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987 title(s) found.

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Central America: Voyage of the Continents Series

ARTE France A259-S02-02

Between North America and South America, the forces of the Earth have made way for the small area...

Changements climatiques - la réponse du fleuve: Vu du large 1

CinéFête F88-S01-02

Le fleuve respire. Les écosystèmes de son littoral sont essentiels à sa propre survie. Pourquoi...

Chasing Wild Horses

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR056E

This feature length documentary tells the story of photographer Roberto Dutesco and his passion for...

Cheveyo, Ha-li and Kimowan - Tofino, British Columbia: Raven's...

Apartment 11 APT510

Cheveyo (11), Halidzox (10) and Kimowan (8) are three siblings who live with their family on an...

Chichen Itza: Wonders of the World Series

Educational Voice 992189

This animated geography video lesson is all about Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza was a large...

China - Great Wall: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE422

Julia and Joanna visit the most famous monument in China- The Great Wall! Along the way, they take...

China - New Years: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE424

Julia and Joanna journey to Beijing to celebrate New Years! During the festivities, the girls play...

China - Opera: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE423

It’s a jam-packed day in Beijing for Julia and Joanna. They explore Tiananmen  Square and the...

China - Pandas: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE421

Julia and Joanna visit a breeding centre for pandas way up in the foggy mountains of Chengdu. They...

Chinese Spring Festival: Festivals Around The World Series

Educational Voice 992141

This animated video class explores the Chinese Spring Festival or New Years celebration. People bid...

Christ the Redeemer: Wonders of the World Series

Educational Voice 992187

This animated geography video lesson visits Christ the Redeemer, the statue of Jesus Christ in the...

Chyyah - NuChaNulth Nation, BC: Raven's Quest, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT003

Chyyah is an 8-year-old girl from the NuChaNulth Nation, in Port Alberni, British Columbia. Chyyah...

Cinque Terre: Keeping Traditions as a Tourist Destination: David...

Blue Ant Media BAM1216

A picturesque seaside region that’s a tourism hot-spot, the Cinque-Terre consists of 5 coastal...

Circumstance of Circle Stamps: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 3

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0685

Shayla visits a man who photographed a mysterious phenomenon that appeared near Red Deer, Alberta...

City: The Wild, Wild East

Blue Ant Media BAM339

It's Halifax through the eyes of its wildest residents. Squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons and seagulls...

Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve, British Columbia: Striking...

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV019

Encompassing 350 000 hectares on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Clayoquot Sound contains some...

Climate Displacement & Sustainable Solutions Playlist

Elizabeth Miller SHORE01

From the Shore Line Project. Half of the world’s population lives by the coast and increasing...

Coastal Revival Series

Brandy Y Productions BYP033

Coastal Revival tells the story of how passionate environmentalists and First Nations peoples are...

Coasties: L'équipe climat de Parcs Canada

Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV002FR

L'érosion côtière n'est pas une plaisanterie et les Canadiens de tout le pays participent...

Communities and Geography: Social Studies Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0191

Explore various communities and geography.  What is a community?  What are the different types of...

Confounds by Mounds: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 3

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0687

Native American mounds are ancient earthen structures presumed to be used for burial and sacred...

Continental Divide: Canada Over the Edge, Season 3

Blue Ant Media BAM170

Beginning at the US border, we explore the wonders of the continental divide, from...

Continents - An Overview

Eduflix Group AB KMG025

If we take a look at our planet, it is divided into seven continents: Europe, Africa, Asia...

Coronation Gulf: Canada Over the Edge, Season 4

Blue Ant Media BAM185

Hope Bay: Gold in the Greenstone Belt Prospectors have been seeking precious metals from this...

Costa Rica - Animal Rescue: Are We There Yet? World Adventure...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE377

At an animal rescue centre in Costa Rica, Sam and Molly meet Benjamin the kinkajou, search for...

Costa Rica - Zip Line: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE378

Molly and Sam have a healthy breakfast of fresh fruit to prepare them for an exciting day of...

Côte est: Les États-Unis vus du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S02-01

De la frontière canadienne jusqu’à Manhattan, des criques et des ports du Maine jusqu’à...

Côte nord-ouest: Les États-Unis vus du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S02-02

(De l'Oregon jusqu'à Vancouver via Seattle et la rivière Columbia)Voici l'un des paysages marins...

Côte ouest: Les États-Unis vus du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S02-03

Du Golden Gate de San Francisco jusqu’aux collines huppées d’Hollywood à Los Angeles, des...

Côte sud: Les États-Unis vus du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S02-04

Des étendues marécageuses de Louisiane jusqu’aux îles quasi-tropicales de l’archipel des...

Couleurs d'Islande: Les vues du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S03-06

À l'automne, l'Islande change de couleurs : après des semaines de lumière presqu'en permanence...

Countries in Europe: Spain

Eduflix Group AB KMG026

Spain has approximately 47 million inhabitants. It is one of Europe’s largest countries. In this...

Creatures of Central Alberta: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 4

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0794

Hayley probes strange sightings in Maskwacis, in central Alberta. She consults Dr. David Aveline...

Crescent Presence: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0046

Tom sends Shayla to Robert’s Arm, Newfoundland  to check out a lake monster known as Cressie. He...

Crocodiles vs. Alligators - Similarities, Differences, Fun Facts...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0264

Learn all about the similarities and differences between crocodiles and alligators, the biggest...

Crossing the Danakil: Volcanic Odysseys (Episode 1)

Blue Ant Media BAM099

German volcanologist Tom Pfeiffer takes a group of volcano climbers on an adventure across the...


Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE025

This powerful film odyssey across America explores the sea change in our national attitude from...

Dancing Lights: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 3

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0689

Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights, is an awesome light show caused by electrically charged...

Dante - Fergus, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT626

Dante is an 11-year-old boy from Fergus, Ontario. He is a proud Canadian Ugandan who loves...

Danxia Landform of Zhangye: Geographic Wonders of the World...

Educational Voice 992123

This animated geography video lesson explores the Danxia Landform, a landform made up of different...

David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series, Season 7

Blue Ant Media BAM1208

David returns to his beloved Italy, but this time to experience cities he’s never been to. The...

David Rocco’s Dolce Southeast Asia Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1194

After falling in love with the sights, smells and of course flavours of Southeast Asia in his many...

Dayton - Six Nations, Grand River, ON: Raven's Quest, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT013

Dayton is an 11-year-old Mohawk boy from Six Nations of the Grand River in Ontario. He’s a huge...

Dayvid-Ray - Montreal, Quebec: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT622

Dayvid-Ray is a 9-year-old boy from Montreal, Quebec. He is Canadian and Haitian, loves basketball...

Deer: The Wild, Wild East

Blue Ant Media BAM345

Wild Wild East travels through time and space to show what one year - and four seasons - looks like...

Delta Discoveries: Arctic Secrets Series

Blue Ant Media BAM318

The Western Arctic's mammoth Mackenzie Delta is the second largest in North America after the...

Dempster Highway North: Canada Over the Edge, Season 4

Blue Ant Media BAM190

Dempster Highway The Dempster Highway was started in the 1950's as an industrial corridor for...

Des cartes gagnantes

Sound Venture SVP032

Dans ce premier documentaire, le narrateur Bernard Voyer raconte comment la photographie aérienne...

Deserts: Biomes Series

Eduflix Group AB KMG044

When we think of the desert, perhaps we mostly think of large expanses of sand dunes. But only a...

Deserts: Planet Echo, Season 1

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0105

Chuck and Andy head to the Mojave Desert to find out how people and animals can survive in such an...

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