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First Nations Studies

1919 title(s) found.

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Tribal Police Files Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0339

TRIBAL POLICE FILES documents First Nations police services across Canada, and their unique...

Tribal Police: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0696

Manitoba’s Dakota-Ojibway Tribal Police and Alberta’s Blood Tribe Police Force are two of a...

Triggers: #Unsettled (Ep 7)

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0643

As the election candidates continue to battle it out, an opiate overdose at the high school...

TRIPPING The Niagara

Good Earth Productions GETS02

TVO Original TRIPPING The Niagara takes viewers on a 3 hour hawk’s-eye journey, soaring and...

TRIPPING The Rideau Canal (240 Minute Version)

Good Earth Productions GETS01

TRIPPING The Rideau Canal is an immersive four-hour documentary that takes you on a virtual tour of...

Trouble in Paradise: W5


In 2013, the government of British Columbia granted the owners of a landfill site located directly...

Troubled Waters

Barking Dog Pictures A270-002

As world food shortages loom large commercial ice fishers in northern Canada are leaving a majority...

True North: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0707

From Carcross in the Yukon Territory to the far reaches of Nunavut, life in Canada’s north can be...

Truth and Reconciliation - The Legacy of Residential Schools in...

LeMay Media LM0007

This program examines the history, legacy and current impacts of the Residential School experience...

Truth and Reconciliation: RezX TV, Season 3

Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ001

RezX TV is an Indigneous lifestyle show produced by RezX entrepreneur Chris Ross from the Red Earth...

Truth, Dance and Reconciliation

Aarrow Productions AP0000

Truth, Dance and Reconciliation: The story of Canada's residential school system and its traumatic...

Truth, Reconciliation and Healing Playlist


An in-depth study of the effects of colonialism in Canada from a historical and contemporary...

Ts'il?os Provincial Park, BC: Great Canadian Parks

Good Earth Productions GEGCP07

One of Canada's newest parks, Ts'il?os (pronounced sigh-loss) is bordered by the rugged Chilcotin...

Tsatáhkhaton Ieioiénhton: (Ep 7) Kanien'kehá:ka...

Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME17IN

Hill kahwá:tsire rontate’ken’okón:’a Mike, Gary tánon Rodney. Tsi na’tehóntere, ísi’...

Tsu'xitt: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 4

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0795

Orcas (killer whales) are the largest of the dolphin family species, very intelligent marine...

Tuarua – Oriori: The Untold Tales of Tuteremoana Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0662

Tuarua – Oriori” Circa I500 AD. The story of two brothers on a spiritual journey. When a young...

Tuatoru – Whiro: The Untold Tales of Tuteremoana Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0663

Tuatoru – Whiro” Circa 1769 AD.  This story reveals the importance of love, loss and the...

Tuer l'indien, dans le cœur de l'enfant (55 min.)

Arte GEIE F196-043A

Ce film inédit remonte aux racines d’un mal profond qui ronge la démocratie canadienne. Mal de...

Tuer l'indien, dans le cœur de l'enfant (73 min.)

Arte GEIE F196-043B

Ce film inédit remonte aux racines d’un mal profond qui ronge la démocratie canadienne. Mal de...

Tuktut Nogait National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM162

This hidden wonder of the arctic is one of the great secrets of the Parks system. Tuktut Nogait...

Tunisia: Skindigenous Series, Season 2

Nish Media 310026

Manel Mahdouani is a tattoo artist living in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. As a descendent of the...


Robert E Moberg Films REM001

The devastating collapse of the 2014 Mount Polley mine tailings pond dam in central British...

Turtle Bay Bike Rally: Wolf Joe Series


The friends become competitive as they attempt to win a ribbon for best bike decoration. When...

Turtle Bay Flyers: Wolf Joe Series


A friend’s glider is damaged and the pals are sure Hank can fix it but when the powerful launcher...

Turtle Bay Radio: Wolf Joe Series


When the kids help out at the local radio station they discover a problem with the antenna is being...

Turtle Bay Talent Show: Wolf Joe Series


Joe believes he has magician's skills until he discovers Smudge the puppy helped in every one of...

Turtle Trek: Wolf Joe Series


When the kids find a turtle nest, they know they need to help the hatchlings overcome all...

Two Wolves: #Unsettled (Ep 5)

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0641

With Myles busy at school, Darryl at work, Tara juggling her medical duties and running for Chief...

Two-Spirit Identities: Amplify Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0621

Mohawk songwriter Shawnee and Ojibwe-Cree Elder Ma-Nee Chacaby consider the history and role of...

Tzouhalem (52 Minute Version)

Less Bland Productions LESS01

Tzouhalem, Chief of the Cowichan First Nation during the mid-1800’s, is arguably one of the most...

Tzouhalem (92 Minute Version)

Less Bland Productions LESS00

Tzouhalem, Chief of the Cowichan First Nation during the mid-1800’s, is arguably one of the most...

U of S Grad Pow Wow, Mosaic FN Pavilion, Shana Pasapa, Constant...

Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ009

This episode features stories on; Mosaic First Nations Pavilion, the University of Saskatchewan...

Ukaliq and Kalla Go Fishing

Taqqut Productions TPI020

Ukaliq and Kalla Go Fishing tells the story of an ice-fishing trip taken by two unlikely...

Ullumi Today

Films de l'Isle A152-001

In 50 years, the Inuit have gone from the igloo to the internet. Today the key to the...

Ultimate Guinea Pig Power: Planet Echo, Season 2

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0210

It this episode it’s all about alternative forms of power. From solar to wind we learn that there...

Un Pont à ne pas oublier (Ep 8) Les Mohawks: Bâtisseurs de...

Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME18FR

Le pont international de la voie maritime fait office de frontière entre le Canada et les...

Un toit pour les mouffettes: Théo le loup séries


Dans un marais rempli de grenouilles, Théo et ses amis déploient de gros efforts pour sauver un...

Uncharted Surveyor: The Peter Fidler Story

Farpoint Films FAR005

In the year 1788, what was to become Canada was anything but a quiet wilderness. A corporate war...

Uncharted Waters

Molly Dennis MODE00

Uncharted Waters celebrates community conservation efforts in Howe Sound/Atl’ka7tsem (UNESCO...

underEXPOSED, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0201

underEXPOSED follows a team of action sport photo journalists and documents the adrenaline-packed...

underEXPOSED, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0215

underEXPOSED follows a team of action sport photo journalists and documents the adrenaline-packed...

underEXPOSED, Season 3

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0229

underEXPOSED follows a team of action sport photo journalists and documents the adrenaline-packed...

underEXPOSED, Season 4

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0256

underEXPOSED follows a team of action sport photo journalists and documents the adrenaline-packed...

Underground: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0020

Indigenous Scientists look inside the earth and rock layers to learn about the Earth's history; and...

Understanding Poverty: 12 Neighbors Series

Hemmings House Pictures HHP018

Meet the amazing cast of characters from 12 Neighbors, a wonderful series which explores the...


Wild Confluence Media WCM004

Told through the lens of three women with unique personal connections to Alaska’s Tongass...

Undiscovered Vistas Series

Blue Ant Media BAM300

UNDISCOVERED VISTAS is an awe-inspiring journey that reveals some of the most beautiful places in...

Une équipe de choc: Théo le loup séries


Théo est persuadé qu’il va gagner la compétition sportive avec Mishoom comme coéquipier, mais...

Une Montagne de Chiots: Théo le loup séries


Bruno est craintif devant un nouveau chiot de taille imposante. À cause de sa crainte, une simple...

Unexplained Canada Series

Sean Karow KAR006

Unexplained Canada examines the fact, fiction and possible folly of some our nation’s...

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