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My Italian Secret: The Forgotten Heroes
PBS Video 041822Would you risk your life to save a stranger? My Italian Secret tells the story of cycling idol...
My Matriarch: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0718Anishinaabe electro-pop artist Wolf Saga draws inspiration for his music from a painting his...
My Millennial Life (55 Minute Version)
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM01My Millennial Life is a provocative feature-length documentary about big dreams, crushing...
My Millennial Life (80 Minute Version)
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM02My Millennial Life is a provocative feature-length documentary about big dreams, crushing...
My Name Is Pedro
Passion River Films PR4841My Name Is Pedro is an essential and timely reminder of the importance of great educators that...
Ninen Productions Inc. 9PI000A candid and powerful window into the movement to preserve and celebrate Wolastoqui (Maliseet)...
PBS Video 040719This documentary follows a group of amateur actors from a poor neighborhood in northwest London as...
My Worst Nightmare Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1320We all dream every night for about 2 hours and nearly 6 years of our lives are spent dreaming. But...
Mysteries from Above, Season 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1500Mysteries from Above is a documentary series that sets out to investigate significant historic and...
Mysteries of China Series
Blue Ant Media BAM946Expanding on the success of Lost City of Jinsha, Mysteries of China is a series that sees leading...
Mystery of Muskoka: W5
CTV CTV355In March, 1997, Barb Anderson helped her 69-year-old brother John Crofts board a bus to Toronto...
Mystical in the Mist: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 4
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0791Doc sends Hayley to investigate the global folklore surrounding mystical dragons. She visits the...
Mystifying Mothman: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 3
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0684Doc sends Shayla to West Virginia to investigate the town of Point Pleasant’s legendary Mothman...
Myths for Profit: Canada's Role in Industries of War and Peace
Wide Open Exposure Productions WOE003Canada the global good guy? Lets examine that claim. Essential intro to geopolitics and profits...
Na'puktaqn (triggered snare): Merchants of the Wild; NS...
Buck Productions 300079With the seasons turning and food sources low, stress and loneliness push Jody to the edge, leaving...
NAFTA: Playing with a Volatile Substance
CineFocus CIN018Hosted by Eric Peterson (Corner Gas, Street Legal), this one-hour investigative documentary...
Naître dans ce monde (90:00)
Filmblanc Inc. FILM04FRRéalisé par Noemi Weis, Naître dans ce monde aborde la politique, la commercialisation et les...
Nanabijou - The Sleeping Giant: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0052Shayla goes to Thunder Bay to check out the Ojibwa legend of The Sleeping Giant. This rock...
Nano Around Us: Welcome to The Nanoworld Series
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC003In the second episode, we learn how nanotechnologies could really change our vision of the world...
Nano Inside Us: Welcome to The Nanoworld Series
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC004For our third journey, we find out what changes nano particles can bring to our body. We discover...
Nanomonde et Maxitrouille: Bienvenue Dans Le Nanomonde
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC005FRAprès l’histoire et la découverte de perspectives fantastiques, nous ne pouvons ignorer...
Nanoworld and Maxifear: Welcome to The Nanoworld Series
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC005After the history and exploration of these fantastic horizons, we must fathom the unknown territory...
Naples, Petra, Denver, Detroit, Brooklyn, Kuala Lumpur and...
Switch SWED91This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...
Narco Avocados: W5
CTV CTV927This is not a story about drugs. It’s a story about a lesser-known cartel product. A product...
Narco Jungle - The Darien Gap: W5
CTV CTV963For six days the W5 crew documented an unfolding migrant crisis through the Darien Gap, an untamed...
Narco Jungle - The Death Train: W5
CTV CTV968Avery Haines rides atop Mexico’s “death train” through narco territory, documenting the...
Narco Jungle - The Death Train: W5 - Avery Haines Investigates
CTV CTV969Following up on the acclaimed documentary, “Narco Jungle”, Avery Haines focuses on the plight...
Narratives of Modern Genocide
Passion River Films PR4822After the holocaust the world said, "never again," yet genocide is happening in the world right...
Nation Untamed, Season 1
10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100600Nation Untamed follows the journey of Sam Karney, a Métis man, as he seeks to reclaim his heritage...
Native America
PBS Video 041916Native America challenges everything we thought we knew about the Americas before and since contact...
Native America (Season 2)
PBS Video 041979Native America illuminates the beauty and power of contemporary Indian Country in this Native...
Native Planet: The Fight for Mother Earth Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0770Native Planet is a documentary series that travels the world to explore the unique spiritual...
Nature - Discovering Our Planet: Global Science Series
T2MP and Reuters A296-S05-05Even if we launch probes to unknown planets, even if first settlers on Mars are a dream becoming...
Nature Dazzles
Camilo Gomez CG0000Gender Splendour Week at The Grove Community School in Toronto promotes mental health wellness...
Nature Dazzles (French Version)
Camilo Gomez CG00FRGender Splendour Week at The Grove Community School in Toronto promotes mental health wellness...
Nature Dazzles (Spanish Version)
Camilo Gomez CG00SPGender Splendour Week at The Grove Community School in Toronto promotes mental health wellness...
Nature of Inspiration
291 Film Company 291020Some of Canada's best visual artists discuss how their work is related to the environment. Includes...
Nature's Invaders
Productions Grand Angle A173-032The damage caused by invasive species in New Caledonia is now reaching dramatic proportions: deer...
Nature's Invitation
Brandy Y Productions BYP012A documentary about Canada's quest to get new immigrants in touch with nature. It also explores the...
NATURE: Frogs: The Thin Green Line
PBS Video 041848Frogs have been on this planet for more than 250 million years, evolving into some of the most...
Nature: Snowbound: Animals of Winter
PBS Video 041862From the shelter of our homes, snow looks magical, but it's a harsh reality to many animals. Snow...
Né dans la neige
Productions Vic Pelletier F98-003Né dans la neige est un documentaire portant sur la vie d’Eddy Weetaluk, un Inuit du Nunavik...
Neo Tokyo, le futur en VR
AB Productions F296-007Si aujourd’hui, une rame de métro remplie de passagers portant tous des casques de réalité...
Neo Tokyo, the Future in VR
AB Productions A296-007Tokyo metro trains are packed with passengers who are all using VR headsets for travelling through...
Nerja Spain: Restoration Planet Series, Season 1
Robert E Moberg Films REM018Nerja, Spain holds some very special residents - local wild goats known as Spanish ibex. We enlist...
Nevada: Seeing the USA Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP064Brandy Yanchyk starts her journey of Nevada exploring the extraordinary Cathedral Gorge State Park...
Nevaeh Pine - Voice of Disruption: Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP010Grade ten student Nevaeh Pine is a proud Ojibwe teen from Garden River First Nation who found her...
Never Again: A Broken Promise
InFilm Productions IFP002Sometimes the most impactful stories are the ones that sneak up on you. Never Again: A Broken...
Never Forget: The Legacy of Dictatorships
Phares & Balises A196-008The last three decades of the 20th century brought unexpected but gratifying advances in democracy...
Never Too Late: The Doc Severinsen Story
Video Project, Inc. TVP101After more than 30 years as the colorful bandleader of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson...
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