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The Sisters of Nagasaki

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Catalogue Number:  HG0104
Producer:  HG Distribution
Producing Agencies:  Merlin Films
Subject:  Canadian History, Canadian Social Studies, Canadian World Studies, Documentary, History, Social Sciences, Social Studies, Women's Studies, World History
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2018
Running Time:  52:01

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On August 9th, 1945, an atomic bomb explodes over Nagasaki. Held prisoner by the Japanese, a small group of religious missionaries, including many Canadians, survive the bombing. By forcing Japan to surrender, the bomb freed these women, yet jailed them in a prison of the mind through their traumatic memories of this nuclear holocaust. Some of these nuns put down in writing the grueling tale of their captivity and its horrifying conclusion. These precious documents, many of which have never before been released, show us that the prisoners not only witnessed the devastation caused by the bomb, but also intervened to help the survivors, especially the children. Many years later, some of the Canadian nuns succumbed to the long-term effects of radiation exposure, thereby joining the ranks of the 74 000 victims of Nagasaki.

Video is in French with English subtitles.

Also available in French: Les soeurs de Nagasaki

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