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Canada Gardens I: Tips from Mark Cullen


Mark Cullen is a garden communicator unlike any other. Aiming to help horticulturalists of all...

Canada Goose: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR117E

Big Bear and Squeak have a picnic in their rowboat on a warm summer day. They discover a Canada...

Canada Over the Edge, Season 1

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR000E

This series explores the features that define Canada: the most expansive coastline in the world and...

Canada Over the Edge, Season 2

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR085E

This series explores the features that define Canada: the most expansive coastline in the world and...

Canada Over the Edge, Season 3

Blue Ant Media BAM167

This series explores the features that define Canada: the most expansive coastline in the world and...

Canada Over the Edge, Season 4

Blue Ant Media BAM181

In Season 4, explore one of the most remote - and rarely seen tracts of land on the planet - the...

Canada's 23rd Prime Minister: An Introduction to Justin Trudeau

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI088

Justin Trudeau was elected Canada's 23rd Prime Minister on October 19th 2015. He is the eldest...

Canada's Commandos: W5


CTV's Chief News Anchor and Senior Editor Lisa LaFlamme delivers a never-before-seen look inside...

Canada's Links to the World - Canada and Its Trading Partners

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI030

In today's world, countries around the world are linked together in many different ways - through...

Canada's Natural Resources Series: Creating a Sustainable...

LeMay Media LM0012

Canada's Natural Resources Series: In this new series from award-winning Métis filmmaker Matt...

Canada's Southern Boundary: Canada Over the Edge, Season 2

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR072E

With Washington State's Olympic Mountain Range as a backdrop, this incredible journey passes...

Canada's Worst Landlord: W5


The Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) is an agency set up by the City of Toronto to...

Canada: A Magnificent Journey Series (3)

Good Earth Productions GECMJ0

From the producers of History Lands, Canada: The Undiscovered Land, and Great Canadian Parks comes...

Canada: The Undiscovered Land Series (3)

Good Earth Productions GECUL0

A Canadian produced series that showcases all the splendor and wonder of Canada's great...

Canada; un pays a découvrir (3)

Good Earth Productions GERDCULS

Finalement, voici une série de trois titres qui couvrent les diversités géographiques...

Canadian Doctors in Kandahar: W5


A group of extraordinary Canadian physicians and surgeons traveled to Afghanistan. Extraordinary...

Canadian Holidays, Traditions and Celebrations

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI013

In this program, we focus on the holidays, celebrations and traditions that are linked to the first...

Canadian Music Through The Ages: Canada AM


In celebration of the 2011 Juno Awards, Canada AM takes a look at the last 40 years of Canadian...

Canadian Originals


Canadian Originals features short segments on the unique people that make this country great. Meet...

Canadian Social Studies Playlist (8 Programs)

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI031PL

A wonderful collection of Canadian-produced programs for your elementary students.  Programs...

Canadian Spring Celebration: Chefs of the James Beard House -...

Tanner Beach Productions TBP024

A team of Canadian chefs from Newfoundland host a dinner that showcases the best of Newfoundland...

Canadian Waterways Series

Good Earth Productions GEPCW000

This series documents the greatest waterway system in the world. Canada has a dramatic coastline...

Canadiana Collection

The Canadiana Project Inc. UPP0102

Follow host Adam Bunch as he geeks his way across the country in search of the most incredible...

Canadiana Series - Season 1

The Canadiana Project Inc. UPP000

Canadiana is a series of short, fun episodes that follows host Adam Bunch as he geeks his way...

Canadiana Series, Season 2

The Canadiana Project Inc. UPP008

Canadiana is a series of short, fun episodes that follows host Adam Bunch as he geeks his way...

Canadiana Series, Season 3

The Canadiana Project Inc. UPP020

Canadiana is a series of short, fun episodes that follows host Adam Bunch as he geeks his way...

Canal Boats and Bubbles Walk: Let's Go For A Walk, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1066

Ranger Hamza and the Ramblers walk along a canal to a place where they can blow...

Canaletto: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0035

Mati and Dada are transported to a gondola in Venice where they meet the artist Canaletto. He was...

Canaletto: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0035FR

Mati et Dada visitent Venise en compagnie du célèbre peintre Canaletto qui leur explique la...

Cancer - Evolution's Deadly Result: Origins of Disease Series

Film Ideas FI0068

One of the leading health threats to humans is cancer. However, wild animals rarely get this...

Cancer Update: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Human Relations Media 600572

This program informs your students of the latest research on how cancers form and how they can be...

Cancer, la piste oubliée

CinéFête F259-006

Le cancer doit-il être vraiment compris et traité comme une « maladie des gènes », ou une...

Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies (Ken Burns)

PBS Video 041789

The story of the war on cancer spans centuries and continents. It is a scientific story, but also a...

Cancers, quelles thérapies pour demain?

AB Productions F296-008

Le cancer reste aujourd’hui encore la première cause de mortalité dans le monde avec 8 millions...

Canfield Roots Series

Windecker Road Films WRF000

Lying nearly forgotten in a grove of trees at the back of a farmer’s field is an old cemetery...

Canine Comrades: W5


A program in Manitoba is helping soldiers suffering from PTSD by pairing them up with psychiatric...

Cannabis un marché mondial

CinéFête F259-S10-03

Le marché mondial du cannabis est en pleine évolution. Illégal sauf dans un petit nombre de...

Canoe: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq), Season...

Buck Productions 300072

On the intimidating Cape Breton shores of the Atlantic Ocean, six Indigenous strangers must come...

Canoes/Technology: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0007

Canoes are one of the amazing indigenous inventions and are found in many different cultures. Garry...

Canot Cocasse Saison 1

Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800200

Imaginez des jeunes qui ont, comme moyen de transport, un canot cocasse, magique et multiforme...

Canot Cocasse Saison 2

Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800214

Imaginez des jeunes qui ont, comme moyen de transport, un canot cocasse, magique et multiforme...

Canot Cocasse Saison 3

Manito Cocasse 3 Inc. 800228

Imaginez des jeunes qui ont, comme moyen de transport, un canot cocasse, magique et multiforme...

Canot Cocasse Saison 4

Manito Cocasse 4 Inc. 800243

Au camp Manitou, où on pratique des activités traditionnelles franco-métisses, les jeunes...

Canot Cocasse Saison 5

Manito Cocasse 5 Inc. 800269

Un canot cocasse, magique et multiforme transporte deux voyageurs et les campeurs du Camp Manitou...

Canot: Innu Aitun

CinéFête F9-S01-03

Un des outils les plus essentiels au parcours du territoire (Nutshimit), est le canot, un moyen de...

Cantina del Castello and La Collina dei Ciliegi: The Wine Guys...

HG Distribution HG0136

Follow these three friends as they look for beautiful wine in Soave, Italy. Looking at gargenega...

Cantonese: Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an...

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD003

Chef Christine Cushing tastes the worst and the best Cantonese; food that makes her question what...

Canvas of Conflict: Art of the Great War

Sound Venture SVP402

Art deals with creation; war deals with destruction. 'Canvas of Conflict' deals with this...

Canvas of War

Sound Venture SVP403

This is the story of World War Two as seen through the eyes of Canadian war artists such as Alex...

Cape Breton Highlands National Park, NS: Great Canadian Parks

Good Earth Productions GEGCP12

One of the most scenic drives in the world is the historic Cabot Trail. Named for explorer John...

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