Canadian Social Studies
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The Paper Nazis
Farpoint Films FAR001The Paper Nazis exposes one of the strangest and ugliest chapters in Canadian history as...
The Pass System: RezX TV, Season 2
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ017Every episode of RezX features a different theme, and this episode covers the documentary, “The...
The Path to Shaolin
Zoot Pictures ZP0002Beyond the movies, beyond the legends, The Path to Shaolin follows Canadian Tim Mrazek on an...
The Peaceful Path: The Bruce Documentary Series, Ep. 3
Zach Melnick LIV030“The Peaceful Path”, the Bruce passes through two wars and the Depression. A stagnant economy...
The Peel Project: Protecting Canada's Last Pristine Wilderness
The Peel Project TPP000Exploring how wilderness space shapes Canada's identity, its culture and imagination, The Peel...
The People's Choice: W5
CTV CTV625Powerful, identifiable, and unifying: Canada's maple leaf flag is worn and flown by Canadians...
The Peyote Trail: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 3
Farpoint Films FAR024Cinematographer Dave Gaudet learns about the use of peyote in religious Native American ceremony...
The Photograph
Motion Pictures Enterprises Inc. MPE007A family photograph taken in 1901 reveals its secrets when 100-year-old Victoria Covey tells...
The Pied Piper of Turtle Bay: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0008Joe is convinced animals love his flute playing but when they follow him to the Three Sisters...
The Plains of Abraham Mysteries: Unexplained Canada
Sean Karow KAR004War is a futile enterprise. Generals struggle with uncertainty, wagering lives while they guess at...
The Poet of Trauma Farm: Brian Brett - The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0092This episode of The Green Interview features Brian Brett, a passionate and diverse award-winning...
The Politics of Hope: Chris Turner - The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0019Interview with Chris Turner, an award-winning Canadian journalist who set out on a tour of the...
The Power of an Idea: Green Heroes Series, Season 1
CineFocus CIN003Industry contributes to pollution, but there are also green corporate heroes leading the way and...
The Power of Electricity: Planet Echo, Season 4
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0402ADVENTURE: Chuck and Andy set out to find the source of the electricity that powers our world...
The Prairies: Water Under Fire Series, Episode 3
George Gallant GG0003Our journey starts in the Alberta Rockies where snow-melt plunges off the alpine slopes to form the...
The Price of the Prize
Brandy Y Productions BYP001The Price of the Prize is a documentary about the First Nations fight to end grizzly bear trophy...
The Private Lives of Wild Creatures
Electric Monk Media Ltd. EMML06The Private Lives of Wild Creatures is about polar bears, great gray owls, and how Robert Taylor...
The Protected Place
Cher Obediah CHER01The Protected Place is an area of land located in Caledonia, Ontario where the scene of a land...
The Queen and Charles; Mother and Son: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1304A documentary examining the relationship between the Queen and her eldest son; how has it weathered...
The Queen and Her Prime Ministers: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1303During her reign of more than 68 years Queen Elizabeth II has had 14 Prime Ministers - from Winston...
The Queen; Duty Before Family: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1305The role of monarch is one that comes with many challenges - it's a life in the spotlight, every...
The Railroader's Daughter: DocJam Series
Canazwest CPI008The rich history of Terrace, British Columbia has long been linked to the railway and the many...
The Rankin File: Legacy of a Radical
Opus 59 Films Inc. HRFS00A film that was never finished. A mayor that Vancouver almost had. Vancouver, 1986. The Expo...
The Reason I Dance
LeMay Media LM0023Josée Bourgeois is an Algonquin life-giving woman who is a part of a very important generation...
The Removal of the Assiniboine from the Hills: Thunder Breeding...
InKubation Inc. DP0005For the Assiniboine, Cypress Hills was a place of great spiritual importance. In 1881, the Canadian...
The Return of Buffalo: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 3
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0679Bison, very abundant on the plains, were an important resource for indigenous peoples. Mass...
The Return of Kulos: Raven Tales, Season 2
Arcana Studio Inc. ASI026S'gaana the Killer Whale won’t allow the villagers to fish. Faced with starvation, Wina decides...
The Revelstoke Event: Unexplained Canada
Sean Karow KAR001Fireball Flames Down in BC. Sunlight, Sunset in Seconds. Fireball Panics South-Central BC were...
The Rise of Piracy in Canada (Part I): Canadiana Series, Season 3
The Canadiana Project Inc. UPP021Swashbuckling tales of pirates and plunder, we think of palm trees, and the sun-scorched shores of...
The Road to Peace: DocJam Series
Canazwest CPI014West Moberly First Nations are a reserve which has much respect for the environment and preserving...
The Road to Sustainability: Trees, Youth, Our Future Series
Pinegrove Productions EOMF01Explores the history of our relationship with the forests – from being home to Indigenous peoples...
The Road to the Constitution
LeMay Media LM0027The Road to the Constitution: “We, the Métis Nation, are Otipemisiwak—the people who own...
The Rockies: Water Under Fire Series, Episode 1
George Gallant GG0001The mighty Fraser River has suffered much change - clear cuts, pulp and paper mills and massive...
The Rough Face Girl: Raven Tales, Season 1
Arcana Studio Inc. ASI013The boys are making fun of Dza because she is a girl. Winadzi calls her ugly which hurts her...
The Royal Tyrrell Museum: Dino Trails, Season 1
Brandy Y Productions BYP041Anybody can be a dinosaur hunter in the Alberta badlands if they are doing surface collecting only...
The Saga of Murdo MacLeod (Graphic Novel)
MacLeod 9 Productions 300152NExpelled from their land on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland, Murdo MacLeod and his clan are given...
The Saga of Murdo MacLeod and His First Contact with the...
MacLeod 9 Productions 300152Expelled from their land on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland, Murdo MacLeod and his clan are given...
The Sage of Barefoot College: Bunker Roy - The Green Interview...
Paper Tiger PT0039This episode of The Green Interview features Bunker Roy, founder of the only college in the world...
The Sakura Trees of Toronto: Canadiana Shorts
The Canadiana Project Inc. UPP018Every spring, parks across Toronto turn white and pink with cherry blossoms. The Sakura trees are a...
The Sandman
Productions Grand Angle A173-026In northern Canada, Indigineous land is now the home to the largest industrial project in the...
The Sea Wolf: Raven Tales, Season 1
Arcana Studio Inc. ASI003Gwai is having a hard time catching fish, so Frog tells him to find the greatest hunter of all, the...
The Seven Sacred Laws
Peg City Pictures Inc. PCPI00The Seven Sacred Laws is a colourful and imaginative animated series that follows a young boy on an...
The Seven Sacred Laws (Anishinaabe Subtitles)
Peg City Pictures Inc. PCPI00ANNiizhwaaswi manito kaa inaaakonigewinun apijii minwaande’maagad dago gee kitchi nagadenjiigate...
The Seven Sacred Laws (French Subtitles)
Peg City Pictures Inc. PCPI00FRLes sept enseignements sacrés est une websérie animée haute en couleur et pleine...
The Shadow of Gold
Kensington Communications Inc. KC0111Do you wear a gold ring? Do you know where the gold in that ring comes from? The Shadow of Gold...
The Signing of Treaties Four and Six: Thunder Breeding Hills...
InKubation Inc. DP0003By 1879, the buffalo population was dwindling fast. As a result, life changed for First Nations...
The Sisters of Nagasaki
HG Distribution HG0104On August 9th, 1945, an atomic bomb explodes over Nagasaki. Held prisoner by the Japanese, a small...
The Sniper
Film Riel Inc. RTV063When WWl broke out in 1914, the 90th Winnipeg Rifles were one of the first regiments asked to form...
The Snipers
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV062The Snipers is a film that uses animation and archival footage to tell the story of Patrick Riel...
The Solstice Concerts featuring A Tribe Called Red (now known as...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0187This Canadian electronic music group blend instrumental hip hop, reggae, moombahton and...
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