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Building Effective & Motivated Teams: Cutting Edge Communication...
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0009Includes the following Ten programs: Recruiting the Best - Marcus must stop using a lucky dip...
Building Strong Families
Learning ZoneXpress 430202Encourage and engage parents and children to create lasting bonds to build stronger families. Join...
Building Teen Self-Esteem
CTV CTV104Olympic gold medallist Mark Tewksbury teams up with Olympic coach Debbie Muir to present a workshop...
Building: Tiga Talk! Series, Season 3
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0289Jodie and Jason get to see different kinds of buildings being put together. They visit...
Bukwas: Raven Tales, Season 2
Arcana Studio Inc. ASI022Caught in a storm at sea, the men find themselves shipwrecked on a strange beach and are captured...
Bulgur - Ancient Grains: Nutritional Powerhouses Series
Switch SWED06Bulgur wheat is a lesser-known type of whole wheat durum grain. Compared to refined carbohydrate...
Buller Bear Hunts: Tiny Square Critters
Monster Entertainment MON058Buller Bear wants to be a big bear like his dad, so he decides to go hunting. Set in the forest...
Bully Bystanders: You Can Make a Difference
Human Relations Media 600539Most teens don't like to see their peers bullied but are not sure whether or how to respond. This...
Bully POV: 21 C
CTV CTV045Most people have a story about being bullied at some point in their life. But have you ever had the...
Bully Proof Kit
Human Relations Media 600503This unique DVD and print curriculum includes 4 Bully Smart DVDs plus engaging activity cards...
Bully Proof Kit: Interactive Whiteboard Version
Human Relations Media 600503WBThis unique DVD and print curriculum includes 4 Bully Smart videos plus engaging activity cards...
Bully Proof Print Kit
Human Relations Media 600531KTThis print kit includes engaging activity cards, role-play scenarios, as well as other activities...
Bullying and What You Can Do!: Start Smart Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0179Learn all about bullying behaviors and proven prevention strategies. The show helps students...
Bullying and Youth Violence: The Verdict with Paula Todd
CTV CTV386This episode will deliver an inside look at bullying and the dramatic increase in youth violence...
Bullying Awareness Playlist (8 Programs)
MCI710Great selection of award-winning programs for elementary and secondary students. Programs...
Bullying Through The Ages: Canada AM
CTV CTV488CANADA AM looks at bullying through the ages - from the school yard, to high school hallways and to...
Bullying: Safety Planet Series
Educational Voice 992161This animated video lesson is all about bullying. Aaron is upset and feeling sad after someone at...
Bullying: You Don't Have To Take It Anymore
Human Relations Media 600230Bullying is one of the most underrated yet enduring problems in schools today and is a reality in...
Bull’s Eye - A Painter on the Watch
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M011At age 40, Marc Séguin is considered one of the most talented painters of his generation. His...
Bunny Love: Aunty B's House Series
Headspinner Productions HESP16Aunty B’s House has a new temporary foster: Bubbles, the pet bunny! Shelley learns that maybe a...
Burden of Care: W5
CTV CTV872Now that COVID-19 is in its third wave in many parts of Canada, it’s important to see how medical...
Burden of Innocence: Frontline
PBS Video 041135VHWhat happens to wrongly accused inmates, exonerated by DNA testing, after the media spotlight turns...
Burgers: The Know It All Guide To... Series
Blue Ant Media BAM628From India to China and back to America, burgers might just be the food that brings the world...
Buried Alive Escape: Escape or Die! Series, Ep. 7
Farpoint Films FAR056Dean will be wrapped in chains inside a steel coffin locked tightly and buried alive. Dean will be...
Buried Evidence - A Convicted Killer Claims Innocence: W5
CTV CTV928Convicted murderer Daniel Jolivet, in prison for the past 30 years, has maintained his innocence...
Burning Ember: The Steve Bell Journey
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE006Canadian singer-song writer Steve Bell has been on the road for over twenty-five years pouring his...
Burning, Bound and Upside Down Escape: Escape or Die! Series...
Farpoint Films FAR051Dean is bound in a straight jacket, hanging upside down 45 meters over the deadly cobblestone...
Burundi - Land of Rhythm
Arte GEIE A259-S03-06Many young men of Burundi turned an old tradition into an occupation: they are "Batimbos...
Bury the Hatchet: Nations at War, Season 1
NAW Productions CP0010ENIn 1605 the Mi’kmaq Nation welcomed new neighbours from France living on their summer fishing...
Bury the Hatchet: Nations at War, Season 1, Coast Salish Version
NAW Productions CP0010CSThrough the 18th Century, Nova Scotia was a prize fought over by the French and British empires...
Business and Entrepreneurship: RezX TV, Season 2
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ020For this special episode on “Business and Entrepreneurship” we lined up some great stories and...
Business Ethics On the Job
Human Relations Media 600299This program defines what business ethics are, and identifies why they are necessary for success in...
Busy Bees: Ping and Friends
Kondololé Films Inc. KON003Ping and Pong are playing jazz music, but their song sounds incomplete. They hear a “zzz” sound...
Busy Bodies Series
Switch SWED116Creating time for exercise with your busy schedule is crucial to maintain a healthy body and a...
Butter Tarts and Beer: Taste of the Country Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1028South Pond enters a butter tart taste off at the farmer’s market and holds its first ever beer...
Butterflies and Caterpillars: ZooMoos Wild Friends Series
Blue Ant Media BAM676The ZooMoo team are learning all about butterflies and caterpillars. Flash is on a mission to...
Butterflies on the Brink: The Story of the Mottled Duskywing
Pinegrove Productions PPE045Butterflies on the Brink is the gripping tale of a rare butterfly species’ fight for survival on...
Butterflies, Moths and Metamorphosis - Varieties, Life Cycle and...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0103In this new, high-definition program, learn all about butterflies, moths and the amazing process of...
Butterfly Feet: Earth to Luna, Season 1
Monster Entertainment MON488Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde are enjoying themselves following a little butterfly as it flutters about...
Butterfly Release Party: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0042The kids are really looking forward to making a big butterfly out of plywood for the butterfly...
Butterfly Royalty: Leo's Pollinators Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE050Monarchs are a butterfly most people would recognize, but this royal butterfly is having a hard...
Buying And Selling: How Trading Shapes Our World
Learning Seed 200217You've heard that a butterfly beating its wings in the jungle can change life halfway around the...
Buying Into Brand Marketing: How Marketing Shapes Perception
Learning Seed 200305Hundreds of our daily decisions are influenced by brand marketing. Discover what a brand is and how...
Buzz in a Bottle: The Dangers of Caffeine-Spiked Energy Drinks
Human Relations Media 600510With the lure of an over-the-counter jolt, kids are consuming more energy drinks than ever before...
By the Book: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE036BOlive and Otto interrogate two suspects to figure out which one is innocent, and which one is...
Bye Bye Birdy: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM271When Mia and Codie find a baby bird who has fallen out of its nest, they attempt to teach it to...
Byron Chief Moon: Grey Horse Rider
Mouvement Perpétuel A193-002Byron Chief-Moon is a multi-talented actor, stuntman, dancer, choreographer playwright, and founder...
Byron Chief Moon: le cavalier au cheval gris
Mouvement Perpétuel F193-001Danseur, chorégraphe et comédien, Byron Chief-Moon est fondateur de la Coyote Arts Percussive...
Bystander Intervention - Putting a Stop to Sexual Assault
Human Relations Media 600671This program carefully explains the basics and principles of bystander intervention, a strategy...
Bystander Intervention: Putting a Stop to Bullying
Human Relations Media 600672Bystander intervention is a new and proven effective strategy to reduce incidents of bullying and...
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