[subject] Gender Studies
105 title(s) found.17 And Life Doesn’t Wait (58 Minute Version)
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM00A17 And Life Doesn’t Wait is a compassionate and humorous documentary featuring three smart and...
A Pink and Green Christmas
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE119Christmas celebrations at Chatsworth Hamilton Women’s Prison are forbidden because Warden...
A Town Divided: W5
CTV CTV869Rayne Gelinas has a crystal clear memory of the day the Pride flag was raised in her small town...
American Experience: The Vote
PBS Video 041951One hundred years after the passage of the 19th Amendment, The Vote tells the dramatic story of the...
Analogue Revolution: How Feminist Media Changed the World
Marusya Bociurkiw MB1000Warning: This video contains some brief images from archival women’s magazines and films showing...
Art and Status in Society
Mimi Shulman 010093Mimi Shulman is a visual artist in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, who is hearing impaired. She has...
Becoming More Visible
Video Project, Inc. TVP009Are you Male or Female? For the four fearless young transgender adults featured in the film this is...
Between The Shades
Passion River Films PR4256Fifty conversations exploring the many different shades of being “gay” in America. This...
Breaking Loneliness
Brandy Y Productions BYP056Breaking Loneliness is a documentary about people finding ways to escape loneliness and social...
Byron Chief Moon: Grey Horse Rider
Mouvement Perpétuel A193-002Byron Chief-Moon is a multi-talented actor, stuntman, dancer, choreographer playwright, and founder...
Coming Out: What Every Teen (Gay and Straight) Needs to Know
Human Relations Media 600540According to a recent national poll, approximately 5% of America's high school students (3 to 4...
Connecting the Dots: A Global Conversation about Youth Mental...
Noemi Weis NW0000The first documentary of its kind, Connecting the Dots takes on the subject of mental health...
Conversion: Small Town Queer, Ep. 2
Snapshot Studios Inc. SNAP03Jay Whitehead just wanted to belong. After he came out to his church, he was sent to conversion...
Crime and Gender: Closing the Gap
Shortcutstv Ltd STV027The most consistent finding in the study of crime is the relationship between crime and gender. In...
Cultural Diversity - Respecting Each Other's Differences: Social...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0194Learn all about cultural diversity and ethnicity. Culture includes family traditions, and...
Daniel’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP304For Daniel, taking on the task of being his partner Richard’s caregiver as he battled AIDS was...
Derek Klapka - Rafting en Nouvelle-Zélande: Guides...
HG Distribution HG0188FRDerek Klapka est une sommité dans le milieu du rafting. Accompagné de touristes en quête de...
Entre deux sexes
ARTE France F196-027Afin que l’ordre des choses soit respecté, que le monde reste rose ou bleu, fille ou garçon, la...
Every Body Curious, Season 2
Blue Ant Media BAM1405Every Body Curious is an entertaining and educational series about sex, sexuality and healthy...
Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM06Family Secrets is a 13-part Gold Remi Award winning documentary series. Described by critics as...
Fight Like a Woman: Miranda’s Journey
Susan G. Enberg Productions Inc. SGE003As the mother of two young boys, Miranda Burrell had gained a lot of weight and was feeling unwell...
Finding Bobbi
Reel Girls Media REEL02Finding Bobbi tells the story of actor Bobbi Charlton’s long, courageous journey through gender...
First Love: Mimi on a Mission Series
Blue Ant Media BAM997Mimi Missfit takes seven 14/15-year-olds on a sex ed fact finding mission to the Netherlands. They...
Food for the Rest of Us
Copper Quartz Media Inc. CQM000ENFood for the Rest of Us is a feature film that presents 4 stories of people living life on their...
Food for the Rest of Us (With French Subtitles)
Copper Quartz Media Inc. CQM000FRFood for the Rest of Us is a feature film that presents 4 stories of people living life on their...
For the Love of the Game (Burlington, ON): A Good Game Series
4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310094It isn’t easy being a female professional hockey player. Victoria Bach, current PWHL player and...
Forgotten Queens of the Iron Age
Autentic GMBH AUT042On the Italian Adriatic coast, archaeologists have made a sensational discovery: a luxurious Iron...
Ga Gitigemi Gamik (We Will Plant Lodge) - Manitoulin Island, ON...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C020This film features the beginning of Ga Gitigemi Gamik (We Will Plant Lodge), a planned ecological...
Game Face
Passion River Films PR3153The award-winning documentary “Game Face” tells the parallel story of Fallon Fox, MMAs first...
Gay? Queer? Two-Spirited?... Human Being: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0115Lisa sends Métis writer Cole Alvis into Toronto’s two-spirit community to explore the space...
Gender and Communication: Styles and Stereotypes
Learning Seed 200230The moment someone declares, "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl!" the biological make up of that child...
Gender Gap: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1446Money is just the tip of the iceberg; uncover the surprising spread of the gender gap throughout...
Gender Identity - Part 2: Pronouns, LGBTQIA+ and Gender Identity...
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0139An individual’s gender identity is how they understand their own gender, and usually how they...
Gender: Every Body Curious, Season 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1400Gender expression is how a person chooses to express themselves, while gender is how they feel on...
GeoMinute Series Playlist
Canadian Geographic Enterprises CGE015A series of 13, 1 minute segments celebrating milestone anniversaries of significance in...
Gloria: W5
CTV CTV528She has been challenging women and men to redefine the relationship between the sexes for forty...
Gloriously Free
Filmblanc Inc. FILM02A stunning profile of how the world’s gay refugees are fleeing discrimination, persecution and...
Grounded Acres Organic Farm - Gibsons, BC: Depth of Field: Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C024Grounded Acres is a queer-run farm growing certified organic mixed vegetables and fruit on the...
Grounded Acres Organic Farm - Gibsons, BC: Depth of Field: Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C024FGrounded Acres is a queer-run farm growing certified organic mixed vegetables and fruit on the...
Handling Bullies When You're LGBTQ
Human Relations Media 600699Did you know that young people who identify as LGBTQ are at an increased risk for bullying? Young...
HANDS ON: Women, Climate, Change
Elizabeth Miller SHORE07HANDS-ON women: climate: change profiles five women from four continents tackling climate change...
HANDS ON: Women, Climate, Change (French Version)
Elizabeth Miller SHORE07FHands-on suit les histoires de cinq femmes provenant de quatre continents qui luttent contre le...
Homothérapies, conversion forcée
Ego Productions F296-014L’homosexualité est aujourd’hui encore considérée comme une maladie par de nombreuses...
Homotherapy (52 Minute Version)
EgoDoc Productions A296-014In 2019, some people are still considering homosexuality as a disease. By studying movements coming...
Identity: Kids Matter; Inside the Minds of Tweens and Teens...
Revealing Media Group RMG008Winner - SILVER TELLY AWARD for Diversity and Inclusion. “Best LGBTQ Film” – The Paris Film...
ARTE France A196-018Neither a girl nor a boy, or a little of both, the intersexes are from an invisible community that...
Introducing Debbie: Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM08A son asks his father ‘How does it feel to be a grandmother?’ The father responds ‘I’m too...
La Collection des cinéastes autochtones Wapikoni
Wapikoni Mobile WM0000FRLa Collection Comprend: Wolastoq amsqah peciyay (L’origine de la Wolastoq) (3:18)...
La recherche commence: De cœur et d’esprit, Ép. 1
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC01FRDans le premier épisode, la chanteuse autochtone de renommée nationale Laura Vinson partage son...
On The Creek Films Inc. OTCF01When the world locked down, filmmaker Ali Grant turned to the only woman she could get within 6...