Canadian Social Issues
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Crosswalk Romance: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 2, Ep. 2
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP211A new and handsome, older gentleman crossing guard has caught Ange’s eye on her daily walks. Ange...
Cruising for Trouble: W5
CTV CTV388The $20-billion a year North American cruise industry sells fun, excitement and the chance to visit...
Ctsenmew’sctem re Stsmemelt - Showing the Way for the Children
River Voices RVP006The Esk’etemc people have stood up for their culture, their governance and their children. After...
Culture on Display, Ottawa Senators Indigenous Appreciation...
4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310102During the 2018-2019 NHL season, The Ottawa Senators Community Foundation created an annual...
Customer (dis)Service: W5
CTV CTV955W5 exposes companies with consumer watchdog complaints. An appliance repair company has a Better...
Cyber Guérilla 2.0
RTBF F296-001Une immersion au cœur du « dark web » et des nouveaux champs de bataille apparus avec Internet...
The Best Part Inc. BPP000A humorous and heartwarming documentary feature, which chronicles the extraordinary journey of a...
Dallas Goldtooth: Comedy As a Way Of Reconciliation - REDx Talks...
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0021Dallas Goldtooth (Mdewakanton Dakota & Dińe) is the Keystone XL Campaign Organizer for the...
Daniel’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP304For Daniel, taking on the task of being his partner Richard’s caregiver as he battled AIDS was...
Dany Turcotte: Urgence de vivre
PVP Films F303-S01-03La scène humoristique québécoise ne serait pas la même sans la précieuse contribution de Dany...
Darkness to Light: Not Your Butter Chicken Series
Real People Real Stories Inc. RPRS03This episode of “Not Your Butter Chicken”, filmed during the festival of light known as Diwali...
Dawn Marie Marchand: REDx Talks Series
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0014Dawn marie Marchand is a Cree and Métis artist of the Cold Lake First Nation. Dawn Marie works...
Dawn: The Running Bear – A Woman Vanishes Without a Trace: W5
CTV CTV884Dawn Carisse went missing from the North Bay Psychiatric Hospital more than two decades ago...
De cœur et d’esprit
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC00FREn 1885, le chef métis Louis Riel a proclamé : ‘Mon peuple dormira pendant cent ans et...
Motion Pictures Enterprises Inc. MPE006“De-escalate" presents a first-person experience with mental crises and police escalated...
Dead Deals: W5
CTV CTV689W5's Victor Malarek investigates Sean O'Brien and his Calgary consignment company, Treadz, that...
Deadly Force: W5
CTV CTV832W5 investigates the shooting deaths of Rodney Jackson and Greg Matters, two men who never met each...
Deadly Homes: W5
CTV CTV837W5's Sandie Rinaldo speaks to the families of seniors who lived in long-term care homes when they...
Deadly Vision: W5
CTV CTV786Ask anyone who knew her, and they'll say Jessica Starr was a special woman living a charmed life. ...
Death by Appointment: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT004In Canada, since 2016 Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) has become a legal end-of-life option for...
Death Penalty: Who is Accountable for Overdose Deaths?: W5
CTV CTV880W5's Avery Haines investigates the growing trend of drug overdose deaths being treated by law...
Death Wish: W5
CTV CTV919CTV W5 investigates the growing demand for medically assisted death, and reveals stories of those...
Deep Rooted: Exploring the Mental Health Crisis in Canadian...
VAN WICKIAM VANW00The film follows four agriculture producers in discussing their mental health and how it relates to...
Defending Democracy and the Water Rights: Maude Barlow - The...
Paper Tiger PT0057This episode of The Green Interview features Maude Barlow, a Canadian environmental activist and...
Delivering the Promise: The Eeyouch of Istchee Series, Ep. 2
Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) PPE033While massive development projects steam ahead, Eeyou communities are facing major health, housing...
Demand for Justice: W5
CTV CTV857Canadian war veteran, Keith Villeneuve, has harboured a dark secret for 50 years, about the abuse...
Dementia, Dad and Me (45 Minute Version)
Truefaux Films TFF000The onset of his dementia brought a dramatic change to the relationship filmmaker Hannah Minzloff...
Dementia, Dad and Me (77 Minute Version)
Truefaux Films TFF001The onset of his dementia brought a dramatic change to the relationship filmmaker Hannah Minzloff...
Development and Culture/ Urban Gardening/ Sustainability and...
Aarrow Productions AP0005Development and Culture/ Urban Gardening/ Sustainability and Women's Rights: Journey to the...
Dev’s Job Juggle: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 2, Ep. 7
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP216Dev has received the job offer of his dreams in another province. Taking the job will mean...
Diagnosis - A Potentially Unknown Neurological Syndrome: W5
CTV CTV886Todd Battis investigates a mysterious brain disease and reveals missteps and failures of the New...
Digging in the Dirt
Back Road Productions Inc. BRPI00Digging In The Dirt is a documentary about the psychological costs of working in Alberta’s oil...
Ding Dong - Welcome to the Family: Aunty B's House Series
Headspinner Productions HESP01Aunty B’s house is getting a new foster family member: Shelley! Shelley’s nervous at first, but...
Dirty Little Secret: W5
CTV CTV023Former residents of Mount Herbert orphanage are locked in a bitter legal battle with the provincial...
Dirty Tricks: W5
CTV CTV794W5 correspondent Peter Akman examines the cyber threat to Canadian democracy in “Dirty Tricks”...
Dog Fight - Breakups Causing Intense Pet Custody Battles: W5
CTV CTV940Kevin O'Keefe investigates the rise of pet custody court battles being ignited when Canadian...
Doing the Impossible: The Story of the Developmental...
Developmental Disabilities Association DDA000Inspired by the birth of a boy with Down Syndrome, one mother’s bold choice not to...
Dr. Esther Tailfeathers: The Impact Colonization has on...
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0023Family Physician for Fort Chipewyan and Standoff, Medical Lead for the Aboriginal Heath Program...
Dr. Marie Wilson: “Put the Children Back to the Centre Of the...
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0024Dr. Marie Wilson was one of the three Commissioners chosen to lead the historic Truth and...
Dr. W.H.O.: W5
CTV CTV827W5 Investigative Correspondent Avery Haines delivers an exclusive interview with Dr. Bruce Aylward...
Drive to School: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 1, Ep. 2
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP202Dev is phoning Ange but she is not picking up. In the meantime, he is letting Sam drive his car, to...
Driven - Overcoming Adversity By Living in the Fast Lane: W5
CTV CTV950Angie Seth sits down with professional race car driver Austin Riley, who is breaking barriers for...
Drunk on Too Much Life
Parallel Vision Pictures PVP003In a world where normal is crazy, this film uncovers how madness makes us more fully human. The...
Dust n' Bones (52 Minute Version)
Less Bland Productions LESS03Dust n’ Bones is a documentary that examines the legal issues, political controversies and...
Easy Out: W5
CTV CTV086W5 examines the problems with Canada's Parole Supervision System and the band-aid solution of an...
Edmonton: Aboriginal Day Live 2017
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0198From Edmonton, Alberta, hosts Ashley Callingbull and Pakesso Mukash introduce a myriad of...
Édouard: Pour toi Flora, Épisode 4
7059213 Canada Inc. 310078FRTrame du passé : Après un été trop court, Kiwedin et Wabikoni doivent à nouveau quitter leurs...
Education - Treaty 4: Treaty Road Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0751Erin Goodpipe gives birth to her first child which brings both an immediate and long-term...
Elder Abuse Awareness Playlist
CTV MCI730PLThis Canadian collection of programs uncovers the horrifying abuse that takes place to our most...
Employment Matters
Brandy Y Productions BYP005Employment Matters is a documentary that explores the untapped market and huge potential of the...