Human Relations Media
451 title(s) found.« Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next » Last »
Bully Proof Kit
Human Relations Media 600503This unique DVD and print curriculum includes 4 Bully Smart DVDs plus engaging activity cards...
Bully Proof Kit: Interactive Whiteboard Version
Human Relations Media 600503WBThis unique DVD and print curriculum includes 4 Bully Smart videos plus engaging activity cards...
Bully Proof Print Kit
Human Relations Media 600531KTThis print kit includes engaging activity cards, role-play scenarios, as well as other activities...
Bullying: You Don't Have To Take It Anymore
Human Relations Media 600230Bullying is one of the most underrated yet enduring problems in schools today and is a reality in...
Business Ethics On the Job
Human Relations Media 600299This program defines what business ethics are, and identifies why they are necessary for success in...
Buzz in a Bottle: The Dangers of Caffeine-Spiked Energy Drinks
Human Relations Media 600510With the lure of an over-the-counter jolt, kids are consuming more energy drinks than ever before...
Bystander Intervention - Putting a Stop to Sexual Assault
Human Relations Media 600671This program carefully explains the basics and principles of bystander intervention, a strategy...
Bystander Intervention: Putting a Stop to Bullying
Human Relations Media 600672Bystander intervention is a new and proven effective strategy to reduce incidents of bullying and...
Caffeine Overdose: How Much is Too Much?
Human Relations Media 600651Many teens readily consume caffeinated drinks: coffee, tea, colas, energy boosters, caffeinated...
Cancer Update: Causes, Treatment and Prevention
Human Relations Media 600572This program informs your students of the latest research on how cancers form and how they can be...
Case of Cool Al: A Johnny Clue Mystery
Human Relations Media 600484A mystery adventure designed to teach young viewers about the dangers of alcohol. Kids, have no...
Caution: Teenager Under Construction
Human Relations Media 600406This fast-paced program uses humor and appealing animations to introduce middle schoolers to the...
Cellular Respiration: Energy for Life
Human Relations Media 600119How does the marathon runner keep going mile after mile? What gives a sprinter the energy for that...
Cheating: Pressures, Choices and Values
Human Relations Media 600568Explores why young students may resort to cheating. More importantly, it challenges viewers to...
Chemical Highs: The Dangers of Synthetic Drugs
Human Relations Media 600666Chemical Highs: The Rise of Flakka and Synthetic Drugs offers a sobering view of what happens when...
Choking Game
Human Relations Media 600384This program exposes "the choking game"...a shockingly foolish and deadly activity among 9-14 year...
Cliques: Where Do You Fit In?
Human Relations Media 600528Explains the nature of cliques, why they develop, how clique leadership controls members, how at...
Club Drugs: Nothing To Rave About
Human Relations Media 600254Although many people think that illicit drug use is mainly a problem among older teens, the stark...
Club Drugs: The Real Deal
Human Relations Media 600231While drug use among teenagers has leveled off in the last few years, a dangerous menace known as...
Cocaine and Heroin: Still Here, Still Deadly
Human Relations Media 600415"I was 15 the first time I tried it. I was at my girlfriend's house." These words, spoken by a real...
Combatting Social Isolation and Loneliness
Human Relations Media 600704When real life connections are lost to virtual connections, social isolation and loneliness can...
Coming Out: What Every Teen (Gay and Straight) Needs to Know
Human Relations Media 600540According to a recent national poll, approximately 5% of America's high school students (3 to 4...
Common Psychological Disorders of Adolescence
Human Relations Media 600541This reassuring video focuses on several real teens who are struggling with some of the most common...
Communication Skills For the Workplace
Human Relations Media 600203This program delivers a clear message to students ; that the number one asset for virtually any...
Communication Spoilers: I Can Communicate Series
Human Relations Media 600426Communication Spoilers, sheds light on many common problems in communication such as interrupting...
Confessions of a Bully
Human Relations Media 600621Many anti-bullying materials focus exclusively on the victims - but what about the bullies...
Confronting Drunk Driving
Human Relations Media 600286This memorable video features the true story of Mike Poveromo, a young man who killed his two best...
Confronting Sexual Harassment In School: What Every Student...
Human Relations Media 600591More than 80% of teenagers have experienced sexual harassment in school at least once. In this teen...
Connect the Dots: How School Skills Become Work Skills
Human Relations Media 600391Students often ask why they need to learn things that seem irrelevant to their futures in the...
Constantly Connected: Managing Social Media Addiction
Human Relations Media 600695This program examines the world of Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites to help kids...
Controlling Anger Before It Controls You
Human Relations Media 600674Anger is a normal human emotion. Healthy anger motivates you to speak up, solve problems, and bring...
Cooking Up Fractions Series
Human Relations Media 600439Chef J and her co-host, Master Chef Souflle tackle fraction-filled recipes. Each age-appropriate...
Cooking Up Fractions: Addition and Subtraction
Human Relations Media 600440Souffle, Chef J and the kids set out to prepare a delicious veggie pizza, but first need to review...
Cooking Up Fractions: Mixed Numbers
Human Relations Media 600442Mixed Numbers It's Souffle's birthday and he wants to make a quiche. Students will learn how to...
Cooking Up Fractions: Multiplication and Division
Human Relations Media 600441As Souffle and the gang prepare for camping, they whip up a batch of trail mix. They learn how to...
Coping With An Emotional Crisis
Human Relations Media 600366Divorce, natural disasters, death of a loved one, terrorism, depression, navigating a difficult...
Coping With Dating Violence and Abuse
Human Relations Media 600633Dating abuse is on the rise in high schools and colleges - it is a serious problem that affects...
Coping with Disruptive Life Changes
Human Relations Media 600542This program showcases the real stories of several teens who coped with major disruptions in their...
Coping with the Body Image Blues
Human Relations Media 600499Everyday teenagers are bombarded with images in the media that make them feel insecure about their...
Crimes, Capers and Whodunits: Math Mysteries Series
Human Relations Media 600657Math Mysteries: Crimes, Capers and Whodunits is a series of five interactive mysteries designed to...
Danger behind the Wheel: The Facts about Distracted Driving
Human Relations Media 600543This powerful program emphasizes the dangers of driving distractions—applying makeup...
Dangerous Decisions: Learning to Think Before You Act
Human Relations Media 600511Teens today are exposed to many risks - the ready availability of drugs, tobacco and alcohol...
Dangerous Relationships
Human Relations Media 600139Young people need clear, self-affirming guidelines to understand their choices when a relationship...
Dangers of Sexting: What Teens Need to Know
Human Relations Media 600532In a recent survey, one in five teens admitted to sending nude or semi-nude photos or videos and...
Dangers of Sugar and Salt
Human Relations Media 600624This entertaining and informative program gets teens to think about how much sugar and salt they...
Dead End Diets: Why Fad Diets Don't Work
Human Relations Media 600647There are dozens of quick - fix diets from eating only grapefruit, to detox cleanses, to chili...
Dealing With Anger
Human Relations Media 600220Uncontrolled anger among teens is one of our largest concerns. This program givesstudents the tools...
Dealing With Difference: Opening Dialogue About Lesbian, Gay...
Human Relations Media 600267Schools across the nation continue to work towards creating a safe, accepting climate for students...
Dealing with Teen Dating Abuse: Crossing the Line
Human Relations Media 600616Crossing the Line is a vital tool for combating teen dating violence and abuse. In a nationwide...
Dealing with Teen Dating Abuse: Matters of Choice
Human Relations Media 600315Dealing with Teen Dating Abuse: Matters of Choice is a dramatic teaching tool for any teen dating...