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We live in a commercial world and advertising is becoming a surround-sound experience. While ads...

Embedded: underEXPOSED, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0222

Gallup assigns Mason to work with Peter Moynes from Kootenay Mountain Culture, and Mason...

Embrasser, comment ça marche? : Tout Sexplique

GAPC Productions GAPF26

Embrasser, comment ça marche ? Chacun a sa propre manière d’embrasser, mais quelles sont les...

Emergencies: Are You Safe? Canada AM


Emerging Drugs Of Abuse

Human Relations Media 600601

Newspaper headlines are filled with horror stories about the devastating effects of new synthetic...

Emile Norman: By His Own Design

PBS Video 041048

This is a portrait of the artist Emile Norman, who, at age 88, is still working with the same...

Emily - Findlay Creek, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT628

Emily is a 9-year-old girl from Findlay Creek, Ontario, a subburb of Ottawa. She is a proud...

Emily - Mohawk, Montreal, QC: Raven's Quest, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT004

Emily is an 11-year-old Mohawk girl who lives in Montreal, Quebec. Emily is a huge fan of dancing...

Emily's First 100 Days of School

Weston Woods WW654

by Rosemary Wells With so much to do when school starts, Emily feels like it will take forever...

Emma and Monica: Green Squad Series

Apartment 11 APT592

Ten-year-olds Emma & Monica are two best friends living in a small town, but they want to make a...

Emma Eagle Learns How to Fly: Tiny Square Critters

Monster Entertainment MON055

Emma Eagle faces her fears and learns how to fly.  Set in the forest, Tiny Square Critters tells...

Emotion Commotion Series

Human Relations Media 600478

Three live-action videos help young viewers understand what emotions are, why there is no such...

Emotion Commotion: Angry? Sad? Feels Bad!

Human Relations Media 600479

Madison learns that her family will be moving because of her dad's new job. Danny has just learned...

Emotion Commotion: The Stress Mess

Human Relations Media 600481

Sandra is feeling stressed in her efforts to improve her swimming times. With swim team practice...

Emotion Commotion: When Worry and Fear Appear

Human Relations Media 600480

Sam is getting stomach cramps because of his upcoming recital. Melissa is afraid of meeting new...

Emotional Gardens: Ageless Gardens Series, Season 3

291 Film Company 291133

In North Saanich, BC, a garden writer believes in the healing power of gardening, and advocates for...

Emotional Growth: Drug Class Series, Season 2

Cooper Rock CPR016

After several years of heavy drug and alcohol use, Kristie has now been clean and sober for 9...

Emotional Rescue: W5


W5 reporter Tom Kennedy delivers an investigation into Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in...

Emotions in Action

Theresa Dunn TDA000

Well - being is a balance of the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. This balance is...

Empathy, The Heart's Intelligence

Flair Production A242-009

What makes human beings social, able to see another’s point of view, while still remaining...

Emperor's New Clothes

Weston Woods WW314

by Hans Christian Andersen, retold & illus. by Nadine Westcott Even with his closets full of...

Emperor's New Clothes, The (Mandarin/English)

Weston Woods WW314MANBI

Based on the book by Nadine Bernard Westcott -   A vain emperor who loves new clothes wears a...

Emphasis: The Principles of Design Explained Series

Winged Canvas WC0057

Emphasis, also known as “dominance” or “hierarchy.” is when the artist picks an element of...

Empire Builders Series 1

Pilot Productions 555021

From the Romans to the Raj, the Ottomans to the Incas, great empires have come and gone through the...

Empire Builders Series 2

Pilot Productions 555033

Empire Builders is an epic series that brings to life Great Empires, each episode visiting the most...

Empire Builders Series 3

Pilot Productions 555054

From the Romans to the Raj, the Ottomans to the Incas, great empires have come and gone through the...

Empire's Plant Hunter: The Lost World of Joseph Banks Series

Pilot Productions 555018

Episode 3, "Empire's Plant Hunter" follows Banks and his companions on their botanical journey of...

Empires at War: The War to End All Wars Series


Professors Deborah Neill, Stephen Brooke, Joan Judge and Thabit Abdullah discuss how the British...

Empires Collection: The Dynasties

PBS Video 040737

Within the history of civilization are great eras of struggle, triumph, and loss. These periods are...

Empires: Martin Luther

PBS Video 040013

Martin Luther's 95 theses gained popularity with the common people, but the Church excommunicated...

Empires: The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance

PBS Video 040387

From a base in 15th-century Florence, the Medici family used charm, patronage, duplicity, and...

Employment Matters

Brandy Y Productions BYP005

Employment Matters is a documentary that explores the untapped market and huge potential of the...

Employment Matters Too

Brandy Y Productions BYP006

Employment Matters Too is a documentary that discovers how large corporations benefit from hiring...

Emre Bosut - Planche à pagaie en Columbie-Britannique: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0165FR

Le guide de surf à pagaie Emre Bosut et ses clients se mesurent à l'océan lors d'un périple...

Emu: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR146E

Big Bear and Squeak explore in the forest. They discover a broken bluebird egg and learn about...

En Avant la Musika!: Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON039FR

Matilda et monsieur Picou font un spectacle de patinage artistique avec la musique Balalaïka...

En cas d'urgence : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM158FR

Les Aventuriers construisent une Tyrolienne pour aider Bruno à prévenir la vallée des Aigles du...

En cavale

Productions InformAction inc. F83-043A

Simon est un jeune avec d’importants troubles d’attachement et de comportement. Pour le...

En cavale

Productions InformAction inc. F83-043B

Simon est un jeune avec d’importants troubles d’attachement et de comportement. Pour le...

En La Casa

Elizabeth Miller SHORE06

From a small country with a revolutionary history, comes a compelling TV drama with a big vision...

En La Casa (French Version)

Elizabeth Miller SHORE06F

From a small country with a revolutionary history, comes a compelling TV drama with a big vision...

En mémoire d'elle (Georges Bress)

CinéFête F289-S01-05

Après le décès de sa femme, Louis-Georges Bresse rencontre Ginette, une femme qui lui redonne...

En panne : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la rescousse...

Epic Story Media ESM156FR

Les Aventuriers se portent volontaires pour retrouver l'hélice perdue d'Émilia Aiglefier, mais le...

En plusieurs foi(s)

Arte GEIE F269-S01

En plusieurs foi(s) fait découvrir de façon ludique les fondements des cinq principales religions...

En route pour la lune : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM206FR

Quand Benny se demande ce que ce serait d’aller sur la lune, Filipa décide de construire une...

En route pour l’Ouest (Ep 11) Les Mohawks: Bâtisseurs de...

Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME21FR

Les monteurs-assembleurs doivent souvent se déplacer loin de chez eux pour trouver du travail. Un...

En route pour New York (Ep 6) Les Mohawks: Bâtisseurs de...

Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME16FR

Dans les années 20, la ville de New York est devenue la destination la plus populaire chez les...

En voiture! : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM219FR

Quand Hulotte part pour la journée, elle laisse Jinx aux soins de Hop et Penny. Mais quand ils ne...

Encouraging Moral Development In Children

Learning ZoneXpress 430030

Enter into a dynamic discussion on moral development as hosted by a group of teens who give their...

End of Days, Inc.

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE056

It’s the last day of business before Godfrey Global Inventory shuts down for good. The...

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