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1077 title(s) found.

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Pantheon: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0038

How amazing it is having a guide like Apollodorus of Damascus explain the ingenious architecture of...

Pantheon: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0038FR

Mati et Dada découvrent le Panthéon, à Rome, grâce à une visite guidée par nul autre que...

Paolo Uccello: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0008

Mati’s quest to draw a realistic horse leads her and Dada right into a shadow animation adventure...

Paolo Uccello: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0008FR

Mati et Dada découvrent les ombres chinoises avec la fameuse peinture «Saint-George et le...

Paper Pusher: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB305

Zeph wants to be an artist one day, but learns recycling is the only possible career in the future...

Par un Beau Jour D’orage: Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON023FR

Pong a peur de l’orage. Ping va utiliser les sons du tonnerre et du vent dans une pièce musicale...

Parmigianino: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0019

Mati and Dada find themselves in Fontanellato, Italy, and discover the charming myth of Diana and...

Parmigianino: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0019FR

Mati et Dada se retrouvent à Fontanellato et découvrent le charmant mythe de Diane et Atteone...

Parrot: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR136E

Big Bear and Squeak take a nap on the beach after a long swim. Squeak wakes Big Bear and together...

Party Pooper, Hop: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM203

When the Hoppers discover that Jerome has a hot air balloon, everyone is excited to fly in it...

Patate Joyeuse : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM248FR

Lonny veut célébrer sa première “Patate Joyeuse”, la fête d’hiver amusante et festive de...

Paul Gauguin: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0032

Mati and Dada take an amazing journey to Tahiti’s coconut trees and colourful plants. In the...

Paul Gauguin: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0032FR

Mati et Dada rencontrent Paul Gauguin, peintre et voyageur, qui leur explique ce qui inspirait ses...

Paul Klee: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0016

Mati and Dada enter directly into a Paul Klee' s dream, with strange puppets, flying fishes and a...

Paul Klee: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0016FR

Mati et Dada entrent dans le rêve de Paul Klee qui leur explique l’importance des lignes...

Pearly Whites: Earth to Luna, Season 5

Monster Entertainment MON643

Luna’s family is visiting a small coastal town in Japan. When their friend finds a rare pearl...

Pedro Pouts: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR094

Pedro the duck is very upset when his friends make a joke about him. Though Manon and the farm...

Penguin: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR105E

Squeak wakes Big Bear from a nap on a summer afternoon in the cave. Together they discover a...

Penny et le bateau pirate : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM205FR

Penny entend dire qu’il pourrait y avoir un trésor d’un navire pirate coulé au fond du lac...

Penny et le pin épineux : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM247FR

Penny essaie de sauver un arbre menacé d’abattage mais a du mal à convaincre les autres de sa...

Penny's Pirate Gold: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM205

When Earl sings a sea shanty about a sunken treasure ship at the bottom of Lake Lucky, Penny...

People Places and Things: Creating With Crayons - Vol. 2

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0182

In this program, young viewers will learn techniques to draw people, a three-dimensional house, and...

Perfect Playtime: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB298

In the future, the ground is covered in tiny plastic toys that – Yow! Ouch! - hurts to walk on...

Pest Behaviour: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB293

In the future, nobody drinks tap water anymore. Now it’s for burning holes in things! The kids go...

Pet Sitting in Paris: Ollie and Moon Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA140

When Ollie and Moon head to Paris to pet-sit a guinea pig, it turns out to be harder and more...

Peter Brueghel: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0142

A little boy and a game of hide and seek bring Mati and Dada to the atelier of one of the world’s...

Peter Brueghel: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0142FR

Mati et Dada font la connaissance de Pieter Brueghel, ce peintre célèbre inspiré par ses deux...

Petit-Yéti grandit : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM179FR

Petit-Yéti vieillit et sa dent qui va bientôt tomber en est la preuve. Mais quand il se rend chez...

Pets Rock: Louis Says, Season 4

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0033

Louis needs Randy to entertain Mr. Thompson's acimosis (puppy) pet. Join Randy on his journey to...

Ping and Friends Series

Kondololé Films Inc. KON000

PING AND FRIENDS, follows Ping and her friends as they find musical inspiration in unlikely places...

Ping and Pong Music School: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON052

Ping and Pong try to teach music to some excitable students. PING AND FRIENDS, follows Ping and...

Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON000FR

Ping et Pong sont deux amis inséparables qui ne cessent de jongler avec les sons, les mots et la...

Ping Pong Punk: Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON025FR

Monsieur Picou donne un cours de yoga en même temps que Ping et Pong ont prévu un concert punk...

Pique et pique et colégramme (vaccination): Globul-x

Productions Grand Angle F173-S01-11

Règle transmise: La vaccination rend le corps plus fort contre les maladies graves. Mécanisme...

Pixie Fix and The Lost Dewdrops, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1382

Deep in the Evergreen Forest, in the trunk of a 1000 year-old oak tree lives Pixie Fix. The funny...

Pizza Mania: Louis Says, Season 4

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0038

Louis give Randy some money to purchase the ingredients for nisto aspâcikana pizza (pizza with...

Planes in Space: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON608

While taking a plane ride with Grandma, Jupiter spots the moon out during the day. He begs Grandma...

Please Not Pluto: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB297

The future is so hot and sticky that singing superstar Barney Pluto announces he’s moving to...

Plus C’est Simple, Mieux C’est: Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON029FR

Pong comprend qu’ajouter trop d’instruments dans une composition musicale est aussi mauvais que...

Poison tériyaki: Mon Poison Rouge! (Saison 1)

Sardine Productions SAR049FR

Beanie recrute l’aide de son poisson rouge afin de remporter le premier prix d’un concours...

Poisson surdoué!: Mon Poison Rouge! (Saison 2)

Sardine Productions SAR060FR

Quand Beanie coule un examen à l’école, Amiral Bubulles le persuade de se faire installer un...

Pong Fait le Clown: Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON032FR

Ping joue sur un vieil orgue trouvé dans le grenier et tous les amis de la vallée pensent qu’un...

Pop Goes the World: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON006

Pong's latest musical invention, the "Popcorn Pinger" goes berserk! PING AND FRIENDS, follows Ping...

Popcorn A-Poppin': Earth to Luna, Season 2

Monster Entertainment MON571

Luna and Jupiter just love popcorn... but they’d never thought about what actually makes popcorn...

Positive Vibrations: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON017

While getting ready for a picnic Ping and Pong enjoy some reggae without realizing that a friend...

Poulpi donne au prochain : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM192FR

Après que M. Picard a sauvé le chapeau de Poulpi, celle-ci essaie de trouver le meilleur moyen de...

Pour L’amour du Triangle: Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON018FR

Quand monsieur Picou joue du triangle jour et nuit, Ping et Pong lui apprennent que jouer en solo...

Prêts à aider : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM130FR

Bric, le castor réparateur, veut réparer tout ce qui est cassé en ville, mais il le fait...

Pretty Bird: Earth to Luna, Season 2

Monster Entertainment MON586

Luna and Jupiter are having some fun with some tongue-twisters, when suddenly some of the...

Pricklytooth: Pixie Fix and The Lost Dewdrops, Season 1, Ep. 13

Blue Ant Media BAM1395

We are back in the Filly-Foliage Forest. The others are celebrating because they think Yano...

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