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AB Productions

54 title(s) found.

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1961, la route de l'égalité

AB Productions F296-003

Un road movie historique à travers l’Alabama et le Mississippi sur les traves de près de 450...

1961, the Road to Freedom

AB Productions A296-003

The film follows the historic movement begun on May 4th, 1961 by a group of black and white civil...

A World Without Forests: A World Without... Series

AB Productions A296-S02-02

Faced with direct and indirect pressures from humanity, what will future forests look like? How...

A World Without Microbes: A World Without... Series

AB Productions A296-S02-03

What would happen if, by waving a magic wand, all the germs disappeared from our planet? It would...

A World Without Mosquitoes: A World Without... Series

AB Productions A296-S02-04

Mosquitoes, from Spanish for "little fly" measure between 0,5 and 1,5 cm and weight  just a few...

A World Without Sand: A World Without... Series

AB Productions A296-S02-05

Sand is all around us. It’s the main ingredient for concrete and we use it to build our houses...

A World Without Satellites: A World Without...Series

AB Productions A296-S02-01

Relying on satellites has become an integral part of our daily life and economy. Their use has now...

A World Without...Series

AB Productions A296-S02

What would a world without our much-needed forests look like? What would happen if all germs...

ADN Supermédecin

AB Productions F296-005

Des traitements “sur-mesure” voient le jour, dessinant les prémisses d’une médecine...

AI: Your New Brain

AB Productions A296-010

Deep Learning is a radical and recent revolution in engineering. It allows computer systems to...

Aids: A Countdown to a Cure

AB Productions A296-009

According to experts, the AIDS epidemic is now halted but its eradication is nowhere near its end...

Air: Les maîtres des éléments

AB Productions F296-S09-01

L’élément air existe sous bien des formes, pour certaines encore totalement inexploitées par...

Air: Masters of the Elements Series

AB Productions A296-S07-01

The element air exists in many forms, some of them still totally unexploited by man. Beyond the...

Alerte glaciers

AB Productions F296-015

A travers un splendide décor Alpin, ce documentaire nous dévoile un phénomène terrifiant : la...

Cancers, quelles thérapies pour demain?

AB Productions F296-008

Le cancer reste aujourd’hui encore la première cause de mortalité dans le monde avec 8 millions...

DNA Superdoc

AB Productions A296-005

DNA Superdoc uncovers the story behind this biotechnological breakthrough. Immense progress in...

Earth: Masters of the Elements Series

AB Productions A296-S07-03

The element earth includes all organic matter on its surface, the different types of rocks and all...

Fire: Fixing Nature Series

AB Productions A296-S03-02

In May 2016, in Fort MacMurray, Canada, a massive wildfire spread quickly and wreaked havoc in...

Fire: Masters of the Elements Series

AB Productions A296-S07-02

Fire produces heat and light. It is naturally associated with the sun. At the heart of the solar...

Fixing Nature Series

AB Productions A296-S03

Pollution, global warming, desertification and the consequences of human and industrial activities...

Ground: Fixing Nature Series

AB Productions A296-S03-03

Soil erosion and degradation will become one of the most threatening issues facing human security...

H+umanity Augmented

AB Productions A296-006

The film, H+umanity Augmented takes us from the USA to Japan and into the heart of secret labs...

Hackers / Makers

AB Productions A296-002

A new movement, the science of amateurs, is about to transform our daily lives permanently: the...

Hackers / Makers - la science des amateurs

AB Productions F296-002

Depuis l’apparition d’Internet, les hackers ont créé une culture du partage d’informations...

Homo Digitalis: Man 2.0 R-Evolution Series

AB Productions A296-S04-04

We know that human brains are now developing differently than they did a few decades ago. We are...

Homo Sapiens GM: Man 2.0 R-Evolution Series

AB Productions A296-S04-02

Human history is facing a new phenomenon: we are now able to not only modify our own biology but to...

Homo Technologicus: Man 2.0 R-Evolution Series

AB Productions A296-S04-03

Three-dimensional organs are already being printed in "3D labs" in the United States, using a...

Humanité Augmentée

AB Productions F296-006

Voyage entre les Etats-Unis et l’Asie au cœur des laboratoires secrets des «nouveaux savants...

IA: votre nouveau cerveau

AB Productions F296-010

L’apprentissage profond est une révolution aussi récente que profonde de l’ingénierie. Il...

L'atmosphère toxique: Réparer la nature

AB Productions F296-S04-04

Industries, exploitations minières, mais aussi transport aérien, trafic automobile :  Notre...

L'eau: Réparer la nature

AB Productions F296-S04-01

Depuis plus d'un siècle, les activités humaines et industrielles font peser d'importantes menaces...

La voiture autonome: qui conduit la voiture?

AB Productions F296-013

Conduire, c’est déjà vintage ! Bien plus qu’une innovation technologique, la voiture autonome...

Le feu: Réparer la nature

AB Productions F296-S04-02

En mai 2016 à Fort Mac Murray, au Canada, un incendie géant fait des ravages. En 2017, des...

Le sol: Réparer la nature

AB Productions F296-S04-03

Sur tous les continents, de nombreuses terres fertiles sont devenues hostiles. Des refuges de...

Les maîtres des éléments

AB Productions F296-S09

D’ici 2050, alors que les ressources de la planète ne suffisent déjà plus à assurer les...

Man 2.0 R-Evolution Series

AB Productions A296-S04

Man 2.0 is the multi-ethnic and multicultural result of today's science. For 4.5 billion years...

Masters of the Elements Series

AB Productions A296-S07

By 2050, the Earth’s population will have reached nearly 10 billion people. Today the planet’s...

Neo Tokyo, le futur en VR

AB Productions F296-007

Si aujourd’hui, une rame de métro remplie de passagers portant tous des casques de réalité...

Neo Tokyo, the Future in VR

AB Productions A296-007

Tokyo metro trains are packed with passengers who are all using VR headsets for travelling through...

R-Evolution: Man 2.0 R-Evolution Series

AB Productions A296-S04-01

Unseen forces of incredible power have shaped life on Earth for 4.5 billion years: mutations, gene...

Réparer la nature

AB Productions F296-S04

Des portes du Sahara au Rio Doce, nous suivrons différentes missions et expéditions scientifiques...

Rescuing Coral Reef

AB Productions A296-012

Coral reefs represent 0.2 % of the oceans, however it is inhabitated by 25% of all marine species...

SIDA, à quand son éradication?

AB Productions F296-009

Si l’épidémie du Sida est enrayée selon les experts, son éradication en revanche n’est pas...

Society 2.0: Man 2.0 R-Evolution Series

AB Productions A296-S04-05

No human being born a hundred years ago could live in the space in which we move today. In this...

The Dawn Of A New Species: Man 2.0 R-Evolution Series

AB Productions A296-S04-06

Man now has abilities that go beyond those bestowed on him by nature. Virtual reality gives us the...

The Future of Cancer: Closer to a Cure

AB Productions A296-008

Cancer is the leading cause of death in the world with 8 million deaths and 14 million new cases...

Toxic Atmosphere: Fixing Nature Series

AB Productions A296-S03-04

Industries, mining, air transport, cars ... our planet is suffocating as air pollution has become...

Un monde sans sable

AB Productions F296-S02-05

Le sable est tout autour de nous. C’est l’ingrédient principal du béton et nous l’utilisons...

Un monde sans satellite

AB Productions F296-S02-01

Que ce soit dans notre vie quotidienne ou à travers nos économies, les services fournis par les...

Un monde sans...

AB Productions F296-S02

À quoi ressemblerait un monde sans ces forêts dont nous avons tant besoin ? Que se passerait-il...

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