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Early Childhood Education

1735 title(s) found.

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Jack and the Dolphin - Are Dolphins One of the Smartest Animals...

PVP Jack II Inc. A267-S01-03-09

Are dolphins really among the smartest animals? Is it true that they have the ability to learn...

Jack And The Snake - Do Cold-Blooded Creatures Really Have Cold...

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-08-31

When Jack visits the Amazon, unbeknownst to him, a boa constrictor slithers into his ship…. and...

Jack Earns His Wings - How Do Birds Fly? Jack, Season 2

PVP Jack II Inc. A267-S01-01-01

How do birds go about flying? As a magpie flies away with the alien device used by the children to...

Jack or RoboJack? How Does a Compass Work? Jack, Season 2

PVP Jack II Inc. A267-S01-04-14

Jack is content to let his robot replacement do all his work until the overly efficient RoboJack...

Jack, Saison 2

PVP Jack II Inc. F267-S01

Jack est un petit extraterrestre pour qui tout sur la Terre est source de curiosité et de...

Jack, Season 1

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01

Jack is a fun‐loving alien explorer whose coolest discovery yet is the amazing "Planet Earth...

Jack, Season 2

PVP Jack II Inc. A267-S01

Jack is a small alien who finds everything on Earth fascinating. Spurred on by his insatiable need...

Jackosaure: Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-01-04

Pourquoi les dinosaures ont-ils disparu? Jack construit un immense dinosaure mécanique, haut de 30...

Jackosaurus - Why Are Dinos Extinct? Jack, Season 1

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-01-04

When a mechanical dino that Jack has built as a surprise for Nico runs amok in the neighbourhood...

Jackson Pollock: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0004

Mati and Dada action paint with Jackson Pollock and end up deep inside a swirling painting! This...

Jackson Pollock: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0004FR

Mati et Dada font de la peinture d'action avec Jackson Pollock et finissent au plus profond d'une...

Jacky’s Comet - What Are Comets?: Jack, Season 1

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-10-37

Jack’s plan to enjoy a fun ‘snow day’ with the kids backfires when a large comet is reported...

Jack’s Fault Line - What Causes Earthquakes? Jack, Season 1

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-12-47

While treasure hunting, the kids and Jack uncover an old mine shaft that leads down to a tunnel...

Jacob's Valentine: Playdate Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE103

When Jacob leaves the attic for a minute to get some more supplies for a secret craft he’s...

Jaguar: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR151E

Big Bear and Squeak assemble a puzzle in the cave. When the puzzle is done they discover a jaguar...

Jam: Misho and Robin Series

Monster Entertainment MON537

Robin and Misho are having breakfast. Oh no, there’s no more jam! No problem, they will make...

Jamming Jam: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON033

When Ping and Pong run out of jam, they help Mr. Prickles make more. By using everyday sounds in...

Jan Vermeer: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0025

When Dada is magically doubled by a mirror, Mati, Dada and Dada 2 are whisked off to the...

Jan Vermeer: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0025FR

Mati et Dada rencontrent Jan Vermeer, le célèbre peintre qui aime utiliser les miroirs dans ses...

Jelly Jailed - How Does Gelatin Work? Jack, Season 2

PVP Jack II Inc. A267-S01-02-08

How does gelatin work? A secret plan to help Mom make a prize-winning Jelly sculpture results in a...

Jetstream Adventure!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 2

Sardine Productions SAR067

Elwood and Beanie are staying up all night watching a marathon of old “Jetstream” science...

Jinx: Odd Squad Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE026B

When all of Odd Squad comes down with a case of the jinx, it’s up to Oscar and Dr. O to save the...

Jinxed!: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM219

When Hoot goes away for the day, she leaves Jinx in the care of Hop and Penny. But when they don't...

Jolly Potato: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM248

Jolly Potato is a fun and festive winter holiday that frogs and other Hoppers celebrate. Lonny...

Jouer à cache-crabe : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM135FR

Bernard, le crabe de compagnie de monsieur Picard, a disparu et Luna, Bric et Poulpi se mettent à...

Jouer avec Mamie-Yéti : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM196FR

Petit-Yéti adore sa grand-mère Mamie-Yéti, mais il s'inquiète lorsqu'elle commence à oublier...

Journée frère et soeur : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM233FR

Lonny adore le “Jour des Frères et Sœurs”, où elle peut faire tout avec Alfred. Mais…...

Journey Through Fear: Wapos Bay, Season 1

HG Distribution HG0107

It is June 21 and there is a lot of excitement because the Wapos Bay community is celebrating...

Joyeaux Conga-Versaire: Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON012FR

Pong est bloqué hors de sa maison et ne peut accéder aux instruments nécessaires pour jouer à...

Julie et la licorne des mers: Canot Cocasse Saison 4

Manito Cocasse 4 Inc. 800248

Thème : Les créatures qui existent peuvent être aussi merveilleuses que les créatures...

Julie et Mimi la fourmi: Canot Cocasse Saison 5

Manito Cocasse 5 Inc. 800261

Julie utilise sa force pour prendre un objet qu'elle convoite. En aventure cocasse, elle prendra...

Jurassic Attic: Playdate Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE092

Jacob and Molly have transformed Mac and Priscilla into dinosaurs looking for a yummy Triceratops...

Just My Size: Mia & Codie Series

Epic Story Media ESM263

When Codie wishes to be bigger, Mia helps him grow with code. Only, he grows too big and can't fit...

Kangou-boum-boum : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM162FR

Luna a hâte que Chloé son amie kangourou la visite d'Australie, mais quand elle arrive, elle a...

Kasimir Malevich: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0013

A bad case of hiccups takes Mati and Dada into the abstract Suprematist artwork of Russian painter...

Kasimir Malevich: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0013FR

Kasimir Malevitch explique l’art abstrait à Mati et Dada. Mati, une petite fille, et Dada, son...

Keeper of the Treasure: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR100

At the beach, Manon picks up seashells that Bingo the dog hides in his sandcastle as his treasure...

Keeping Up With The Jinns/King For a Day: 1001 Nights, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB019

Keeping Up With The Jinns (Episode 13) - A man stumbles across a bottle and a lamp in the middle...

Keys To Quality Infant and Toddler Care

Magna Systems 520038

What do you expect to find when you enter a child care center or day care home? What makes a center...

Kids and Family Foods Issues

Learning ZoneXpress 430146

Getting children to eat can be a constant battle for some parents, while other parents may be...

Kindergarten Prep - Basic Punctuation for New Readers and...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0062

This program prepares kids for kindergarten by teaching them basic punctuation that is essential...

Kindergarten Reading - Phonics and Word Recognition: English...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0130

This program will teach students to know and apply  phonics and word analysis skills in decoding...

Kindergarten Reading - Phonological Awareness, Vol. 1: English...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0007

What’s in a word? New readers learn about rhyming words – words that end with the same sound...

Kindergarten Reading - Phonological Awareness, Vol. 2: English...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0011

This program meets kindergarten reading standards and builds upon the concepts of phonological...

Kindergarten, Here I Come!

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI068

Kindergarten is an exciting new journey for little ones. It's a huge milestone for both children...

Kite Flight: Mia & Codie Series

Epic Story Media ESM264

When Codie's kite gets stuck in a tree and even Evu the kite expert can't get it out, Mia programs...

Kites: Misho and Robin Series

Monster Entertainment MON555

Misho and Robin are inside the house watching TV. They refuse to go out, but suddenly the TV...

Know It Owl: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM139

Completing the Eagle Creek obstacle course should have been easy peasy seabreezy, But Luna keeps...

L is for Listening: Tiga Talk! Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0270

Tiga is not very good at listening – he continually gets distracted while Kimmie tries to read...

L' adominable chose : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-08-32

Quels sont les effets de l'altitude ? Lorsque les enfants entendent à la télévision que...

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