3389 title(s) found.« Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next » Last »
A Grandfather’s Defense: The Lie Detective Series
Reel Girls Media REEL23A grandfather comes to Ken's office with an emotionally disturbing case. Alienated by his family...
A Great Endeavour: The Lost World of Joseph Banks Series
Pilot Productions 555016Episode 1 of the documentary, "A Great Endeavour" looks at Banks’ early privileged life as the...
A Great Lakes Romance
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV052Made in 1918, this film is a drama that follows a cruise ship around the Great Lakes.
A House Divided: The Unity Debate
CTV CTV142This production discusses the politics of Meech Lake and the narrowing options for success in the...
À la recherche du sportif parfait
ARTE France F259-014Les performances des athlètes ont considérablement évolué au cours des vingt dernières...
À la source de la tyrannie
Theorem et Les films d'un jour F296-020Hitler, Mussolini, Staline, Mao, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Un : tous ont été des enfants...
A Life Forgotten: W5
CTV CTV056Terry Evanshen was one of Canadian football's greatest receivers - a little man in a big man's game...
A Midwife's Tale: American Experience
PBS Video 040348Based on her personal diary, this program presents a dramatic exploration of the life of Martha...
A Nation Soars: Commemorating Canada's Great War Flyers
Sound Venture SVP028A Nation Soars is a trilogy of documentaries narrated by Dan Aykroyd that explore how aviation...
A National Perspective: Water Under Fire Series, Episode 7
George Gallant GG0007What do Canadians think about water? Walkerton and North Battleford made us aware that public...
A New Economy
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE012A New Economy is a feature documentary about people making a fresh start towards building a new...
A New Life (W5)
CTV CTV348As waiting lists for kidney transplants grow longer, many desperate Canadians are going abroad to...
A New World of Hurt
New World of Hurt Production Inc. NWHP01A New World of Hurt explores the outer limits of human physical endurance and mental strength...
A Nurturing Sea: Nunavik
Productions Vic Pelletier A75-S01-01The Inuit live in intimate contact with the sea. Despite the encroachments of the modern world...
A Pile of Dirt
RhoJan Films RHO000A Pile of Dirt is short Docu-Film unearthing a Regent Park of the past through the eyes of a new...
A Place Called Shandro
Guerrilla Films GF0003An impressionistic documentary that chronicles the settlement of east central Alberta by Ukrainian...
A Place to Stand
Video Project, Inc. TVP001A Place to Stand tells the story of acclaimed author Jimmy Santiago Baca’s transformation from a...
A Plague of Witchcraft: Witches of Salem Part 3
Blue Ant Media BAM1160George Burroughs, the former minister of Salem Village, is arrested in Maine and brought to Salem...
A Queer Country
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE034A Queer Country uncovers how liberal attitudes in Israel are often at odds with the country’s...
A Requiem for the Canadian Dream
LeMay Media LM0011A Requiem for the Canadian Dream: A Requiem for the Canadian Dream is a new short documentary film...
A Right to Know: W5
CTV CTV402Many women expect that when they walk into the doctor's office, the person examining them can be...
A Ripple on Life
Nettel Media Inc. NMI000Explores clean water’s impact on life and death in Uganda. When Ugandan women who are in labour...
A Rolling Stone: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 4
Farpoint Films FAR025Cinematographer Dave Gaudet investigates the Majorville Medicine Wheel located in Southern Alberta...
A Routine Flight: W5
CTV CTV361February 28, 2005. Four loggers board a Beaver float plane in Campbell River, on Vancouver Island...
A Silver Lining: All Too Clear - Beneath the Surface of the...
Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV047Episode 3 of All Too Clear explores how some fish are adapting to the mussels, and asks the...
A Simple Question: The Story of STRAW
Video Project, Inc. TVP002A Simple Question: The Story of STRAW looks at an innovative program that brings together students...
A Simpler Way; Crisis as Opportunity
Happen Films HAP000A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity is a feature-length documentary that follows a community in...
A Small Part of Me
Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF004Tobin, a transgender teen prepares for his acting debut where he’ll be playing a male leading...
A Small World - Part 1: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0033Indigenous peoples often told legends of a race of "little people" who lived in the woods near...
A Small World - Part 2: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0034Little people have been a part of folklore in many cultures and have been seen worldwide as...
A Sobering Story
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV050Unveiling the harsh reality of substance use in Thunder Bay, Ontario, this universally themed...
A Space Odyssey: W5
CTV CTV783Getting a live interview with David Saint-Jacques from the International Space Station takes an...
A Taste for Blood: Web of Darkness Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1359Worst fears come true at the first night on the job in a mortuary. A teen’s curiosity over a...
A Tested Relationship - The U.S. and Mexico: Great Decisions...
Scorpion Television SCTV07The U.S. relationship with Mexico has been in the spotlight in recent months because of the...
A Time of Healing: W5
CTV CTV705W5's Victor Malarek follows the recovery of Mykola Nyzhnykovskyi, who was left a triple amputee by...
A Town Divided: W5
CTV CTV869Rayne Gelinas has a crystal clear memory of the day the Pride flag was raised in her small town...
A Vast Land: Nunavik
Productions Vic Pelletier A75-S01-02In this program, we look at the physical landscape: the region’s giant hydroelectric power...
A Way Out
CTV CTV160Anne-Marie Mediwake looks at two innovative arts-based programs that are helping street kids and...
A Wild Idea (English Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP003A Wild Idea explores Ecuador's unprecedented proposal for fighting global warming and preserving a...
A Wild Idea (Spanish Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP004A Wild Idea explores Ecuador's unprecedented proposal for fighting global warming and preserving a...
A World of 3 Zeros
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV060Professor Yunus, banker to the poor, social entrepreneur, and Nobel Peace Laureate is globally...
A World on Edge
ARTE France, JEM Productions, L'INA A242-006End of credit based growth, financial madness, explosion of public debt, runaway population...
A World on Edge
ARTE France, JEM Productions, L'INA A242-006End of credit based growth, financial madness, explosion of public debt, runaway population...
A World on Edge
ARTE France, JEM Productions, L'INA A242-006End of credit based growth, financial madness, explosion of public debt, runaway population...
A World Unnoticed
HG Distribution HG0001Currently in hibernation are the amphibians and reptiles of Quebec. Of all the animal species...
A World Without Forests: A World Without... Series
AB Productions A296-S02-02Faced with direct and indirect pressures from humanity, what will future forests look like? How...
A World Without Microbes: A World Without... Series
AB Productions A296-S02-03What would happen if, by waving a magic wand, all the germs disappeared from our planet? It would...
A World Without Mosquitoes: A World Without... Series
AB Productions A296-S02-04Mosquitoes, from Spanish for "little fly" measure between 0,5 and 1,5 cm and weight just a few...
A World Without Sand: A World Without... Series
AB Productions A296-S02-05Sand is all around us. It’s the main ingredient for concrete and we use it to build our houses...
A World Without Satellites: A World Without...Series
AB Productions A296-S02-01Relying on satellites has become an integral part of our daily life and economy. Their use has now...