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Cold: Misho and Robin Series
Monster Entertainment MON559Misho wakes up with a cold and Robin is taking care of him. After he finds nothing in the house...
Cole Clark and Dylan Hope - Northern Stars: Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP012Cole Clark, 22, is a Tlicho Dene warrior working at Home Base, an organization for at-risk and...
Colis Express: Théo le loup séries
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0018FRLes amis doivent livrer des colis importants mais Théo, qui n’arrive pas à courir et sauter...
Collaboration & Teamwork in Healthcare
University Health Network UHN039A great resource for your pre-entry to practice Health students and practice-based health...
Collaboration in Primary Care
University Health Network UHN043**NOTE** Please select the CHAPTERS tab to view all parts. Presents the Primary Care Setting with...
Collaborative Conferences
Stenhouse Publishers 000139During collaborative conferences, teachers observe a lesson or conference and provide explicit...
Collection of Hate: Images of Antisemitism
Autentic GMBH AUT003He is Belgian, Jewish, a Shoah survivor, a jeweller, a father, a husband, and the owner of the...
PBS Video 040508COLONIAL HOUSE was filmed over a 5 month period on an isolated stretch of the Maine coast. Our...
Colonialism and Treaty Education Playlist
MCI773Indigenous peoples have lived here for thousands of years, with their own unique cultures...
Learning Seed 200180Discover the power of color! Color is a power in your life. It shapes how you dress, what you...
Colors: Misho and Robin Series
Monster Entertainment MON549Misho and Robin run into Bear who is planning to paint his home. They want to help him so they all...
Colour and Violent Endings: Hubble's Canvas Series
Blue Ant Media BAM030Colour - Every Hubble image begins in black and white, so why are Hubble’s pictures so...
Colour Changing Milk, Chroma Key, Math Mentalism, Leidenfrost...
Switch SWED103Colour Changing Milk, Chroma Key, Math Mentalism, Leidenfrost Effect, and Rethinker, Linwood G...
Colour for Interior Design PowerPoint
Learning Seed 200184PPWhere do you begin to design the rooms in which you live? How about asking “what colors do I want...
Colour Me
Taza Media Inc. TAZ000Motivational speaker Anthony McLean is forced to re-examine his own identity while challenging...
Colour Me Bad: Playdate Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE126Gwen and Jacob pretend they are artists and paint a picture of Buckie and Mac as fisherstuffies...
Colour Saturation in Painting - Tutorial: Colour Theory Series
Winged Canvas WC0034There are tons of things that need to be learned when working with colour, and saturation is one of...
Colour Theory Series
Winged Canvas WC0032Colour theory can be really tricky to learn. In this series, follow along and learn all about the...
Colour Theory: Exploring Hue, Saturation and Value in Art...
Winged Canvas WC0039Colour theory is tricky, and its nuances are endless! In this video, learn all about the HSV model...
Colour: Elements of Art Explained Series
Winged Canvas WC0043Colour theory and colour schemes -- what are they and why do they take so long to figure out...
Colouring Inside the Lines: The Prime Radicals, Season 2
GAPC Productions GAP052At the workshop, Uncle Norm is a frustrated artist who is trying to teach the Inventonator simple...
Colton - Camperville, Manitoba: Raven's Quest Series, Season 3
Apartment 11 APT502Colton is an 11-year-old Métis boy who lives in Camperville, Manitoba. He’ll introduce us to his...
Combatting Social Isolation and Loneliness
Human Relations Media 600704When real life connections are lost to virtual connections, social isolation and loneliness can...
Come on Rain
Weston Woods WW638by Karen Hesse, illustrated by Jon J. Muth (Scholastic) Tess knows that the only thing that...
Coming Clean Addiction Series
CTV CTV633Coming Clean is a special week-long series that aired on Canada AM. This enlightening special is...
Coming Home (Wanna Icipus Kupi)
Rezolution Pictures International Inc. RPII00Coming Home (Wanna Icipus Kupi) reveals the impacts of the Sixties Scoop and explores Indigenous...
Coming Into America: Scientific American Frontiers
PBS Video 040468Who were the first Americans? Did they get here by land or sea? Did a single group populate the...
Coming Out: Rites of Passage Series
Left Field Entertainment LFE009For gay men and women, Coming Out is probably the single most significant life changing moment in...
Coming Out: What Every Teen (Gay and Straight) Needs to Know
Human Relations Media 600540According to a recent national poll, approximately 5% of America's high school students (3 to 4...
Comme une abeille : Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-07-25Pourquoi la fumée affecte-t-elle les abeilles ? Lorsque Bougalou se retrouve coincé dans une...
Comment je suis devenue invisible
EDENDOC, Kuiv Productions F212-016Caméra, tracking, data, état d’urgence, NSA... est-il possible d’échapper à la...
Commerce : a la conquête des océans
ARTE France F259-S10-43L’expansion du commerce a poussé l’homme à conquérir les océans : les routes se sont...
Commercial Diver: Nerves of Steel Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1008Welcome to the universe of commercial divers. In winter as in summer, they must be carpenters...
Commercial Fishing: Saving the Hauraki Gulf Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0802Commercial fishing is often singled out as the main culprit in over-exploitation, but there is a...
Common Psychological Disorders of Adolescence
Human Relations Media 600541This reassuring video focuses on several real teens who are struggling with some of the most common...
Communauté d'avenir: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S08-10Les collectivités autochtones se retrouvent souvent dans une situation de grande pauvreté et de...
Communicate Effectively: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0051Project positively, listen and respect others and be clear and engaging. Dion thinks it’s...
Communicating Between Cultures
Learning Seed 200158Some "cultural givens" are so deeply imbedded as to be invisible to those who hold them. These...
Learning Seed 200166On a first job, students suddenly find themselves "on the other side of the counter" dealing with...
Communicating with Tact, Candor & Credibility
Learning Seed 200209This program demonstrates how to use diplomacy to successfully communicate with co-workers, team...
Communicating without Wires: One Stop Science Shop Series
HG Distribution HG0056How come we can’t hear people talking next to us when we’re in the sea? A puzzling question...
Magna Systems 520143Learning to successfully communicate with students, parents, and colleagues is absolutely crucial...
Communication in a Wired World: Be Smart, Be Safe
Learning Seed 200233Online and mobile technologies profoundly influence how we read and write, learn and work. Online...
Communication Skills For the Workplace
Human Relations Media 600203This program delivers a clear message to students ; that the number one asset for virtually any...
Communication Spoilers: I Can Communicate Series
Human Relations Media 600426Communication Spoilers, sheds light on many common problems in communication such as interrupting...
Communication: Every Body Curious, Season 2
Blue Ant Media BAM1406How do you tell someone you like them? What do you say when someone asks you out on a date...
Communities and Geography: Social Studies Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0191Explore various communities and geography. What is a community? What are the different types of...
Community Character: Rules and Responsibilities
McIntyre Media Inc. MCI058As a citizen of a community, we all have rights and responsibilities. In this program, students...
Community Eats - PEI: Kid Diners Series
Farpoint Films FAR017Aynalem and Xander are in Prince Edward Island looking for seafood and they find it! Xander’s...
Community Origins: Features & Development of Early Canadian...
McIntyre Media Inc. MCI001Our young hosts come across some interesting artifacts while cleaning out the attic. Their...
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