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Home / The Burwash Bridge - Saving Animal Lives with an Ecopassage: Living History Series

The Burwash Bridge - Saving Animal Lives with an Ecopassage: Living History Series

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This title is a part of the series Living History Series

Catalogue Number:  WSCH02
Producer:  Warren Schlote
Producers:  Schlote, Warren
Directors:  Schlote, Warren
Producing Agencies:  Warren Schlote
Subject:  Canadian History, Canadian Social Studies, Documentary, Environmental Studies, Science, Social Sciences
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2024
Running Time:  8:45

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Governments across North America keep building and expanding roads. This can have deadly consequences for animals but, potentially, drivers too. One way to manage these risks is by building eco-passages, structures that help animals bypass barriers that humans create. This animal overpass near Burwash, Ont. is the first and - for now - only one of its kind in Ontario.

In this episode of Living History, we’ll get a close look at the Highway 69 animal bridge, learn about the impact it’s been having and see other eco-passage styles that you might never notice.

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