Criminal Justice & Law
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Spirit Bear: Rendre hommage aux souvenirs, semer des rêves
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC007FRSpirit Bear visite le territoire algonquin lorsqu'il rencontre Jake, un gentil chien qui porte un...
Spiritual Roots of Restorative Justice
Peter Campbell PCI007The Honourable Bria Huculak, a Saskatchewan provincial court judge calls it a spiritual experience...
Stacked Odds: W5
CTV CTV866Approximately 35,000 Canadians die every year as a result of medical errors in hospitals and...
Stalking Cynthia: See No Evil Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1141Fifty-seven year-old Cynthia Langrall is a devoted wife, hard-working paralegal and much loved...
Stealing Home (W5)
CTV CTV013Mortgage fraud - it's a crime wave sweeping the country, and it's a problem no one wants to talk...
Stella Bowles: Teenage Citizen Scientist Inspires Hope (The...
Paper Tiger PT0101Stella Bowles is an example of how one person—even a young person—can make a very big...
Prospector Films PF0000Stolen: For the size of their population, Aboriginal women in Canada account for an incredibly...
Stop Traffick: Human Trafficking in America
Learning ZoneXpress 430187Human trafficking is the business of slavery - buying, owing, and selling people - and there are...
Straight Deal: W5
CTV CTV078Looking for a new car? You might want to wait to buy until you've seen W5. Once again we've hit the...
Struggles Over the Melting Arctic: Great Decisions 2021
Scorpion Television SCTV65U.S. President Donald Trump left many scratching their heads when it was rumored that he was...
Sudden Impact: After the Crash
Human Relations Media 600323Drunk driving crashes: they happen every day, and when they do, the reporting on the nightly news...
Surrender the Land - Treaty 1: Treaty Road Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0748As Erin Goodpipe and Saxon de Cocq begin their journey of discovery on Treaty 1 territory in...
Survivors Rowe
Loud Roar Productions LRP003For almost twenty years Ralph Rowe held a unique esteem in the isolated First Nation Reserves of...
Suspect Zero: W5
CTV CTV761W5's Avery Haines investigates the disturbing tip that sparked the massive probe into men who...
Suspended and the Art of Forgiveness
Refuge 31 Films R31007The story follows Winnipeg artist Cliff Derksen as he sculpts, paints and teaches art. For Cliff...
Swatting: W5
CTV CTV716W5 investigates alarming incidents that seem to be happening more and more in big cities - tactical...
Taken: W5
CTV CTV782W5's Merella Fernandez sits down with Sharon Pedersen to hear the painful, confusing and traumatic...
Tanzania, Greece and Uganda: One Planet, One Chance Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1427In Greece we learn about how knowledge and inclusion has led to successful conservation and what...
Tarnished Reputation: The Lie Detective Series
Reel Girls Media REEL30A lonely housewife comes to Ken with the story of her 37-year marriage. After years of believing...
Tax Me If You Can: W5
CTV CTV593When the wealthy neglect to pay taxes little is done to recover the money, but what about everyday...
The 99%: Occupy Everywhere
Passion River Films PR3502This award-winning film, narrated by Lou Reed, has been broadcast on three US television stations...
The Baby in the Snow: W5
CTV CTV781W5's Avery Haines tells the story of the frantic search for and tragic discovery of a missing baby...
The Barwin Babies: W5
CTV CTV756W5's Avery Haines speaks to two young women whose lifelong belief that they were only children was...
The Body Broker: W5
CTV CTV774During a year-long investigation, W5 probed the dark and often illegal side of the "body broker...
The Boys from Grand Manan (W5)
CTV CTV351Carter Foster and his buddies-Lloyd Bainbridge, Matthew Lambert, Michael Small and Greg Guthrie-are...
The Cannibal on Bus 1170: Re-Thinking Moral Panics
Shortcutstv Ltd STV017When Vincent Li murdered and then cannibalised 22 year old Tim McLean on a Greyhound Bus heading...
The Carbon Rush (52 Minute Version)
Wide Open Exposure Productions WOE001Hundreds of hydroelectric dams in Panama. Incinerators burning garbage in India. Biogas extracted...
The Carbon Rush (84 Minute Version)
Wide Open Exposure Productions WOE002Hundreds of hydroelectric dams in Panama. Incinerators burning garbage in India. Biogas extracted...
The Central Park Five: Ken Burns (Classroom Edition)
PBS Video 041625In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem were arrested and later convicted of raping a...
The Children of Woodlands (W5)
CTV CTV331For more than a century, the Woodlands school just outside Vancouver was supposed to be a safe...
The Children of Woodlands - Update (W5)
CTV CTV366Woodlands School, a complex of forbidding buildings in New Westminster, British Columbia was opened...
The Children: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0716Inuk singer Beatrice Deer delves into the history of residential schools to write a song in tribute...
The Click Trap: The Dark Side of Digital Advertising
Video Project, Inc. TVP128Ever feel like an ad for running shoes or a podcast about vegan living pops up in your feed just...
The Confession: W5
CTV CTV610After months of denials and counter-accusations, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford stunned city hall and the...
The Crypto Bros: W5
CTV CTV956Avery Haines investigates the tangled web of Canada's self-proclaimed 'crypto king', Aiden...
The Cult Queen: W5
CTV CTV962W5 investigates the strange world of self-proclaimed 'Queen of Canada' Ramona Didulo and her...
The Darkest Hours: W5
CTV CTV820“This was the most depressing time I had in my whole political life.” — Marc Lalonde, former...
The Death Debate: W5
CTV CTV908On March 17, 2023, people with mental illnesses will become eligible for Medical Assistance in...
The Decline
Event Film Distribution Inc. EFDI00Investigates the ever-growing overdose epidemic in North America. In 2015 German director/producer...
The Dionne Quintuplets - Exploitation?: Living History Series
Warren Schlote WSCH03In the 1930s, the first set of quintuplets survived past birth. It happened on a quiet farm in...
The Eeyouch of Istchee Series
Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) PPE037“We were always led to believe that we didn’t have any rights. We were just squatters on the...
The End of Globalization: Great Decisions 2021
Scorpion Television SCTV69As the United States enters another election season, the merits and drawbacks of globalization are...
The English Romanian Adoptee Project: Re-Thinking Deprivation...
Shortcutstv Ltd STV035The English-Romanian Adoptees Project was the first study to follow a cohort of children who had...
The Ethics of Abortion: When Does Life Begin?
Shortcutstv Ltd STV020The controversies surrounding abortion involve a clash between two fundamental rights: the right of...
The Explosion - Searching for Answers after the Beirut Blast: W5
CTV CTV929Almost three tonnes of ammonium nitrate was somehow left in a warehouse near peoples’ homes, a...
The Fire: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0623Oji-Cree songwriter Nick Sherman reflects on the challenges of living in a town steeped in...
The Forgotten: W5
CTV CTV701"THE FORGOTTEN" examines cases of Canadian Thalidomide survivors who have been denied government...
The Ghost of Dana Bradley
CTV CTV098A tightly-knit Newfoundland community experiences grief and anger when a young girl is abducted and...
The Ghosts in Our Machine
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE092THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE illuminates the lives of individual animals living within and rescued...
The Girl in the Suitcase: W5
CTV CTV741W5 investigates the story of a cold case crime mystery, told by the cop who broke the case. Former...