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The Grandson Scam (W5)
CTV CTV487Scores of elderly people across Canada and the U.S. have been cruelly duped by a network of crooks...
The Grifter: W5
CTV CTV483W5's 10-month investigation of Caron Oderbien, a grifter who has left a trail of broken hearts and...
The Guinea Pig Soldiers: W5
CTV CTV801Avery Haines meets some of the veterans taking legal action against the government over the alleged...
The Haters - What Happens After a Hate Crime in Canada?
CTV CTV949Avery Haines investigates the surge in hate crimes across Canada and why Canada's criminal code is...
The Haunted Hampton House: W5
CTV CTV952Ian and Laura Tenniswood restore homes for a living in Nova Scotia. They purchased the historic Bay...
The Host: W5
CTV CTV838Dan Riskin speaks to two scientists who are studying how bats can live with coronaviruses in their...
The Humboldt Driver: W5
CTV CTV873His name is Jaskirat Sidhu. Most people know him only as "The Humboldt Driver." On April 6, 2018...
The Kennedy Legacy: W5
CTV CTV611W5 explores the most investigated murder in history and the profound fascination - and in some...
The Laundromat: Inquiry Probe of BC Money Laundering: W5
CTV CTV881Told exclusively through the story of a whistleblower and deep investigation into an illegal bank...
The Leading Man: A Candid Chat With Paul Gross: W5
CTV CTV462Nobody could ever accuse Paul Gross of resting on his laurels. Whether it's acting, writing...
The Liberation Front (W5)
CTV CTV4742 DVD set includes: The Liberation Treatment: A Whole New Approach to MS (W5) Amid the...
The Liberation Treatment: A Whole New Approach to MS (W5)
CTV CTV453Amid the centuries-old castles of the ancient city of Ferrara is a doctor who has come upon an...
The Liberation War (W5)
CTV CTV465A fascinating medical drama is unfolding on the Internet among patients and scientists, who are...
The Liberators: W5
CTV CTV807W5's special Remembrance Day report, The Liberators, details the heroic efforts of Canadian troops...
The Long Journey Home: W5
CTV CTV028Riadh Muslih watched the statue of Saddam Hussein topple in Fridaus Square in Baghdad on April 9...
The Love Of A Child: W5
CTV CTV624W5 shares the story of how Peggy Taillon's quest to adopt an African infant has become a blessing...
The Marketing Game (W5)
CTV CTV048Teenagers today are the most targeted generation in marketing history. In order to grab teens...
The Mechanic - An Undercover Probe of Canadian Garages: W5
CTV CTV513Most Canadians do not understand what makes their cars run smoothly, so much trust is put into...
The Millionaire Murders: W5
CTV CTV964W5 travels to Dominica to investigate the brutal murders of Daniel Langlois and Dominique Marchand...
The Missing: W5
CTV CTV746June 2017. The disappearance of one man, Andrew Kinsman, in a city of millions, triggered a series...
The Murderer's Best Friend: W5
CTV CTV910W5 investigates the story behind Greg Parsons, a man falsely accused of his mother’s death in...
The Mystery Bomber: W5
CTV CTV948In 1973, a masked man walked into the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in downtown Kenora...
The Narco Riviera: W5
CTV CTV784Are Canadian tourists in the Mayan Riviera at risk of getting caught in cartel cross fire...
CTV CTV103Anne-Marie Mediwake takes a hard look into the salons, the malls and the plastic surgery clinics of...
The Next Pandemic: Is a Deadlier Virus on the Horizon?: W5
CTV CTV887Experts warn that the next pandemic could be much worse than COVID-19. Swine flu in 2009...
The Obsession: W5
CTV CTV552We all have nagging worries - did I turn off the stove? Did I lock the door? But for Canadians with...
The Oldest Cold Case (W5)
CTV CTV357On a cold prairie night a woman is murdered, stuffed in a wooden barrel and thrown down a well...
The Passion Of Cimolino: W5
CTV CTV564The Stratford Festival is abuzz as it welcomes Sudbury native Antoni Cimolino as the next Artistic...
The People's Choice: W5
CTV CTV625Powerful, identifiable, and unifying: Canada's maple leaf flag is worn and flown by Canadians...
The Pioneers: W5
CTV CTV002A Canadian woman is taking part in a remarkable study to help doctors learn how to stop multiple...
The Polio Parallel: W5
CTV CTV850CTV’s W5 presents an interesting parallel between polio and COVID-19. In the early 1950’s...
The Power of Love: The Recovery of Trevor Greene: W5
CTV CTV504Canadian soldier Trevor Greene recounts his remarkable journey of recovery since that fateful day...
The Problem of Pain: W5
CTV CTV840From a young age, hockey players have been taught to play through pain and push themselves to the...
The Problem with Pills: W5
CTV CTV875David Carmichael insists that the antidepressant that he was prescribed caused him to go into a...
The Prophet: W5
CTV CTV573It doesn’t look much like a church. In fact, it used to be a ski lodge. But deep in a valley...
The Real Deal: W5
CTV CTV682W5 takes you on an undercover shopping spree in Calgary to see if the deals for new cars advertised...
The Ringmaster: W5
CTV CTV681W5's Sandie Rinaldo profiles Mitch Garber - a Canadian who rose from humble beginnings and became...
The Royalcrest File: W5
CTV CTV030The care of senior citizens is a sacred trust. Families leave a valuable member in the care of...
The Science of Nutrition Video Clips Collection #2 with Leslie...
CTV CTV524This collection of fifteen 4 to 5 minute Canadian video clips explores the science of nutrition and...
The Science of Nutrition Video Clips Collection with Leslie Beck
CTV CTV515This collection of 4 to 5 minute video clips explores the science of nutrition and will give...
The Songwriter: W5
CTV CTV909Derek Miller sits down with Gordie Sampson, a Canadian singer-songwriter who has written for the...
The Sound of Learning: W5
CTV CTV947As a long-time member of the iconic Canadian band, The Barenaked Ladies, Kevin Hearn has played...
The Strep Connection: W5
CTV CTV655W5 investigates possible links between common infection and psychiatric and neurological disorders...
The Suckers List: W5
CTV CTV841In the shadowy world of romance scams, one of the hottest commodities is the so-called "suckers...
The Survivor: Connor Stevenson: W5
CTV CTV650Toronto's Eaton Centre is the busiest shopping mall in North America, but when a gunman opened fire...
The Survivor: The Power of Music
CTV CTV137Ninety-year-old Louis Bannet lives with the unspeakable horror of his years in Nazi prison camps. A...
The Survivors: W5
CTV CTV800It was August 4, 2014, in a systematic wave of terror, the Islamic State group carried out a...
The Suspects: Behind the Pipeline Bombings in Northern B C (W5)
CTV CTV457The Peace River country is a vast region that straddles the border between northern eastern B.C...
The Tallest Teen on Earth: W5
CTV CTV931From Montreal, Quebec, Olivier Rioux is 7-foot-6 - that is rare. Only six other players in the NBA...
The Tarnished Badge: W5
CTV CTV821W5 investigates the harsh reality some female Canadian police officers face in the workplace and...