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Power to the People - Queenston-Chippewa Hydro Plant, Ontario...

Good Earth Productions GEHL30

Built between 1917 and 1921, Queenston-Chippewa was, for many years, the largest Hydro-electric...

Power to the People, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0755

Power to the People is a series that discovers how indigenous people, values and wisdom are...

Power Trip: Bullying in School

Human Relations Media 600374

This multidimensional video/DVD and teacher's guide explores middle school bullying from different...

Power Trip: Bullying in School: Interactive Whiteboard Version

Human Relations Media 600374WB

This multidimensional video and teacher's guide explores middle school bullying from different...

Practicing Reactions: Popfox Theatre Series

Educational Voice 992764

Welcome to Popfox Theatre Land. Join Xixi, Haha, Rosie, and the rest of the Gang as they explore...

Prairie Fire: Nations at War, Season 2

NAW Productions CP0023EN

The Métis people arose in the 17th century from European and Indigenous ancestors. Indigenous...

Prairie Fire: Nations at War, Season 2, Coast Salish Version

NAW Productions CP0023CS

The Métis people arose in the 17th century from European and Indigenous ancestors. Indigenous...

Prairie Garden Seeds - Cochin, SK: Depth of Field: Films about...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C033

Founded in 1986, Prairie Garden Seeds is a small, family-operated seed company based in...

Prairies en voie de disparition: Partageons notre habitat

Pinegrove Productions PPF005

Tabitha et Jack ont pour mission d’enquêter sur deux espèces des prairies en voie de...

Pratique de l'identification et compréhension des systèmes de...

Pinegrove Productions PPF021

Benoit rêve qu'il est perdu dans la forêt et qu'il se meurt de faim. Quand il s'apprête à...

Pre-appearance Discussions: Expert Evidence Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0066

Sam Norton (Robert Stary Lawyers) and Karl Kent (Victoria Police Forensic Services Department)...

Precious Frog: Symbol of a Vanishing Wetland

Wilderness Committee 010046

Seldom seen out of water, the Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) prefers the safety of the marsh...

Precious Waters: Waterworld Africa Series

Blue Ant Media BAM525

It's winter - the dry season in the northern savannas of South Africa's lowveld. Life in the...

Predator's Playground: W5


As Canadian children are "wired" an average of seven hours a day on laptops, tablets, and cell...

Predators: Most Extreme - Alien Planet Earth Series

Blue Ant Media BAM713

Powerful jaws, razor sharp teeth, speed, stealth and cunning. All over Planet Earth there are...

Pregnancy And Birth: Preparing and Caring for the Life Within -...

Magna Systems 520137

See and learn: Why some couples can't "get pregnant." Help conceiving, including artificial...

Pregnancy in Progress: Beginnings of Life Series

Learning Seed 200291

For parents-to-be, the road from conception to birth is one filled with endless questions, changes...

Premier contact

Nish Media 310072FR

Premier contact est une série documentaire qui permettra à six Québécois de vivre une immersion...

Premier Contact - Beothuk

MacLeod 9 Productions 300156

Une partie de chasse de Béothuks venus de l’Ouest. Une expédition de Nordiques du Groënland...

Prenatal and Early Childhood Nutrition

Learning ZoneXpress 430165

When women are pregnant or breastfeeding, they have special nutritional needs. Registered Dietitian...

PreNatal Development: A Life in the Making

Magna Systems 520136

See and learn: How conception or fertilization takes place. Why a pregnant woman should not...

Préparatifs: Innu Aitun

CinéFête F9-S01-05

Après les grands rassemblements et les mariages, les Innus se préparaient déjà à la remontée...

Preparing for Marriage PowerPoint Presentation

Human Relations Media 600483PP

This PowerPoint presentation prepares high school students for healthy relationships and future...

PreSchool Prep Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0150

Preschooler Observation PLUS! (A Classroom Clips Video Set)

Learning Seed 200316

Use this flexible, organized format to teach your students how to learn by observing!  Study key...

Preschooler Observation PLUS: Cognitive Development (A...

Learning Seed 200314

Observe, discuss, analyze! Observation is a learned skill. Classroom Clips PLUS! enables...

Preschooler Observation PLUS: Language & Literacy Development...

Learning Seed 200313

Observe, discuss, analyze! Observation is a learned skill. Classroom Clips PLUS! enables...

Preschooler Observation PLUS: Physical & Motor Development (A...

Learning Seed 200315

Observe, discuss, analyze! Observation is a learned skill. Classroom Clips PLUS! enables...

Preschooler Observation PLUS: Social & Emotional Development (A...

Learning Seed 200312

Observe, discuss, analyze! Observation is a learned skill. Classroom Clips PLUS! enables...


Learning Seed 200212

Meet Asheli, Marie, and Nathan. They're preschoolers - full of endless curiosity and boundless...

Preschoolers Series

Magna Systems 520159

Series includes: Preschoolers: Physical Development 21 minutes Copyright © 2008 Magna Systems...

Prescription Drugs Update

Human Relations Media 600550

This program introduces a diverse group of young people who share their experiences about their...

Prescription For Tragedy: W5


Opioids are a blessing to chronic pain sufferers, but they are finding their way from the pharmacy...

Present Predicament: Playdate Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE131

Grandma's back from one of her trips and she has brought Jacob a present. Jacob is excited to open...

Present Progressive vs. Simple Present Verb Tense: What is the...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM007

Teacher Paul helps a student resolve a conflict with her roommate by analyzing the grammar errors...

Presentation of Findings - Understanding Human Impact: Our...

Pinegrove Productions PPE024

Jesse and Seka prepare and present their findings to members of city council, their teacher and...

Presentation Skills: Expert Evidence Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0069

Legal and forensic experts present invaluable advice on the importance of a good presentation in...

Presentations, Training & Online: Cutting Edge Communication...

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0003

Includes the following nine programs: Presenting with Passion - Carol runs a training session...

Presenting Reports and Opinions: Expert Evidence Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0068

This video canvasses the elements that must comprise effective presentation of reports and opinions...

Preserving Salmon: Wild Game Cooking, Season 3

Tanner Beach Productions WGC311

After a day out on Lake Ontario fishing, Chef Rupert demonstrates how to preserve salmon using...

Pressure and Forces of Flight: Science Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0096

Learn all about pressure and forces of flight.  What is pressure?  What is a force?  What are...

Pressure: Kids Matter; Inside the Minds of Tweens and Teens...

Revealing Media Group RMG004

Overwhelmed with pressures from his parents and peers to succeed in sports, school and activities...

Présumés extraterrestres : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-06-22

Pourquoi les lucioles scintillent-elles ? Lorsqu'il aperçoit des lucioles, Jack croit avoir...

Prête? Pas prête? : 16 Hudson Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB087FR

Quand Amala veut prouver qu’elle est prête à avoir un animal de compagnie, Ronchinou lui montre...

Pretend Not to See Me: The Art of Colette Urban

Katherine Knight and David Craig SM0001

Life and art intersect on a spectacular Newfoundland farm where visual artist Colette Urban mounts...

Prêts à aider : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM130FR

Bric, le castor réparateur, veut réparer tout ce qui est cassé en ville, mais il le fait...

Pretty Bird: Earth to Luna, Season 2

Monster Entertainment MON586

Luna and Jupiter are having some fun with some tongue-twisters, when suddenly some of the...

Preventing Accidental Drug Overdoses

Human Relations Media 600690

Drug overdose is a leading cause of accidental deaths every year. Many of those deaths could have...

Preventing Athletic Injuries

Human Relations Media 600535

While focusing on the personal stories of four young athletes (two males and two females), the...

Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections

Human Relations Media 600369

The numbers and percentages of sexually transmitted infections among young people are alarming...

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