492 title(s) found.« Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next » Last »
Churchill, Part One: Beginnings
Blue Ant Media BAM1310Churchill’s early life at the turn of the twentieth century is dominated by his father’s early...
Churchill, Part Six: Curtain Call
Blue Ant Media BAM1315It is the swinging sixties. After he retires from politics, Churchill enjoys the glamorous...
Churchill, Part Three: A Gathering Storm
Blue Ant Media BAM1312In the run-up to the Second World War, Churchill, now in his sixties, is out of touch on many key...
Churchill, Part Two: The Long Grass
Blue Ant Media BAM1311Churchill’s early career in politics is a rollercoaster ride. He rises rapidly. But during the...
Civil Wray: I Plead the 61 Blues Music Series
Eve Kinizo EK0003This episode highlights Toronto based artist CIVIL WRAY (Andrea De Boer), a multi genre, multi...
Claude Poirier: ta parole contre la mienne
CinéFête F289-S02-04L’univers de la criminalité au Québec est indissociable du célèbre et coloré reporter...
Clémence Desrochers, à cœur ouvert
CinéFête F150-S14-14... Au cours des années 60, Clémence DesRochers contribue à frayer la voie aux boîtes à...
Coretta Scott
Weston Woods WW2606Based on the book by Ntozake Shange, illustrated by Kadir Nelson (HarperCollins) This...
Coretta Scott King and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0043Learn all about the amazing life of Coretta Scott King and how integral she was to carrying on the...
Coyote's Canoe: The Wapikoni Indigenous Filmmakers Collection
Wapikoni Mobile WM0005ENInspired by the land formation known as Coyote’s Canoe, which is located near Gloria’s home in...
Craig Oliver: Confessions of a Newshound
CTV CTV529Craig Oliver, CTV's chief political correspondent, talks with Lloyd Robertson about his five...
Crazy Rich People: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1440Everyone wants to discover the secret of fabulous wealth. What does it take to join one of the most...
Crime Bosses: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1439The annual worth of the world's blackmarket economy is 2.2 trillion dollars. We reveal the inside...
Da Vinci and Rembrandt: Art History Kids
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0187Learn all about Leonardo Da Vinci and Rembrandt Van Rijn. Explore the major life events and...
Danielle Ouimet : l’image et la femme
CinéFête F244-S03-12... La comédienne et animatrice Danielle Ouimet a su prouver au fil du temps qu’elle est...
Dany Turcotte: Urgence de vivre
PVP Films F303-S01-03La scène humoristique québécoise ne serait pas la même sans la précieuse contribution de Dany...
Deep Atlantic: Part I
Blue Ant Media BAM1103Underwater cameraman Ken O’Sullivan sets out on a series of voyages into the North Atlantic over...
Denise Filiatrault, occuper la scène
CinéFête F150-S14-04Aujourd'hui octogénaire, Denise Filiatrault est une artiste qui a su se réinventer mille et une...
Des bateaux et des hommes
PVP Doc V Inc.. F301-S03La série Des bateaux et des hommes nous invite à partir à la rencontre d’individus et de...
Diana, Part Four: How Diana Changed Britain
Blue Ant Media BAM1292Diana changed Britain in ways no other royal has ever done - and she also changed what it meant to...
Diana, Part One; A Mother’s Love: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1289In this film we’ll reveal how Diana raised William and Harry, from her attempts to protect them...
Diana, Part Three; Her Last Summer: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1291In the years before she died, Diana left her royal life behind and emerged as a different...
Diana, Part Two: Queen of Hearts: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1290She was known for those much-publicized, protocol-shattering visits with AIDS sufferers, and walks...
Diane Dufresne : un paradoxe
CinéFête F244-S03-14Derrière les mises en scène extravagantes, des costumes éblouissants et une attitude audacieuse...
Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins, The
Weston Woods WW863Based on the book by Barbara Kerley, ill. by Brian Selznick...
Divine Instinct: The Art of Gary Spinosa
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV079Gary Spinosa stepped away from his growing reputation among the handful of rising sculptors in the...
Dorothea Mitchell – A Reel Pioneer
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV042Dorothea Mitchell – A Reel Pioneer recounts in Mitchell’s own words the amazing life of a...
Dr. Roberta Bondar: Canada’s First Female Astronaut in Space
CTV CTV896For years, Dr. Roberta Bondar studied life on Earth. She had trained in the fields of ecology and...
Dr. Seuss: Great Authors Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0035In this program, meet author Ted Geisel better known by his pen name "Dr. Seuss." What were the...
Driven - Overcoming Adversity By Living in the Fast Lane: W5
CTV CTV950Angie Seth sits down with professional race car driver Austin Riley, who is breaking barriers for...
Duel at the South Pole - Scott - Amundsen
Tournez S'il Vous Plait A173-031In December 1911, in the name of geographical exploration, pride and their kingdom, Robert Falcon...
Duke Ellington
Weston Woods WW393by Andrea Davis Pinkney Duke Ellington was hailed as the “King of the Keys.” Most people...
E.B. White: Great Authors Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0036In this program, meet E.B. White. What were the significant events of E.B. White's life? What...
E.O. Wilson - Of Ants and Men
PBS Video 041820Beginning with his unusual childhood in Alabama, E.O. Wilson - Of Ants and Men chronicles the famed...
Eat Your Heart Out: Diary of a Crohn's Patient
Supre Incorporated SINC03Exploring Erin’s lifelong journey with Crohn’s disease not only exposes the “coping”...
Edgar Fruitier : de l’ombre à la lumière
CinéFête F261-S02-02Edgar Fruitier est un homme de théâtre et de musique. Plus de 200 pièces à son actif et 65...
Edith Butler: aimer la vie
CinéFête F272-S04-07La culture acadienne n’est plus dissociable de celle qui l’a portée à bout de bras à travers...
Eleanor Roosevelt: First Lady of the World
ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-015Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, changed the role of the First Lady...
Eleanor Roosevelt: First Lady of the World
ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-015Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, changed the role of the First Lady...
Elizabeth II and Canada, A Portrait
Ninon Larochelle A234-002In 2012, the Canadian government commissioned a new portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, by artist Phil...
Elizabeth Smellie: Canada's Florence Nightingale
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV023In this short film, Dr. Nathan Hatton of the Lakehead University Department of History describes...
Ella Fitzgerald - The Tale of a Vocal Virtuosa
Weston Woods WW615by Andrea Davis Pinkney, ill. by Brian Pinkney Told in the voice of a cool cat named Scat, this...
ellington was not a street
Weston Woods WW672by Ntozake Shange. In this reflective poetic tribute, the author remembers growing up when many...
Eric Carle Picture Writer: The Art of the Picture Book
Weston Woods WW2642Eric Carle fans, readers and artists of all ages will thrill to watch this film about the...
Evan Adams: All Our Relations, Season 2
Aarrow Productions AP0035Evan Adams: Tla’amin actor and medical doctor Evan Adams has acted in dozens of television series...
Exiting Hell Bar
Supre Incorporated SINC04Having failed every treatment available, Crohn's disease left Iain no choice but surgery. But...
Eye of the Whale
Red Letter Films A61-005Eye of the Whale follows the making of a monumental mural mosaic representing the West Coast and...
Famous Artist Biographies Playlist
Winged Canvas WC0064Throughout all of history and from all corners of our little blue planet, learn interesting facts...
Famous Author Documentaries - Volume 1
Weston Woods WW660Includes the documentaries “Sendak” and “Getting to Know William Steig”.