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Our Living Legacy

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Catalogue Number:  RVP004
Producer:  River Voices
Producers:  Jeremy Williams
Producing Agencies:  River Voices Productions
Subject:  Canadian Social Studies, Canadian World Studies, Documentary, Environmental Studies, First Nations Studies, Indigenous Issues, Indigenous Peoples, Science, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  6 - 8, 9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2009
Running Time:  26:15
Closed Captions:  Yes

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This documentary portrays the campaign to protect the last old-growth forests and forestry jobs on Vancouver Island and BC's South Coast. Old-growth forests are the heritage of First Nations people and all Canadians. The fight for ancient forests exploded in 1993 on Vancouver Island in Clayoquot Sound, where thousands of people joined efforts to save the old-growth rainforests. In early 2000 a resurgence in environmental concerns was accompanied by an expansion of the ancient forest movement on Vancouver Island, as environmentalists and forestry workers joined together in solidarity at mass rallies. We see spectacular images of the enormous ancient trees, giant stumps and clearcuts, and the export of raw logs to foreign mills.

Official Selection: Powell River Film Festival

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