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Dinosaur and Burnt Forest Walk: Let's Go For A Walk, Season 2
Blue Ant Media BAM1224Ranger Hamza leads the ramblers through the Burnt Forest where they draw some pictures of what...
Dinosaur Bones
Weston Woods WW697by Bob Barner (Chronicle) With lively rhyming text and collage illustrations, the author of Dem...
Dinosaur Dilemma: Audrey’s Shelter Series
Image-In Atlantic IIA200While digging a hole in the plain, Tommy discovers a dinosaur bone! To excavate the rest of the...
Dinosaur Provincial Park, AB: Destination Parks Series
Good Earth Productions GEDP06Many thousands of years ago, dinosaurs ruled the land around Dinosaur Provincial Park. They may be...
Dinosaur Provincial Park, AB: Great Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GEGCP09Dinosaur Provincial Park in Southern Alberta is world famous for its 75 million year old bone beds...
Dinosaur Stories
Weston Woods WW2942Includes: • Danny and the Dinosaur • T is for Terrible • Dinosaur Bones DVD...
Dinosaurs and Monster Trucks: Make it Big, Make it Small Series
Blue Ant Media BAM469Jenny and Lucas discover how a T-Rex managed to stay upright on two hind legs then they go to a...
Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins, The
Weston Woods WW863Based on the book by Barbara Kerley, ill. by Brian Selznick...
Dinosaurs: The Jungle Room Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE494The Jungle Roomers go on a prehistoric adventure as the kids play in Dino World, go on their very...
Directions Home
Guerrilla Films GF0002After World War Two, a group of Canadian soldiers managed to save thousands of European refugees...
Directions: Primary Maths Series 2
Educational Voice 992053Aaron plays with the remote control car he won. He needs to read the instructions to understand how...
Dirt: Finding Stuff Out, Season 5
Apartment 11 APT066Although we humans like to be clean, dirt is an important part of our lives. Not only do we grow...
Dirtbags: underEXPOSED, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0227Gracey and Mason produce a photo story on the lifestyle of “dirtbags”, aka ski bums, at the...
Dirty Jobs: Most Extreme - Alien Planet Earth Series
Blue Ant Media BAM718Every day creatures deal with disgusting situations that we would run from. Dinner at the dump...
Dirty Legacy: W5
CTV CTV844W5 investigates a small Alberta town that once prospered thanks to the oil industry that is now...
Dirty Little Secret: W5
CTV CTV023Former residents of Mount Herbert orphanage are locked in a bitter legal battle with the provincial...
Dirty Tricks: W5
CTV CTV794W5 correspondent Peter Akman examines the cyber threat to Canadian democracy in “Dirty Tricks”...
Learning Seed 200105This is not a program ABOUT people with disabilities, it is about communicating with and relating...
Disappearing Grasslands: Sharing Our Habitat Series
Pinegrove Productions PPE027Tabitha and Jack’s assignment is to investigate two endangered grassland species – the...
Disaster At Sea: W5
CTV CTV477W5's season premiere tells the story of 48 students -- how they and 8 teachers and 8 crew members...
Disciplining Kids (Revised & Updated!)
Learning Seed 200207Ah, the jobs of parenthood! They include shaving cream all over the bathroom mirror, bubble gum in...
Discolouration: Kitchen Science Series
Educational Voice 992230A kitchen is the perfect place for children to see science in action. In this animated program, we...
DISCOUNTED DREAMS: High Hopes and Harsh Realities at America's...
PBS Video 040935Community Colleges represent the fastest growing segment of American higher education; their open...
Discovering Canada - Our Early Explorers
McIntyre Media Inc. MCI036Early explorers and navigators expanded the influence of their empires as they ventured across...
Discovering the Slates: Woodland Caribou Series
Pinegrove Productions PPE012Frankie and Tanner travel to the Slate Islands Provincial Park in northern Ontario to meet up with...
Discovering the Tongass - Alaska's Rainforest: The Tongass...
North Shore Productions NSP001The Tongass is America’s largest National Forest covering 17 million acres of Southeast Alaska...
Discovering the World of Biodiversity: Our Incredible World...
Pinegrove Productions PPE019Jesse and Seka must come up with a science project on biodiversity. They ask for help from Seka's...
Disguise: Most Extreme - Alien Planet Earth Series
Blue Ant Media BAM712Think you're good at hide and seek? There are creatures on Alien Planet Earth that have it down to...
Disorder in the Court ,Part 2: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE039BIn this two part episode, Olive is put on trial for causing oddness. Otto and Olive have been able...
Disorder in the Court, Part 1: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE039AIn this two part episode, Olive is put on trial for causing oddness. If she can account for her...
Disordered Eating: Zara McDermott Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1459In 2018 Zara McDermott was body shamed on Instagram, an event that led to extreme dieting. Zara...
Display Cabinet, Jewellery Box and Barber Stool: Kings of the...
Blue Ant Media BAM1423This time on Kings of the Wood, the gang are hard at work on three contrasting builds that display...
Diversity & Conflict Management
Magna Systems 520081Going more deeply into conflict and communications issues, we learn a practical process for...
Diversity and Communication
Magna Systems 520120In the program, we role-play some possible conflicts between parents and early childhood...
Diversity, Bullying & Respect: Cutting Edge Communication Comedy...
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0008Includes the following seven programs: Breaking Bullying - Serena expects Marcus to stamp out...
Diversity, Independence, And Individuality
Magna Systems 520119What makes up good practice? "It depends…" Focusing on diverse reactions to scenes of...
Diversity: Contrasting Perspectives
Magna Systems 520108Parent relations deepen when childcare staff can explore contrasting perspectives and spark...
Magna Systems 520121As child care went from babysitting to a profession, experts developed standards for the field...
Diversity: Walrus TV (Episode 3)
Blue Ant Media BAM108Multiculturalism is a defining aspect of our nation. Our diverse population forms an ever-shifting...
Divided Korea Series
Alegria, ARTE France A259-S04For 60 years, Korea has been divided into two states, two diametrically opposed societies. How did...
Divided Loyalties: #Unsettled (Ep 6)
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0642Rayna is beginning to settle into her new reality. She reaches out to her sister for help with the...
Divided States of America: W5
CTV CTV695W5's Kevin Newman speaks to American voters who must decide who will lead a nation where compromise...
Divine Choice: W5
CTV CTV592As the cardinals gather at the Vatican, W5's Tom Kennedy goes behind the ceremony and the rituals...
Divine Instinct: The Art of Gary Spinosa
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV079Gary Spinosa stepped away from his growing reputation among the handful of rising sculptors in the...
Division: Intermediate Maths Series 3
Educational Voice 992072This animated math video lesson is about division. Aaron visits his grandpa on his farm. His...
Learning Seed 200054Scott and Katie are teens whose parents are divorcing. They become our eyes and ears to show what...
Diwali Desserts
CTV CTON026_jCelebrity Chef Samira Nanda whips up some 'Kheer' - a rich and delicious festive rice pudding that...
DIY Or Hire An Expert? Canada AM
CTV CTV481Do It Yourself or Leave It To The Pros? From home and car repairs to grooming and beyond, Canada AM...
Djembé au Djembé: Ping et Ses Amis
Kondololé Films Inc. KON010FRUn ami africain visite Ping et ses amis dans la Vallée des chants. Mais lorsqu’il leur fait...
Djihad, les contrefeux
ARTE France F242-009Comment sortir les jeunes de l'engrenage de la radicalisation ? Comment aider les parents ? «...
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