Character Education
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Operation Clean Up: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0031When the kids think there is a giant snake in the lake they are determined to solve the mystery...
Opération granité: Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-07-27D'où vient la neige ? Jack décide d'aider les enfants à fabriquer de délicieuses boissons...
Operation Mac: Playdate Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE129It’s double trouble when Jacob gets hurt while playing in the attic, and when Mom shows up to...
Opération Nettoyage: Théo le loup séries
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0031FRLes enfants pensent qu’un serpent géant vit dans le lac et sont déterminés à résoudre le...
Operation Pal (Hypothesis): Annedroids Season Four
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE206Anne, Nick and Shania try various ways to rid Pal of the virus that Ada infected Pal with during...
Opération sauvetage : Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-10-39Comment une télécommande fonctionne-t-elle ? Wiky se prend d'affection pour un vieux jouet...
Orchid's Almost Half Hour Talent Show: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE062AAll the agents want to be a part of Orchid’s talent show, but she will only allow everyone to...
Oscar and the Oscarbots: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE010AWhen several of Oscar’s Oscarbots (robots made in his own image) become lost in town, Olive and...
Oscar of All Trades: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE040AOscar tells Olive about his early days at Odd Squad. Believe it or not, being a scientist wasn’t...
Oscar Strikes Back, Part 1: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE049AIn this two-part episode, Oscar attends a gathering of Odd Squad scientists called Lab-Con at Odd...
Oscar Strikes Back, Part 2: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE049BIn this two-part episode, Oscar attends a gathering of Odd Squad scientists called Lab-Con at Odd...
Oscar the Couch: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE033BOscar accidentally turns himself into a couch and has unfortunately locked the gadget that can...
Other Olympia: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE075AAgent Olympia is not happy when an agent with the same name shows up at headquarters. In order for...
Otis's Day: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE050BGetting a villain back to headquarters proves cumbersome when the tubes are down for maintenance...
Où es-tu papa? : 16 Hudson Séries
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB102FRQuand Paul, le papa de Luc, doit s’absenter quelques minutes, Luc doit apprendre à vivre sans...
Our Table
Weston Woods WW4022Creative visionary of The Word Collector, Happy Dreamer, and The Dot, #1 New York Times bestseller...
Out of Hand (Radio Waves): Annedroids Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE150When Hand acts out of control, Anne, Nick and Shania think she’s throwing temper tantrums or that...
Outride: Breaking Trail Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP013When mountain biker and middle school art teacher Suzanne Moore learns of a mountain bike phys-ed...
Owen - Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec: Sunny's Quest Series...
Apartment 11 APT629Owen is a 9-year-old Canadian Rwandan boy from Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec. He teaches us...
P3K Pinocchio 3000
HG Distribution HG0078A futuristic spin on the classic tale, filmed in visually stunning 3D animation. Geppetto creates...
P3K Pinocchio 3000 (French Version)
HG Distribution HG0078FRUne version futuriste du conte classique, filmé dans une animation 3D visuellement...
Package Run: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0018Important packages must be delivered by the friends but Joe is not able to run and jump through the...
Painting Party: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0030Hoping to win the local art contest each of the trio search for something interesting in nature to...
Pal 'n Go Seek (Animal Escape Techniques): Annedroids Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE140In this episode, Nick accidentally activates a security program that makes the Annedroids go into...
Pal in the Middle (Optics - Colours, Light and Prism)...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE146Shania is stuck at home taking care of her little brother Garth while Anne and Nick build a rainbow...
Palception (Dreams): Annedroids Season Four
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE210Pal is having nightmares about Magnus 22 and a faceless robot. Pal’s nightmares are so bad that...
Palling Around (Strength): Annedroids Season Three
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE194While Anne and Shania work on Pidgely’s new exo-suit complete with intruder extraction mode, Pal...
Pam a du panache : Canot Cocasse Saison 2
Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800218Pam a du panache (épisode 4): Canot Cocasse Saison 2: Thème : Utiliser son imagination pour...
Pam et la chicoque: Canot Cocasse Saison 3
Manito Cocasse 3 Inc. 800230Thème : Exprimer ses sentiments au lieu d’accumuler les frustrations et exploser. Pam veut se...
Pam et la couleuvre: Canot Cocasse Saison 5
Manito Cocasse 5 Inc. 800257Pam a peur de grandir. C'est en rencontrant Coucou la couleuvre qu'elle prendra conscience que...
Pam et les blanchons : Canot Cocasse Saison 2
Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800222Pam et les blanchons (épisode 8): Canot Cocasse Saison 2: Thème : Ce qui peut nous sembler une...
Pam et Touti: Canot Cocasse Saison 3
Manito Cocasse 3 Inc. 800236Pam et Touti (épisode 8): Canot Cocasse Saison 3: Thème : Comprendre que les tâches qu’on...
Pam prend son courage à deux mains: Canot Cocasse Saison 4
Manito Cocasse 4 Inc. 800256Thème : Oser essayer des choses qui nous font peur même quand on sait qu’il n’y a pas de...
Pantheon: L'art avec Mati et Dada
HG Distribution HG0038FRMati et Dada découvrent le Panthéon, à Rome, grâce à une visite guidée par nul autre que...
Paolo Uccello: Art With Mati and Dada Series
HG Distribution HG0008Mati’s quest to draw a realistic horse leads her and Dada right into a shadow animation adventure...
Paolo Uccello: L'art avec Mati et Dada
HG Distribution HG0008FRMati et Dada découvrent les ombres chinoises avec la fameuse peinture «Saint-George et le...
Paper Pusher: Galapagos X, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB305Zeph wants to be an artist one day, but learns recycling is the only possible career in the future...
Par un Beau Jour D’orage: Ping et Ses Amis
Kondololé Films Inc. KON023FRPong a peur de l’orage. Ping va utiliser les sons du tonnerre et du vent dans une pièce musicale...
Para Alpine Skiing (Drag Forces/Air Resistance): Sports Lab...
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE114Guest pro Erin heads out to the giant slalom course to meet Nykeem and Sarah, a tenacious young...
Paradis perdu : Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-11-42Pourquoi les volcans entrent-il en éruption ? Jack découvre un endroit idéal pour prendre des...
Parent Swap (Air Gliding): Annedroids Season Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE181Nick and his Dad do a father/son engineering challenge every year at Zack’s Dad’s welding shop...
Parmigianino: Art With Mati and Dada Series
HG Distribution HG0019Mati and Dada find themselves in Fontanellato, Italy, and discover the charming myth of Diana and...
Parmigianino: L'art avec Mati et Dada
HG Distribution HG0019FRMati et Dada se retrouvent à Fontanellato et découvrent le charmant mythe de Diane et Atteone...
Parts of the Body: Anaana’s Tent Series
Taqqut Productions TPI006Rita Claire teaches Qimmiq about parts of the body, eating right and brushing our teeth. Looee...
Parts of the Body: Anaana’s Tent Series (Inuktitut Version)
Taqqut Productions TPI006INᐃᑦᑐᐊᖕᒐ ᐃᓕᓐᓂᐊᖅᑎᑦᑎᓂᐊᖅᑐᖅ ᕿᒻᒥᕐᒥ ᑎᒥᐅᑉ...
Party of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE009BWhen people in town can no longer count down, Olive and Otto must uncover who is causing the...
Party Pooper, Hop: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM203When the Hoppers discover that Jerome has a hot air balloon, everyone is excited to fly in it...
Pas de danse, pas de loup : Canot Cocasse Saison 2
Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800227Pas de danse, pas de loup (épisode 13): Canot Cocasse Saison 2: Thème : Faire preuve de...
Patate Joyeuse : Hop, Saison 1
Epic Story Media ESM248FRLonny veut célébrer sa première “Patate Joyeuse”, la fête d’hiver amusante et festive de...
Patinage de vitesse: Théo le loup séries
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0009FRNina est certaine que ses nouveaux patins ultra-rapides lui permettront de foncer plus vite que...
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