Character Education
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Crazy Hair Day
Weston Woods WW850by Barney Saltzberg (Candlewick Press) Stanley arrives at school, all set to celebrate Crazy Hair...
Creature From The Black Fishbowl!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 2
Sardine Productions SAR065Beanie has long suspected that Mr. E, the mysterious owner of the local pet shop, is a space alien...
Creature Karma/Just My Luck: 1001 Nights, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB029Creature Karma (Episode 23) - A young girl befriends three animals who lead her on an interesting...
Creature Teacher: Audrey’s Shelter Series
Image-In Atlantic IIA204When Audrey's teacher, Mrs. Da Costa, comes to the Shelter to talk to her, Audrey is convinced that...
Cricket (Airflow Dynamics): Sports Lab Series
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE098Cricket star Darius D'Souza mentors Abraham and Delaine, two friends who share a keen passion for...
Crime at Shapely Manor, Part 1: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE006AOlive and Otto are sent to Shapely Manor to investigate an odd crime with even odder people. With...
Crime at Shapely Manor, Part 2: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE006BOlive and Otto lead all the suspects through the various clues they have found using their...
Critical Incident: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0705A survivor of work-related PTSD, paramedic Andrea Seymour is the former Critical Incident Stress...
Crow Trouble: The Mooh Brothers
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE200Two trouble-making crows, Roscoe and Bosco, arrive at the Mooh Farm in the middle of the night...
Crowing Pains: The Mooh Brothers
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE223While having a tug-of-war over a worm with Rosco, Bosco gets thrown backward and ends up stuck in a...
Cruise Ship - What Lives at the Bottom of the Ocean?: Jack...
PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-07-28When Jack and Chip get lost in a series of deep underwater caves at the bottom of the ocean, they...
Cuenta Cuentos: Serie Lili y Lola, Temporada 3
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB259SPLili y Lola tienen ideas muy diferentes sobre cómo entrar en el Muro de la Fama de los Narradores...
Cultural Diversity - Respecting Each Other's Differences: Social...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0194Learn all about cultural diversity and ethnicity. Culture includes family traditions, and...
The Best Part Inc. BPP000A humorous and heartwarming documentary feature, which chronicles the extraordinary journey of a...
Dad's Visit: Aunty B's House Series
Headspinner Productions HESP12Shelley’s dad comes to visit for the first time. Shelley wants the visit to be perfect, but...
Dance like Nobody's Watching: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE021AWhen the alarm system at Headquarters is triggered, Olive, Otto, Ms. O, and Oscar must avoid a...
Dance of the Wawatay: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0006Out late to view the Northern Lights, the friends race to rescue Buddy’s run-away drum before it...
Dance of the Zils: Ping and Friends
Kondololé Films Inc. KON046Matilda is embarrassed when she can't remember a special dance like the Turkish, Karsilama...
Dance, Dance, Dance: Ping and Friends
Kondololé Films Inc. KON015Ping and Pong and the sheep are having a dance party, but Mr. Prickles doesn’t know how he can...
Dance: Misho and Robin Series
Monster Entertainment MON542Misho and Robin follow the sound of music to the woods where they find Squirrel spinning and...
Danse Carrée: Ping et Ses Amis
Kondololé Films Inc. KON016FRMatilda et Ping travaillent ensemble afin que Matilda comprenne qu’il y a différentes sortes de...
Danse des Sagattes: Ping et Ses Amis
Kondololé Films Inc. KON046FRMatilda est embarrassée quand elle ne se souvient plus de la danse turque et son rythme de...
Danse, Danse, Danse: Ping et Ses Amis
Kondololé Films Inc. KON015FRQuand Ping, Pong et les moutons font une soirée dansante, monsieur Picou se demande comment il...
Dante - Fergus, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT626Dante is an 11-year-old boy from Fergus, Ontario. He is a proud Canadian Ugandan who loves...
Dare to Get the Bear/Beading Stars: Louis Says Season 1 (Cree...
Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC001Episode 1A: Dare to Get the Bear - Louis uses both English and Cree words to tell Randy that...
Dare to Get the Bear/Beading Stars: Louis Says Series
Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0001Episode 1A: Dare to Get the Bear - Louis uses both English and Cree words to tell Randy that...
Dark Zone: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0045On a trek to see the stars at a special place in the woods where Buddy sees lots of natural wonders...
Data Literacy Playlist
MCI852The video programs in this streaming list allow viewers to gain a specialized insight into data...
David Finch, Dave Johnston, & Nikole Lowe: That's Art
Blue Ant Media BAM070David Finch dropped out of high school in Grades 11. Twenty years later he is one of the super...
David: The Working Originals Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP022Born with Down syndrome, David refuses to let the label of “handicapped” hold him back in life...
Dawn of the Read: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE041BOdd Squad takes on a page-turner of a case at the local library, where some books are mysteriously...
Dayvid-Ray - Montreal, Quebec: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT622Dayvid-Ray is a 9-year-old boy from Montreal, Quebec. He is Canadian and Haitian, loves basketball...
De l'air (poussière et allergies): Globul-x
Productions Grand Angle F173-S01-08Règle transmise: Dépoussiérer évite les acariens et l’encombrement respiratoire. Mécanisme...
Deer Oh Deer!: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR074Manon meets a small deer who can't wait to have antlers, just like his father! Wanting to make the...
Déguisements en folie: 16 Hudson Séries
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB091FRLes enfants du 16, rue Hudson ont besoin d’accessoires pour le concours de costumes de la ville...
Deposit Slip Up: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE074AOdd Squad builds an exact replica of the villain Symmetric-Al’s vault to intercept a jetpack...
Derailed!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 2
Sardine Productions SAR062While Beanie and his grandmother are dropping off Mom at the train station, Admiral Bubbles...
Dérive en eau vive : Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-12-45Qu'est-ce que le mal des transports ? Lorsque toute la famille organise une sortie en rafting, Jack...
Des clients satisfaits : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...
Epic Story Media ESM145FRLorsque les Aventuriers et le Petit-Yétit s'occupent du restaurant, Simon leur laisse une liste...
Descente en luge: Théo le loup séries
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0003FRSortis glisser dans la neige, Théo, Nina et Bruno se portent au secours de Bricolo Jo dont la...
Dessert désastre : Hop, Saison 1
Epic Story Media ESM209FRHop, Penny, et Hulotte sont chargés de faire le meilleur gâteau pour l’anniversaire de Lonny...
Dessert Disaster: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM209For Lonny’s Birthday, Ronny wants Hop & Penny to make her the best cake ever! But what is the...
Details, Details.../Sinbad in Solitude: 1001 Nights, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB031Details, Details... (Episode 25) - A loose bolt on a wagon wheel sets in motion a chain of events...
Día de Nieve: Serie Lili y Lola, Temporada 3
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB261SPMientras se preparan para la escuela, Lili y Lola se divierten con onomatopeyas, palabras que...
Diary Collection (Diary of a Worm; Diary of a Spider; Diary of a...
Weston Woods WW2885Includes: • DIARY OF A FLY - written by Doreen Cronin, illustrated by Harry Bliss, narrated by...
Diego Velasquez: Art With Mati and Dada Series
HG Distribution HG0007Trying to solve one of the great mysteries of the art world, our two detectives venture into...
Diego Velasquez: L'art avec Mati et Dada
HG Distribution HG0007FREn tentant de résoudre un des plus grands mystères du monde de l’art, nos deux détectives...
Digeridoo: Ping and Friends
Kondololé Films Inc. KON028When Ping’s friend from Australia has his digeridoo break, Ping and Pong help hunt for a new one...
Digeridoo: Ping et Ses Amis
Kondololé Films Inc. KON028FRPing et Pong découvrent un nouvel instrument qui se prénomme le didgeridoo. Ce dernier est un...
Digging for Dinosaurs/Some Kind of Syrup: Louis Says Season 1...
Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC006Episode 6A: Digging for Dinosaurs - Randy tells Randy that Emily’s son wants a dinosaur...