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Nathan Sawaya, Mediah, & Bob McKay: That's Art

Blue Ant Media BAM064

In the series premier, Thats Art?! takes you into the studio of Nathan Sawaya, a former lawyer, who...

Nation Untamed, Season 1

10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100600

Nation Untamed follows the journey of Sam Karney, a Métis man, as he seeks to reclaim his heritage...

National Heroes: Nations at War, Season 1

NAW Productions CP0009EN

In Ohio Country a powerful Indigenous coalition had emerged to resist the annexation of their...

National Heroes: Nations at War, Season 1, Coast Salish Version

NAW Productions CP0009CS

In 1812, the American army matched on British Canada. Facing impossible odds, General Isaac Brock...

National Stress Test


The National Stress Test examines Canada's relationship with stress and looks at how men differ...

National Symbols and 1 Province/Territory DVD

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI010

A recent poll by Ipsos Reid - the largest of its kind ever undertaken - found that although there...

National Symbols of Canada

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI011

Every country has its own set of unique symbols. These establish an identity that sets the country...

National, Provincial & Territorial Symbols of Canada Kit

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI009

A recent poll by Ipsos Reid - the largest of its kind ever undertaken - found that although there...

Nations at War, Season 1

NAW Productions CP0000EN

Nations at War is an exciting historical documentary series. Through cinematic historical footage...

Nations at War, Season 1, Coast Salish Version

NAW Productions CP0000CS

Nations at War is an exciting historical documentary series. Through cinematic historical footage...

Nations at War, Season 2

NAW Productions CP0014EN

Nations at War is an exciting historical documentary series. Through cinematic historical footage...

Nations at War, Season 2, Coast Salish Version

NAW Productions CP0014CS

Nations at War is an exciting historical documentary series. Through cinematic historical footage...

Native America

PBS Video 041916

Native America challenges everything we thought we knew about the Americas before and since contact...

Native America (Season 2)

PBS Video 041979

Native America illuminates the beauty and power of contemporary Indian Country in this Native...

Native Ecology: Gregory Cajete - The Green Interview Series

Paper Tiger PT0012

Gregory is a Native American educator whose work is dedicated to honoring the foundations of...

Native Planet: The Fight for Mother Earth Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0770

Native Planet is a documentary series that travels the world to explore the unique spiritual...

Natural Highs and the Truth about So-Called "Natural" Drugs

Human Relations Media 600385

Experiencing a "natural" high from sports, music, meditation, or just plain laughter, is one of the...

Nature - Discovering Our Planet: Global Science Series

T2MP and Reuters A296-S05-05

Even if we launch probes to unknown planets, even if first settlers on Mars are a dream becoming...

Nature - préserver notre planète: Global Science

T2MP and Reuters F296-S07-05

Nous sommes attirés par la découverte d’autres mondes, nous explorons le cosmos et pourtant...

Nature Dazzles

Camilo Gomez CG0000

Gender Splendour Week at The Grove Community School in Toronto promotes mental health wellness...

Nature Dazzles (French Version)

Camilo Gomez CG00FR

Gender Splendour Week at The Grove Community School in Toronto promotes mental health wellness...

Nature Dazzles (Spanish Version)

Camilo Gomez CG00SP

Gender Splendour Week at The Grove Community School in Toronto promotes mental health wellness...

Nature of Inspiration

291 Film Company 291020

Some of Canada's best visual artists discuss how their work is related to the environment. Includes...

Nature's Bright Light: Finding Stuff Out, Season 4

Apartment 11 APT050

“If fireflies glow in the dark, why can’t we?” From lightning to lightning bugs, nature...

Nature's Invaders

Productions Grand Angle A173-032

The damage caused by invasive species in New Caledonia is now reaching dramatic proportions: deer...

Nature's Invitation

Brandy Y Productions BYP012

A documentary about Canada's quest to get new immigrants in touch with nature. It also explores the...

Nature's Most Mysterious Patterns: Look Kool Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT088

Have you ever wondered what video game graphics have in common with broccoli? Fractals, of course...

NATURE: An Original DUCKumentary

PBS Video 041610

Ducks are true originals. They waddle, glide, dive, and dabble, and their feathers shimmer with...

NATURE: Broken Tail: A Tiger's Last Journey

PBS Video 041422

Broken Tail, was a charismatic tiger cub in Ranthambore, one of India's best protected tiger...

NATURE: Fabulous Frogs

PBS Video 041707

Sir David Attenborough takes us on a journey through the weird and wonderful world of frogs...

NATURE: Frogs: The Thin Green Line

PBS Video 041848

Frogs have been on this planet for more than 250 million years, evolving into some of the most...

NATURE: My Bionic Pet

PBS Video 041703

The animals of the world may increasingly need our help with big issues like preserving habitat or...

NATURE: Owl Power

PBS Video 041780

For centuries, the mysterious nighttime lives and uncanny hunting skills of owls have made them...

Nature: Snowbound: Animals of Winter

PBS Video 041862

From the shelter of our homes, snow looks magical, but it's a harsh reality to many animals. Snow...

NATURE: The Gathering Swarms

PBS Video 041706

A look at some of the planet's great gatherings, creatures that come together in inconceivable...

Nature’s Cleanup Crew

Kensington Communications Inc. KC0110

"Nature's Cleanup Crew" describes the busy scavengers that live in our cities, recycling mountains...

Né dans la neige

Productions Vic Pelletier F98-003

Né dans la neige est un documentaire portant sur la vie d’Eddy Weetaluk, un Inuit du Nunavik...

Neanderthals - A Re-Examination of their Abilities and...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0257

Learn all about Neanderthals and the new research from archaeologists that indicates Neanderthals...

Near and Far: Earth to Luna, Season 5

Monster Entertainment MON660

Luna and her family are at the beach, even their grandparents have joined them. When Grandpa wants...

Need Some Help: underEXPOSED, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0214

The crew is shuttled to untouched mountain bike riding areas of Kamloops Lake. Little Shuswap Band...

Negative Town: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE067A

The agents go to Negative Town to track a villain. Tiny Dancer is using her wand to force people to...

Neglected Care: W5


A W5 investigation puts the spotlight on lack of care and alleged abuse in long term care...


Folimage Studio F125-001

A la veille des grandes vacances, Prune quitte ses parents pour la traditionnelle « sortie...

Neil Raj, AdCommunal and Tim Ray: The Pitch Series

Business News Network BNN023

Features Neil Raj, AdCommunal and Tim Ray, Food Scrooge.

Nelson Mandela

Weston Woods WW2603

Based on the book by Kadir Nelson -    This is the story of a young boy who grew up to become...

Nelson Mandela - From Political Prisoner to President: History...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0047

Learn all about the incredible sacrifices and profound contributions made by Nelson Mandela.  Who...

Nelson Mandela: Canada AM


A short, informative biography of Mandela - covers his involvement with the African National...

Neo Tokyo, le futur en VR

AB Productions F296-007

Si aujourd’hui, une rame de métro remplie de passagers portant tous des casques de réalité...

Neo Tokyo, the Future in VR

AB Productions A296-007

Tokyo metro trains are packed with passengers who are all using VR headsets for travelling through...

Nerja Spain: Restoration Planet Series, Season 1

Robert E Moberg Films REM018

Nerja, Spain holds some very special residents - local wild goats known as Spanish ibex. We enlist...

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