First Nations Studies
1919 title(s) found.« First « Previous 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Next » Last »
Out of This World: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 3
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0686UFOs have been sighted for centuries, always moving in a deliberate manner, leaving at incredible...
Outdoor Classroom/The Ya'axche Conservation Trust/Exploitation...
Aarrow Productions AP0014Outdoor Classroom/The Ya'axche Conservation Trust/Exploitation of the Tar Sands: Two Aboriginal...
Pablo Allard and Early Conservation: Bison Return From the Edge...
Square Sheep Films SQU004Canada was instrumental in bringing bison back from the brink of extinction. The...
Package Run: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0018Important packages must be delivered by the friends but Joe is not able to run and jump through the...
Pahquis - Ojibwe, Wikwemikong, ON: Raven's Quest, Season 1
Apartment 11 APT020Pahquis is 8 years old. He’s Ojibwe, lives in Wikwemikong ON, and loves to perform. He sings...
Paint the Town Red: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0714Hip-hop superstars Snotty Nose Rez Kids take us on an energetic tour of the Indigenous street art...
Painting Party: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0030Hoping to win the local art contest each of the trio search for something interesting in nature to...
Pam a du panache : Canot Cocasse Saison 2
Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800218Pam a du panache (épisode 4): Canot Cocasse Saison 2: Thème : Utiliser son imagination pour...
Pam et la chicoque: Canot Cocasse Saison 3
Manito Cocasse 3 Inc. 800230Thème : Exprimer ses sentiments au lieu d’accumuler les frustrations et exploser. Pam veut se...
Pam et la couleuvre: Canot Cocasse Saison 5
Manito Cocasse 5 Inc. 800257Pam a peur de grandir. C'est en rencontrant Coucou la couleuvre qu'elle prendra conscience que...
Pam et les blanchons : Canot Cocasse Saison 2
Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800222Pam et les blanchons (épisode 8): Canot Cocasse Saison 2: Thème : Ce qui peut nous sembler une...
Pam et Touti: Canot Cocasse Saison 3
Manito Cocasse 3 Inc. 800236Pam et Touti (épisode 8): Canot Cocasse Saison 3: Thème : Comprendre que les tâches qu’on...
Pam prend son courage à deux mains: Canot Cocasse Saison 4
Manito Cocasse 4 Inc. 800256Thème : Oser essayer des choses qui nous font peur même quand on sait qu’il n’y a pas de...
Papatsie - Inuk, Ottawa, ON: Raven's Quest 1
Apartment 11 APT012Papatsie is an Inuk girl who lives in Ottawa, Ontario. She’s 9 years old. Papatsie’s English...
Paradigm Shift: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2
Redcloud Studios RS0027Kris goes to Ottawa to meet Elaine Kicknosway, 60’s Scoop Advocate and Co-Founder of The National...
Parks Canada: Bison Return From the Edge of Extinction, Ep. 7
Square Sheep Films SQU007The plains and wood bison are integral to the ecosystem of Elk Island National Park, and fencing...
Parts of the Body: Anaana’s Tent Series
Taqqut Productions TPI006Rita Claire teaches Qimmiq about parts of the body, eating right and brushing our teeth. Looee...
Parts of the Body: Anaana’s Tent Series (Inuktitut Version)
Taqqut Productions TPI006INᐃᑦᑐᐊᖕᒐ ᐃᓕᓐᓂᐊᖅᑎᑦᑎᓂᐊᖅᑐᖅ ᕿᒻᒥᕐᒥ ᑎᒥᐅᑉ...
Pas de danse, pas de loup : Canot Cocasse Saison 2
Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800227Pas de danse, pas de loup (épisode 13): Canot Cocasse Saison 2: Thème : Faire preuve de...
Passamaquoddy Bay Shellfish; Aerni Rossmount: Untamed Gourmet...
291 Film Company 291001Swiss Chef Chris Aerni's Rossmount Inn Restaurant changes its menu on a daily basis to accommodate...
Patinage de vitesse: Théo le loup séries
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0009FRNina est certaine que ses nouveaux patins ultra-rapides lui permettront de foncer plus vite que...
Peau de caribou: Innu Aitun
CinéFête F9-S01-10De la peau du caribou, les Innus tirent mille et un articles nécessaires à la vie de tous les...
Peeling Eel: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq)...
Buck Productions 300081The group learns to harvest and prepare a lake dweller, but it is not for the squeamish. Daybi...
Pemmican and York Boats: Bison Return From the Edge of...
Square Sheep Films SQU002In the early 19th century, there was intense competition between the North West Company and the...
Penelakut - Returning to the Healing Circle
Peter Campbell PCI001In Penelakut: Returning to the Healing Circle, a filmmaker returns to an island off the coast of...
Pesa’lut Tia’m (Skin moose): Merchants of the Wild; NS...
Buck Productions 300076Everyone is shocked after an adventurer calls it quits and leaves the journey for good. The...
Petit Chef Ours: Théo le loup séries
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0012FRLorsque Bruno se lance à la recherche d’une plume de corbeau comme l’avait fait son père...
Petit et Puissant : Canot Cocasse Saison 2
Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800216Petit et Puissant (épisode 2): Canot Cocasse Saison 2: Thème : Même si je suis seul et petit...
Pets Rock: Louis Says, Season 4
Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0033Louis needs Randy to entertain Mr. Thompson's acimosis (puppy) pet. Join Randy on his journey to...
Peyton - Métis, Winnipeg, MB: Raven's Quest, Season 1
Apartment 11 APT010Peyton is an 8-year-old Métis girl from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Peyton loves to jig and would like to...
Phenix - Gesgapegiag, Quebec: Raven's Quest Series, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT185Phenix is an 8-year-old Mi’kmaq boy from Gesgapegiag, Quebec. He helps out at his...
Philippines: Skindigenous Series, Season 1
Nish Media 310001From a remote mountain village in the Northern Philippines, Wang Od Oggay carries on the tattooing...
Picking Up the Pieces: The Making of the Witness Blanket
Canadian Museum for Human Rights / Musée canadien pour les droits de la personne CMHR00The Witness Blanket stands as a national monument to recognize the atrocities of the Indian...
Picking Up the Pieces: The Making of the Witness Blanket (55...
Canadian Museum for Human Rights / Musée canadien pour les droits de la personne CMHR01The Witness Blanket stands as a national monument to recognize the atrocities of the Indian...
Pilotes de planeur: Théo le loup séries
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0013FRLe planeur d’un ami s’est cassé et les enfants croient que Jo peut le réparer, mais quand le...
Pit Oven: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq)...
Buck Productions 300082After a long day of paddling across new lakes, Joshua begins to feel the weight of the journey he...
Pizza Mania: Louis Says, Season 4
Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0038Louis give Randy some money to purchase the ingredients for nisto aspâcikana pizza (pizza with...
Place Is Punk: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0720Haida band Jason Camp and The Posers reveal how their beautiful home of Haida Gwaii inspires their...
Plains Talk - Saulteaux: Finding Our Talk, Season 1
Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME48This episode follows the work of a virtually self-taught, highly motivated language teacher. Stella...
Planet Echo, Season 1
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0100The Clément Brothers, Chuck and Andy have embarked on an extra-ordinary planetary adventure that...
Planet Echo, Season 2
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0200The Clément Brothers, Chuck and Andy have embarked on an extra-ordinary planetary adventure that...
Planet Echo, Season 3
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0300The Clément Brothers, Chuck and Andy have embarked on an extra-ordinary planetary adventure that...
Planet Echo, Season 4
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0400Planet Echo is an environmental based mash - up of the colourful stories about people, places and...
Plastic is Forever: Kids Can Save the Planet Series
Video Project, Inc. TVP037What happens when you throw plastic away? Dylan D'Haeze, a 13-year-old filmmaker from the San Juan...
Plastics: Planet Echo, Season 2
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0212In this episode we find out that there a many alternatives to plastic... this could be...
Plus courageux ensemble: Théo le loup séries
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0022FRLes amis sont réunis pour une soirée pyjama, mais Nina n’aime pas être loin de sa mère et...
Policy: Future History - Harnessing Knowledge, Season 1
Redcloud Studios RS0003Our hosts, Sarain and Kris unpack the complexities of government policy and its effect on...
Poplar’s Schtick: Back to Roots Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0745Matricia Bauer, a proud member of the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation in northern Alberta, forages for...
Port Alberni Salmon Feast: Dolly McRae and Annie Watts: Untamed...
291 Film Company 291009Chefs and cookbook authors Dolly McRae and Annie Watts forage for wild ingredients near their home...
Portages: Innu Aitun
CinéFête F9-S01-06« Vers le 5 août, nous partions vers l’intérieur des terres et, autour du 16, nous commencions...
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