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BC Interior Fowl; Ben Genialle: Untamed Gourmet Series, Season 2

291 Film Company 291008

Chef and instructor Ben Genialle creates a fusion of traditional Aboriginal and contemporary foods...

BC's Northern Coastal Boundary: Canada Over the Edge, Season 2

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR082E

Take an epic, high-altitude journey from Seven Sisters Provincial Park to Salmon Glacier and the...

Be A Donor: Canada AM


Canadian organ donor advocate and recent transplant recipient Hélène Campbell catapulted organ...

Be Confident and Assertive: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0052

Speak with confidence, overcome personal blocks and be assertive. Confidence is a necessary...

Be Kind

Weston Woods WW3091

Written by Pat Zietlow Miller Illustrated by Jen Hill When Tanisha spills grape juice all over...

Be Strong

Weston Woods WW4023

A picture book about finding strength in unlikely places from the team behind the hugely popular...

Be Well Now! with Dr. Nancy Snyderman

PBS Video 041127

In an age of countless miracle cures, it's vital to separate the myths that endanger your health...

Be You!

Weston Woods WW4005

Written and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds. Discover a joyful reminder of the ways that every...

Bea: Green Squad Series

Apartment 11 APT589

Bea wants to reduce her carbon footprint, and she has some ideas that are out of this world! Green...

Beach Movie Night: Wolf Joe Series


Joe and his friends are looking forward to the outdoor movie screening on the beach tonight but...

Beacon of Hope: A School's In Your Face Solution to Gangs: W5


Gang violence is rising across Canada, with one out of every five people murdered a victim of a...

Beano a des caries : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-06-23

Qu'est-ce qu'une carie? Lorsque Sam a mal à une dent, Jack décide d’investiguer les lieux et...

Beano Gets Cavities - What Is A Cavity? Jack, Season 1

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-06-23

When Sam gets a toothache, Jack shrinks down for a closer look and retrieves a small blob of the...

Bear Backstrap: Wild Game Cooking, Season 2

Tanner Beach Productions WGC203

From the bear that Chef Rupert and his hunting buddy were able to get in the Spring, Chef Rupert...

Bear has a Story to Tell

Weston Woods WW2590

Based on the book by Phillip C. Stead, illustrated by Erin E. Stead (Roaring Brook) - In this...

Bear House and Football Walk: Let's Go For A Walk, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1075

Ranger Hamza and the Ramblers have fun on the way to a place where they can play...

Bear Sausage: Wild Game Cooking, Season 2

Tanner Beach Productions WGC205

Chef Rupert finally gets a bear and decides to prepare some bear sausages with pork. After...

Bear With Me: A Young Person's Guide to Black Bear Safety

Pinegrove Productions PPE003

Josh wants to write a story on black bears for his school newspaper.  He interviews an expert and...

Bearly Prepared: Wolf Joe Series


Shy about not feeling as brave as his friends, Buddy is uneasy on a camping trip until heroically...

Bears - Varieties, Life Cycle, Hibernation: Science Kids Animal...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0262

Learn all about bears. Detailed graphics, diagrams and video images teach us about bear...

Beary Best Berries: Back to Roots Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0743

Matricia Bauer, a proud member of the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation in northern Alberta, harvests fresh...

Beat Generation: Kerouac - Ginsberg – Burroughs

CinéFête F196-019

Le film raconte la formidable et durable amitié entre Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg et William S...

Béatrice Picard, l'espace de la vie, c'est tout

CinéFête F150-S14-11

... C'est au cours des années 1940, alors qu'elle étudie en France, que Béatrice Picard voit ses...

Beatrix Potter: Artist, Storyteller and Countrywoman

Weston Woods WW445

This documentary film is about the life of the remarkable author and illustrator of THE TALE OF...

Beaufort Sea: Canada Over the Edge, Season 4

Blue Ant Media BAM189

Inuvik: Land of the Midnight Sun This is traditional territory for the Inuviluit peoples of the...

Beaumont Hamel, France: Historylands Season 5

Good Earth Productions GEHL55

On July 1st, 1916, the men of Newfoundland stormed into battle in a small field outside the village...


Learning Seed 200157

Why is there is so much beauty in food? How does appearance influence taste? Explore beauty and...

Beauty and Delight: Visionary Gardeners Series

291 Film Company 291146

Brian Bixley reflects on fifty years of tending the same piece of land. While touring the garden...

Beauty in Your Backyard: Amplify Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0723

Anishinaabe pop singer Thea May draws strength and inspiration from the beauty of her community...

Beaver Hills Biosphere Reserve, AB: Striking Balance Series 2

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV038

A little-known, but remarkable region of wetlands, called the Beaver Hills, are at risk of being...

Beaver Hills Dark Sky Preserve Sky Party: Star Trails Series

Brandy Y Productions BYP030

Visit central Alberta and the Beaver Hills Dark Sky Preserve to explore how the past and present...

Beaver: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR114E

Big Bear and Squeak pick blueberries in the forest on a sunny summer day. They take a break for a...

Beaver: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep. 9

Buck Productions 300059

Moving to a processing camp the adventurers hope to maximize the areas resources, but with so...

Beaver’s Boat: Misho and Robin Series

Monster Entertainment MON533

Misho and Robin decide to go to Beaver’s creek and they find Beaver building a boat. Misho and...

Bébé Terry : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM216FR

Penny et les Hoppers découvrent toutes les joies et les défis de s’occuper d’un nouvel animal...

Becoming a Man of the Earth: Amplify Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0626

Cree musician, singer-songwriter, and composer, Jason Burnstick from Winnipeg, Manitoba and has won...

Becoming Albertan (27 Minute Version)

Brandy Y Productions BYP107

Becoming Albertan, hosted by Brandy Yanchyk, is a travel show that exhibits exhilarating...

Becoming Albertan (47 Minute Version)

Brandy Y Productions BYP004

Becoming Albertan, hosted by Brandy Yanchyk, is a travel show that exhibits exhilarating...

Becoming an Organized Student

Human Relations Media 600429

This "edutaining" video introduces four young teens who lack organizational skills: Ethan stays up...

Becoming an Organized Student

Human Relations Media 600429WB

This "edutaining" video introduces four young teens who lack organizational skills: Ethan stays up...

Becoming Canadian: Citizens’ Stories

Sound Venture SVP505

A vivid portrait of a nation in transition. A film by Sun-Kyung Yi BECOMING CANADIAN: Citizens...

Becoming Human Unearthing Our Earliest Ancestors: NOVA

PBS Video 041167

Nothing is more fascinating to us than, well, us. NOVA's groundbreaking investigation explores how...

Becoming More Visible

Video Project, Inc. TVP009

Are you Male or Female? For the four fearless young transgender adults featured in the film this is...

Bee Plot: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB283

In the future, there are no raspberries! Or raspberry jam! So the Galapagos X gang goes back in...

Beef Laab: Try Thai Tonight, Season 1

Dean Rainey DR0004

Jean & Dean prepare Thai Tacos – er, we mean minced Beef Laab served in lettuce leaf.

Bees and Compost Walk: Let's Go For A Walk, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1072

Ranger Hamza and the Ramblers walk to a meadow to put vegetable cuttings in the...

Bees in the Meadow: Leo's Pollinators Series

Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE062

We're off to the Meadoway in Toronto, Ontario. The PollinHeads are on the hunt for Toronto's...

Bees Knees: Planet Echo, Season 3

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0302

In this episode we find out how important Bees are to the environment. ADVENTURE:  When Chuck and...

Bees N' Eggs: Leo's Pollinators Series

Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE041

The Honey Bee is at the top of 'Nator Navigator today. These pollinator pals are in big trouble...

Beetle Round Up: Playdate Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE118

Jacob and Enzo are playing 'ranch' with Old West figurines. But when Enzo is startled when he sees...

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