Chef Michael Dekker's Calgary restaurant Rouge, is world-renowned for using sustainable...

Karine Genest – observations d’ours polaires au Manitoba...

HG Distribution HG0155FR

Karine Genest accueille des touristes italiens ainsi que deux étudiants en cinéma de Toronto...

Kejimikujik National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM163

The only inland park in the Canadian Maritimes, the history of Kejimikujik history is visible...

Ken Bélanger - Free Riding Powder Skiing in Japan: Adventure...

HG Distribution HG0190

Ken Bélanger welcomes a group of five skiers who have travelled from Canada and the United States...

Ken Bélanger - Ski hors piste au Japon: Guides d’adventures...

HG Distribution HG0190FR

Ken Bélanger est un expert du ski hors-piste à Hokkaido, l'île la plus au nord du Japon. C'est...

Ken Burns: The National Parks: America's Best Idea DVD + Bonus...

PBS Video 041148

THE NATIONAL PARKS is the story of an idea as uniquely American as the Declaration of Independence...

Kenya - Elephants: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE372

Rosie and Julian go to an elephant rescue centre in Kenya where they play with a team of...

Kenya - Giraffes: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE373

Rosie and Julian visit a giraffe centre where they feed the tallest animals on earth.  They even...

Kenya - Rhino: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE369

On a Kenyan safari, Julian and Rosie climb into a big Jeep and go to a giant park to see endangered...

Kenya - Samburu Tribe: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE370

Rosie and Julian visit a Samburu village where they find out what it’s like to sleep in a mud...

Kenya - UNICEF School: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE371

Rosie and Julian raise the flag at a 1-room UNICEF school in Kenya.  They play outside with the...

Killarney Provincial Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM008

Killarney is Ontario's smallest and most accessible wilderness park. Killarney is widely recognized...

Klondike Trail: Canada Over the Edge, Season 4

Blue Ant Media BAM192

Dawson City: Dredging for Gold When the Klondike Gold Rush occurred in 1897, Jo LeDoux knew...

Kootenay Border Region: Canada Over the Edge, Season 3

Blue Ant Media BAM169

Heading east from the town of Osoyoos, we soar high above the incredible landscapes along BC's...

L' ouest de l'Écosse vu du ciel: Les vues du ciel

France Télévisions, Grand Angle Productions F173-S03-10

Elles s’appellent Benbecula, Lewis, Harris, Barra... : les Îles Hébrides Extérieures se...

L' ouest de l'Écosse vu du ciel: Les vues du ciel

France Télévisions, Grand Angle Productions F173-S03-10

Elles s’appellent Benbecula, Lewis, Harris, Barra... : les Îles Hébrides Extérieures se...

L.I.M.E. + pHeast: The Illegal Eater Series

Farpoint Films FAR044

Steven is back in Charleston where he has uncovered L.I.M.E., an underground eatery happening in a...

La Mauricie National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM019

The 150 lakes here are clogged with the effects of a hundred years of logging. The desire to...

La terre des obstinés - Naples: Les vues du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S03-01

Une balade autour de Naples, depuis la somptueuse côte amalfitaine jusqu’à l’île de Procida...

La Tomatina, Tomorrowland, Mardi Gras, Glastonbury, Stay...

Switch SWED45

Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...

Lac La Ronge Lake Trout; Moe Mathieu: Untamed Gourmet Series...

291 Film Company 291005

Chef Moe Mathieu uses local ingredients in his Saskatchewan restaurants foraged from the forests...

Lake Louise and Niagara Falls: Seeing Canada Series, Season 1

Brandy Y Productions BYP016

Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk travels on horseback to the famous Plain of Six Glaciers Trail...

Lake Ontario: Canada Over the Edge, Season 3

Blue Ant Media BAM177

From high above the roar of Niagara Falls, we begin an aerial journey east, above the waters of...

Lake Superior Provincial Park, ON: Destination Parks Series

Good Earth Productions GEDP08

Members of The Group of Seven immortalized Lake Superior Provincial Park in paintings that showcase...

Lake Windermere: Britain's Scenic Railways, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1512

A voyage by steam train and paddle ship along the shores of lake Windermere.

Lamborghini: Ultimate Supercar Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1348

To stay at the top of supercar universe Lamborghini must reimagine their top of the line supercar...


PBS Video 040665

From well-heeled mobsters and glamorous showgirls to fantastical mega-casinos and dazzling displays...

Learning To Camp: Planet Echo, Season 3

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0308

In this episode we find out all about camping…the Green Way. ADVENTURE: Chuck and Andy have to...

Legume + This Sous Rising: The Illegal Eater Series

Farpoint Films FAR043

New York City, a place where cultures meet and collide. Steven uncovers a subterranean food...

Les Alpes Maritimes vues du ciel: Les vues du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S03-04

Pour les uns, c'est juste l'arrière-pays. Juste un paysage méconnu, quasi-oublié en retrait à...

Les États-Unis vus du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S02

Filmées en HD, Les États-Unis vus de ciel est un voyage panoramique le long d'un littoral à la...

Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Park: A Park For All Seasons...

Blue Ant Media BAM025

A popular stopover for people traveling the Alaskan Highway, this remote park in Northern BC is...

Life at the River: Call of the Yukon Series

ID Productions ID0006

In “Life at the River”, dogs greet us as well at the Perren’s house. Here, far off the grid...

Life on the Water - Lobster Fisherman and Cape LaHave...

BG Content Inc. BG0004

Join host Zoe D’Amato as she meets people who make their living on the water. Meet lobster...

Life's A Beach: Planet Echo, Season 1

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0112

After landing on a deserted stretch of sand, our shipwrecked explorers Andy and Chuck learn all...

Lilla Molnar - Escalades des Rocheuses en Alberta: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0184FR

C'est en plein coeur des Rocheuses que la guide de montagne Lilla Molnar accueille une passionnée...

Lilla Molnar - Mountain Rock Climbing in Alberta: Adventure...

HG Distribution HG0184

Mountain guide Lilla Molnar welcomes a rock climber in the heart of the Rockies. Together, they...

Living History at The Halifax Citadel: No Ordinary Life Series

BG Content Inc. BG0002

It’s not always easy finding people who are living unique lives… but sometimes you hit the...

Lost Venice: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1209

The old Venice is no more. The rising sea-level, overabundance of tourists and high cost of living...

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