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Knoydart Dairy Farm - Knoydart, NS: Depth of Field: Films about...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C042

Knoydart Farm is the Maritimes’ only grass-fed, free-range and certified organic dairy farm. The...

Knuffle Bunny

Weston Woods WW685

by Mo Willems (Hyperion) Trixie, Daddy and Knuffle Bunny take a trip to the neighborhood...

Knuffle Bunny Free

Weston Woods WW889

by Mo Willems (Balzer+Bray) - This is the third and final book in the Knuffle Bunny trilogy...

Knuffle Bunny Too - A Case of Mistaken Identity

Weston Woods WW833

by Mo Willems (Hyperion) Trixie can't wait to bring Knuffle Bunny to school and show him off...

Knuffle Bunny Trilogy, The

Weston Woods WW2932

Includes: Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale Knuffle Bunny Too:  A Case of Mistaken...

Koalas - Anatomy, Habitat and “Crikey” Fun Facts: Science...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0225

Learn about koalas, Australia’s native “bear”. Detailed graphics, diagrams and video images...


PBS Video 040089

This documentary, by filmmaker David Grubin, follows the life of Kofi Annan, winner of the Nobel...

Kokum, With Love

Heart's Path Media Inc. HPMI00

Flora Bear’s youngest granddaughter searches for information about her Indigenous grandmother’s...

Koningsdag, Outside Lands, Semana Santa, Edinburgh Fringe...

Switch SWED52

Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...

Konowal: The Man Behind the Medal

Guerrilla Films GF0004

The narrative follows the life of Filip Konowal, the only Ukrainian Canadian to receive the...

Kookum: underEXPOSED, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0206

We meet Jordan Demeulemeester, one of underEXPOSED’s own. He gives Tannis an inside look into a...

Koop: The Art of Wanda Koop

Katherine Knight and David Craig SM0003

Painter Wanda Koop shows us what we missed the first time, what remains hidden, and makes us...

Kootenay Border Region: Canada Over the Edge, Season 3

Blue Ant Media BAM169

Heading east from the town of Osoyoos, we soar high above the incredible landscapes along BC's...

Kootenay Lake - Between a Rock and a Hard Place, BC: Great...

Good Earth Productions GEGCL05

It looks like an enormous liquid question mark dropped into the narrow confines of the rugged but...

Kootenay National Park, BC: Great Canadian Parks

Good Earth Productions GEGCP47

Kootenay National Park is the "undiscovered" park of the Rockies, and shelters remarkable climactic...

Kosh & Tracy Lee Stum: That's Art

Blue Ant Media BAM073

You might not know it, but you probably have some of Kosh's art in your basement. He is the...

Kosovo, 10 ans d'indépendance et quel avenir ?

ARTE France F259-S10-63

Dix ans après son indépendance, le Kosovo est encore dans une situation difficile : non reconnu...

Kouchibouguac National Park, NB: Great Canadian Parks

Good Earth Productions GEGCP49

Kouchibouguac has the most dynamic ecosystem in the national parks system; it is constantly...

Koyaa Series

Monster Entertainment MON265

Koyaa lives on a remote rocky ledge high above the clouds, sharing a lovely mountain cottage with...

Kristen's Story: Drug Class Series, Season 1

Cooper Rock CPR005

Kristen is nine months into recovery, but she is still struggling with how to best occupy her...

Kristie's Story: Drug Class Series, Season 1

Cooper Rock CPR003

From Kindergarten to 7th grade, Kristie was a model student. In 8th grade Kristie changed and began...

Ktunaxa and Technology: Finding Our Talk, Season 3

Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME72

Can the ‘wired teepee’ help save the Ktunaxa language in the Kootenays? The hub of the Ktunaxa...

Kumbh Mela, Rainbow Serpent, Toronto International Film...

Switch SWED54

Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...

Kung Fu — China's Female Fighters

CinéFête A259-S03-02

For 18 year old Guo Jia, the day begins at 5:30 am with endurance training. After breakfast there...

Kung Fu: China’s Female Fighters (China) - GeoCulture Series...

Film Ideas FI0048

Located in a secluded valley of the holy Shongshan Mountains is the only women's Kung Fu school in...

Kuper Island - Return to the Healing Circle

Peter Campbell PCI002

This moving documentary celebrates the healing and transformation of the Coast Salish people who...

Kwnkwnatul - Walking Together

River Voices RVP022

Indigenous youth from Canada travel to Africa and share experiences about global issues whilst...

Kya Steinbach Parker - Bridging the Gap: Warrior Up! Series

Picture This Productions PTP018

17-year-old Kya Steinbach-Parker, Mi'kmaq/Seneca warrior, is a determined educational activist. She...

Kyle and Brodie: The Working Originals Series

Brandy Y Productions BYP021

Born fourteen weeks premature, Kyle has a visual impairment and a developmental disability. He...

Kyra - Saint Hubert, Quebec: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT532

Kyra is a 9-year-old girl from Saint Hubert, Quebec. Her family is from Jamaica, Trinidad and...

Kyra: Green Squad Series

Apartment 11 APT591

Eight-year-old Kyra is obsessed with ecology, and for her ninth birthday, she wants to celebrate...

Kyrstin Dumont - Gorgeous Diversity: Warrior Up! Series

Picture This Productions PTP016

Decolonizing fashion can take many forms. For Algonquin College student Kyrstin Dumont, it’s...

L is for Listening: Tiga Talk! Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0270

Tiga is not very good at listening – he continually gets distracted while Kimmie tries to read...

L' adaptation

PVP Films F304-001

La crise actuelle de la Covid-19 laissera sans aucun doute des traces importantes sur notre...

L' adominable chose : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-08-32

Quels sont les effets de l'altitude ? Lorsque les enfants entendent à la télévision que...

L' antenne et la chauve-souris : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-04-16

Comment font les chauves-souris pour se déplacer dans le noir ? En essayant de faire un transfert...

L' eau : une ressource, un défi: Les Artisans du changement

PVP Films F150-S11-02

L’eau est une ressource vitale. Pourtant, que ce soit dans les pays les plus riches ou les plus...

L' éco-empreinte

Little Animation F155-003

L'éco-empreinte est un film d'animation mettant en vedette les personnages Terre, Rosie et Org...

L' économie du goût: Les Artisans du changement

PVP Films F150-S08-09

À l’heure où l’on souhaite un développement durable de nos économies, la culture et les...

L' espace, un enjeu de puissance ?

ARTE France F259-S10-50

Pour les états, aller dans l’espace continue, au 21e siècle, de rimer avec puissance, mais pas...

L' évasion de Bougalou : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-05-19

Pourquoi y a-t-il plusieurs races de chiens ? Alors qu'il erre dans un parc, Bougalou est capturé...

L' heure du bain: Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-01-01

Qu'est-ce que la condensation et l'évaporation? Lorsque Bougalou fait tomber la console de jeux de...

L' intelligence artificielle : un instrument de puissance ?

ARTE France F259-S10-57

Voici un tour d’horizon des états qui ont compris l’importance de l’I.A. comme nouvel enjeu...

L' oeil de la baleine

Red Letter Films F64-006

Ce documentaire suit la réalisation d'une peinture murale/mosaïque ayant pour thème la Côte...

L' ouest de l'Écosse vu du ciel: Les vues du ciel

France Télévisions, Grand Angle Productions F173-S03-10

Elles s’appellent Benbecula, Lewis, Harris, Barra... : les Îles Hébrides Extérieures se...

L'aérodynamique: C'est WOW

Apartment 11 APT099F

En faisant des expériences de géométrie avec des avions de papier, Jean-François remarque que...

L'Afrique aujourd'hui: La valse des continents

ARTE France F259-S02-05

L’épopée géologique africaine, c'est la formation d’une seule entité continentale alors que...

L'agent secret Bric : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM184FR

Il y a quelque chose de louche à la Vallée des Aigles. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, l'agent...

L'Amérique centrale: La valse des continents

ARTE France F259-S02-02

Entre l’Amérique du Nord et l'Amérique du Sud, les forces de la Terre ont fait une toute petite...

L'Amérique du nord: La valse des continents

ARTE France F259-S02-01

L’Amérique du Nord ne cesse de se réinventer. Le continent est aussi un monde sauvage de...

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